
Joining the Fray

"Pry it open, Alpha 2," Vincent ordered.

Alpha 2 approached the first supply crate that had landed. He grabbed a crowbar and wedged it under the lid, using his strength to pry it open. The lid gave way with a loud creak, revealing the contents inside.

"Looks like we've got some heavy ordnance here," Alpha 2 reported, pulling out a Javelin missile launcher. "This should give us a fighting chance against that dragon."

Vincent nodded in approval. "Good. Distribute the weapons and ammo."

"But what are we going to do with this, when the AC-130 is already in the airspace?" Alpha 3 asked, his face showing concern.

Vincent's expression remained resolute. "We can't let the Flame Dragon continue its rampage. We need to redirect its attention to us. That way, the AC-130 can safely use its armaments without the risk of collateral damage to the elven forces or their territory." Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 nodded, understanding the plan. The team quickly distributed the weapons and ammo among themselves. The Javelin missile launcher, M429 Machine Gun, and other supplies were handed out efficiently.

Vincent turned to his team, his voice firm. "Alright, listen up. We are going to make ourselves a target. We'll hit it hard and fast, and once it notices us, we'll lead it away from the elven territory. Be prepared for anything."

"So we are going to board the M-ATV Oshkosh huh?" Alpha 5 commented, already realizing what they are about to do. "I volunteer to be the first person to shoot the flame dragon with javelin."

"Permission granted," Vincent said, as he entered the M-ATV Oshkosh. "Eamon, you enter as well. It's going to be a cat and mouse

game, and we need all hands on deck."

Eamon nodded and quickly climbed into the vehicle, securing himself as the rest of the team took their positions. The M-ATV Oshkosh roared to life, its powerful engine rumbling as Vincent drove it towards the battlefield.

"Alpha 5, get ready with that Javelin," Vincent ordered, his eyes focused on the rapidly approaching chaos.

The Flame Dragon was still wreaking havoc, its fiery breath laying waste to everything in its path. The elven forces were doing their best to hold their ground, but it was clear they needed help.

"Alpha 5, take the shot as soon as you have a clear line of sight," Vincent instructed.

"Copy that, Shadow Actual," Alpha 5 replied, positioning himself to launch the missile.

As they closed in on the dragon, Vincent maneuvered the M-ATV Oshkosh to give Alpha 5 a clear shot. The Javelin missile locked onto its target with a beeping sound.

"Target locked," Alpha 5 confirmed. "Firing!"

The Javelin missile streaked through the air, its powerful propulsion sending it straight toward the Flame Dragon. The missile struck the beast on its flank, exploding on impact and causing the dragon to roar in pain and fury.

"Direct hit!" Alpha 5 shouted, a hint of triumph in his voice.

"Great shot, Alpha 5," Vincent acknowledged. "Now let's get its attention."

The Flame Dragon turned its blazing eyes toward the M-ATV Oshkosh, clearly enraged by the attack. It let out a deafening roar and began to lumber towards them, its massive wings stirring up clouds of ash and debris.

"Hold on tight!" Vincent yelled as he floored the accelerator, the vehicle speeding away from the advancing dragon.

As they led the dragon away from the elven forces, Vincent communicated their plan to General Harper. "General, we've got the dragon's attention. We're leading it away from the elven territory. The AC-130 should have a clear shot soon. Over."

"Understood, Shadow Actual. AC-130 is in position and ready to engage. Keep that dragon occupied. Over," General Harper responded.


Meanwhile, in the airspace of the Great Forest of Arendel, the AC-130 Ghost Rider was circling high above, its powerful sensors tracking the Flame Dragon's movements.

"Ghost Rider, this is Shadow Actual. Target is moving away from the elven forces. Confirm you have a clear shot. Over," Vincent's voice crackled over the radio.

Captain Harris, seated in the cockpit, asked his weapon systems officer, "Do we have a lock on the target?"

"Affirmative, Captain," the weapons systems officer replied, eyes fixed on the targeting screen. "Target locked and in range. Ready to engage on your command."

"Ghost Rider to Shadow Actual, we have a clear shot. Preparing to engage. Over," Captain Harris communicated.

"Copy that, Ghost Rider. We're keeping the dragon's attention on us. Fire at will. Over," Vincent responded.

The AC-130's gunners sprang into action. "Engaging target," the lead gunner announced. The aircraft's powerful 105mm howitzer, 40mm Bofors cannon, and 25mm GAU-12 Equalizer swiveled to track the Flame Dragon.

"Firing howitzer," the gunner called out. The howitzer roared, sending a massive shell hurtling toward the dragon. It exploded on impact.


"Fire another."

The AC-130 unleashed a relentless barrage of 40mm Bofors cannon and 105mm howitzer shells. Each impact shook the ground and pushed the Flame Dragon back, its roars of fury echoing through the forest. The force of the explosions was immense, causing the dragon to stagger and lose its stability in flight.

"Keep firing! Don't let up!" Captain Harris commanded.

The gunners continued their assault, the 25mm GAU-12 Equalizer adding to the onslaught. The rounds tore through the dragon's thick scales, each hit weakening the beast further.

On the ground, Vincent and his team kept moving, ensuring they remained a target for the


"Alpha 4, your turn to fire that Javelin!" Vincent commanded, keeping his eyes on the Flame Dragon.

From the second M-ATV Oshkosh trailing behind, Alpha 4 quickly positioned the Javelin missile launcher and locked onto the enraged dragon. The targeting system beeped,

confirming a solid lock.

"Target locked," Alpha 4 confirmed. "Firing!"

The Javelin missile launched with a whoosh, streaking toward the Flame Dragon. It struck the

dragon in its side, another direct hit. The explosion caused the dragon to roar in agony,

further disorienting it.

"Direct hit! The dragon's weakening!" Alpha 4 reported.

"Excellent shot, Alpha 4."

The combined firepower from the AC-130 and the ground team was taking its toll on the Flame Dragon. The beast was now visibly struggling, and it was closing in on the ground,

about to crash as the relentless assault continued.

While all of that spectacle was happening, Princess Elara and King Thandor were shocked at

the new development.

"What is happening?" Elara exclaimed.

"It's getting attacked from above," King Thandor observed and in the sky, he saw something flying there. "A beast?"