
The Aftermath

There was a moment of silence in the grounds of the Great Forest of Arendel as Elara looked up to the sky and saw a small silhouette of what appeared to be a metallic bird with wings that didn't flap. From its belly, there was a spark, and a projectile shot out with a trail of smoke, heading straight for the Flame Dragon.

Elara's eyes widened in awe and confusion. "What is that, Father?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos of battle.

King Thandor, equally astonished, squinted at the sky. "I do not know, Elara. It is unlike any creature or weapon we have seen before. The Flame Dragon is falling."

The two saw the Flame Dragon crash into the ground with a thunderous impact, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. The once-mighty beast lay motionless, its body riddled with wounds from the relentless assault.

"Its powerful!" Elara exclaimed as she still remained fixated on the flying metallic beast. "How can it easily defeat one of the strongest creatures in this world?"

Before King Thandor could respond, the metallic beast fired again. Another projectile shot out, trailing smoke, and struck the ground near the fallen Flame Dragon. The explosion that followed was immense, rocking the Great Forest of Arendel.

Elara and King Thandor were thrown back by the shockwave, struggling to maintain their footing. The elves around them were similarly affected, some knocked to the ground by the sheer power of the explosion.

Vincent and his team, who were closer to the epicenter, shielded themselves from the debris. The M-ATV Oshkosh shook violently, but Vincent maintained control, keeping the vehicle steady.

[Emergency Mission Completed!]

[You have received: 2,000,000 gold coins & 800,000 experience points.]

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 24

Gold coins:

Experience points: 1,900,252/2,001,924]

"Ghost Rider, this is Shadow Actual. Cease fire! The target is neutralized. I repeat, cease fire!" Vincent urgently communicated through his radio.

"Copy that, Shadow Actual. Ceasing fire," Captain Harris responded from the AC-130, the aircraft circling above.

The battlefield fell into an uneasy silence once more, the only sounds being the crackling of flames and the distant cries of wounded elves. The Flame Dragon lay completely still, its massive body scorched and battered beyond recognition.

King Thandor helped Elara to her feet, both of them still dazed from the explosion.

"We must find out who commands that metallic beast," Thandor said, determination in his voice. "They have saved us, but we need to understand their intentions."

Elara nodded, her eyes still fixed on the sky where the AC-130 circled.

"We would if we can reach out to them. Let's focus on helping our people first and understand the intention of the metallic bird later," Elara suggested.

King Thandor nodded, understanding the urgency of tending to their wounded. "Agreed, Elara. Let's ensure our people are safe and then seek out our mysterious allies."

As the elven forces began to regroup and tend to the injured, Vincent and his team approached the site where the Flame Dragon had fallen. The once-majestic creature lay in a grotesque heap, its body mangled and torn apart by the relentless assault. The dragon's entrails were scattered across the ground, and the stench of burnt flesh and sulfur filled the air, making it almost unbearable to breathe.

Vincent grimaced as he scanned the remains. "This thing is completely beyond recognition," he muttered, stepping closer to get a better look. "Its internal organs are all over the place." Alpha 3 covered his nose with his sleeve. "The smell is horrendous. How could anything withstand such an assault and still pose a threat?"

"I can't believe it... you actually did it!" Eamon exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief and admiration. "You defeated a mighty Flame Dragon."

"This would make a huge achievement right in your world?" Vincent asked Eamon.

"Anyone who could kill a dragon would definitely earn their place in history," Eamon replied, still awestruck. "But more than the glory, there's a lot of value in a dragon's corpse."

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Value? In what way?"

Eamon nodded, gesturing towards the remains of the dragon. "The scales of a Flame Dragon are incredibly tough and heat-resistant. They can be used to craft armor that is nearly impenetrable and can withstand extreme temperatures. The bones are also very strong and can be used to create powerful weapons. Even the dragon's blood has magical properties that can be harnessed for various purposes."

Vincent considered this information, scanning the scorched and battered remains with a new perspective.

"Alpha 1, Alpha 3, start collecting samples. We need to take advantage of any resources we can get from this thing."

Alpha 1 and Alpha 3 nodded, moving towards the dragon's corpse with equipment to gather the valuable materials.

Alpha 5 looked at Vincent, curiosity in his eyes. "What about the entrails and other remains? Is there anything useful there?"

Eamon nodded. "The organs of a Flame Dragon can be used in various alchemical concoctions. The heart, in particular, is said to contain immense magical power. The liver can be used to create potions that enhance strength and vitality."

"Eww...I'm not going to touch that," Alpha 5 grimaced, shaking his head.

Vincent chuckled. "Don't worry, Alpha 5. We're not equipped to handle the entrails and organs right now anyway. We don't have the necessary tools and containment units to extract and store them properly. We'll focus on what we can collect and leave the rest for another time."

Eamon nodded in agreement. "It's a wise decision. The scales and bones alone will be a significant boon. If we need the other components, we can always return with the proper equipment."

Vincent turned to Alpha 1 and Alpha 3. "Concentrate on gathering the scales and bones. Make sure to secure as much as you can carry. After that, we'll head over to the Great Forest of


As Vincent and his team focused on collecting the valuable materials from the Flame Dragon, the atmosphere grew tense. The sound of approaching footsteps alerted them to the presence of others. Vincent looked up to see a group of elven warriors and archers emerging from the forest, their weapons drawn and aimed directly at him and his team.

"Hold your fire!" Vincent called out, raising his hands to show he meant no harm.

The elven warriors, led by a stern-faced captain, kept their bows drawn and swords ready. The captain stepped forward, eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he demanded.