
There is Nothing we Can Do

"What are you seeing up there, General?" Vincent asked, getting straight to the point as he focused on driving his M-ATV Oshkosh into the direction of the Great Forest of Arendel.

"We are seeing the flame dragon currently engaging the elven forces. The elven forces has already suffered a lot of losses but they are still fighting on. I have just witnessed an extraordinary event where a drill-shaped vines was shot up from the ground and struck the flame dragon," General Harper explained in detail.

"Okay, how far are we? Can you calculate our position from the flame dragon to us?" Vincent requested.

"No problem, we are crunching the numbers now," General Harper responded. "Based on the current speed and direction, you're approximately 15 kilometers away from the Flame Dragon's location. At your current speed, you should reach the outskirts of the Great Forest of Arendel in about 20 minutes."

Vincent nodded, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Roger that. What's the status of the AC-130 and the C-130 that we are requesting?"

"They are on the runway, prepping for take-off. And I must say, they are going to be late," General Harper answered.

"It's okay, it's better late than never," Vincent said.


At the airfield, the AC-130 and C-130 crews were making final preparations for takeoff.

Inside the cockpit of the AC-130, Captain Harris was running through the pre-flight checklist with his co-pilot, Lieutenant Foster.

"Fuel levels?" Captain Harris asked.

"Checked and confirmed," Lieutenant Foster replied, glancing at the gauges.

"Navigation systems?"

"Online and calibrated."

"Weapon systems?"

"All systems green. We're ready to go."

Captain Harris nodded in satisfaction and picked up the radio. "Control, this is AC-130 Ghost Rider, requesting clearance for takeoff."

A crackle of static was followed by the calm voice of the air traffic controller. "Ghost Rider, you are cleared for takeoff. Winds are calm, visibility is clear. Good luck out there."

"Roger that, Control. Ghost Rider is rolling out," Harris responded.

As the massive aircraft began to taxi down the runway, the C-130 crew was also completing their final checks. Captain Williams and his team were preparing for a crucial supply drop mission that would support Vincent and his team.

"All cargo secured?" Captain Williams asked, looking back at his loadmaster.

"Secured and ready, Captain," the loadmaster confirmed.

"Good. Let's get this bird in the air."

Williams picked up his radio. "Control, this is Hercules, requesting clearance for takeoff."

The air traffic controller's voice came through clearly. "Hercules, you are cleared for takeoff. Follow Ghost Rider's lead. Good luck."

"Copy that, Control. Hercules is rolling out."

Both aircraft began their ascent, engines roaring as they lifted off the runway and into the clear sky. The AC-130 Ghost Rider took the lead followed closely by the C-130 Hercules. General Harper was informed of their departure and quickly relayed the information he had gotten to Vincent.

"The birds are on their way to you, Shadow Actual. ETA, fifty minutes. Over," General Harper relayed through the radio.

"Copy that, General. We'll hold the line until they arrive. Over," Vincent replied, maintaining his focus on the road ahead.

As Vincent and his team sped towards the Great Forest of Arendel, the landscape around them transformed from rolling hills to dense, towering trees.

"Stay sharp, everyone. We're almost there," Vincent said, glancing at his team members who were equally focused and ready for the upcoming confrontation.

In the distance, the sounds of battle grew louder.

"Eyes on the target," Vincent commanded as they reached the outskirts of the Great Forest. They could see the smoke rising from the battlefield, and the fiery glow of the dragon's breath.

Vincent pulled the M-ATV Oshkosh to a stop at a vantage point where they could assess the situation.

He grabbed his binoculars and peered through its lenses. All he was seeing was the flame dragon laying waste on the forest, burning as many trees as possible, killing as many elves as possible, and destroying as many structures as possible.

Eamon also watched the unfolding events before his eyes and he couldn't believe it. The Elven Kingdom was supposed to be one of the strongest nations on the planet, but for them to be easily overwhelmed by the Flame Dragon was shocking.

Eamon turned to Vincent, his face filled with concern. "What are we going to do? The elves are being decimated out there!"

Vincent kept his gaze on the battlefield, his mind racing. "There's not much we can do right now. Our weapons aren't effective against that thing. We need the firepower from the AC-130 and the supplies from the C-130. Until then, we hold our position and prepare."

"How long would it be?"

"Less than 30 minutes," Vincent replied, his eyes narrowing as he continued to observe the battlefield.

"So we are going to stand here for thirty minutes. It's not like we have much of a choice here," Eamon admitted. They can only watch the destruction unfolding before them, helpless to intervene effectively. The dragon's fiery breath continued to wreak havoc on the forest and the elven forces.

Thirty minutes later, Vincent received a transmission.

"Shadow Actual, this is Hercules. We have entered the Great Forest of Arendel's airspace and are preparing for the drop. We need your exact location. Over," came the transmission through Vincent's radio.

Vincent quickly responded, "Copy that, Hercules. We are marking our position with flares. Stand by."

He turned to his team. "Alpha Team, deploy the flares. Make sure they are visible from the


Alpha Team swiftly grabbed the flare guns and fired multiple flares into the sky.

"Hercules, this is Shadow Actual. Flares deployed. Do you have visual? Over," Vincent


"Affirmative, Shadow Actual. We have visual on your position. Initiating drop sequence.

Circle the drop zone and prepare to deploy. Over," Captain Williams confirmed from the C-130


The C-130 Hercules began its descent, circling the drop zone to ensure precision. The loadmaster in the cargo bay gave a thumbs-up to Captain Williams, signaling that everything

was ready for the drop.

"Cargo secured and ready for deployment," the loadmaster reported.

"Roger that," Captain Williams acknowledged. He keyed the mic, addressing the entire crew. "Prepare for supply drop. Ensure all crates are deployed accurately. Loadmaster, begin the

drop on my mark."

The C-130 flew low and steady, the flares clearly marking the drop zone. As the aircraft reached the optimal position, Captain Williams gave the order.


The loadmaster hit the release mechanism, and the cargo bay doors opened. Supply crates,

equipped with parachutes, began to slide out of the aircraft and descend towards the ground.

"Drop complete, Shadow Actual. Supply crates are inbound to your location. ETA for ground contact is two minutes. Over," Captain Williams transmitted.

"Copy that, Hercules. We have visual on the crates. Over," Vincent replied, watching as the crates floated down, their parachutes billowing in the wind.

the supply crates descended, Vincent turned to his team. "Alright, let's get into action."