
What can you Offer Part 1

follow him. The hall began to empty as elves went about their evening, leaving behind the remnants of a grand feast.

Vincent nodded to his team, signaling that he would return shortly, and then followed the king. An elven guard, clad in elegant yet sturdy armor, led the way through the corridors of the Great Tree.

The guard stopped at a pair of ornate doors, their surfaces engraved with scenes of nature and elven mythology. With a respectful bow, the guard opened the doors, revealing a private chamber bathed in the warm light of a crackling fireplace. The room was spacious yet cozy, with shelves lined with ancient tomes and scrolls, and a large table in the center adorned with maps and documents.

King Thandor motioned for Vincent to enter, and the guard quietly closed the doors behind them, leaving the two alone.

"Please, have a seat," King Thandor said.

Vincent sat down and looked at the king.

"Now, Vincent Stryder. You are quite a unique human. You possessed technology that I believe to be far more advanced than the dwarves. And the fact that you have killed a flame dragon with it, it's exceptional. Therefore, I would like to open up an opportunity for partnership."

"Partnership of what exactly?" Vincent asked.

"Your weapons are formidable, and we would like to have those weapons to protect our lands," King Thandor continued, his eyes fixed on Vincent. "In exchange, we offer our knowledge of the forest, our resources, and our allegiance in times of need."

"We haven't considered starting an arms trade," Vincent continued, leaning forward. "Our focus has always been on direct action and support. However, given the circumstances and the mutual benefits, I'm willing to explore this possibility."

King Thandor nodded, understanding the hesitation. "I appreciate your openness, Vincent. Rest assured, our intentions are purely defensive. The protection of our people is paramount. As you may know, the flame dragon is not the only dragon there is."

"Oh...so you are saying that there is another kind of dragon out there, but with different abilities?" Vincent asked, leaning forward with keen interest.

"Indeed," King Thandor replied, his tone serious. "There are many kinds of dragons, each with unique powers and characteristics. The Flame Dragon you encountered is but one example. There are Ice Dragons, Desert Dragons, Forest Dragons, and more. Each one poses different threats and challenges."

Vincent's eyes narrowed as he considered this new information. "Tell me more about these dragons. What makes them different from the Flame Dragon?"

King Thandor stood and moved to a large map spread across the table. He pointed to various regions as he spoke. "Ice Dragons inhabit the frozen south. Their breath can freeze anything it touches, and they thrive in the harshest of cold climates. They are formidable opponents, especially in their natural habitat."

He shifted his finger to a vast desert region. "Desert Dragons, on the other hand, dwell in the arid sands. They are masters of camouflage, blending seamlessly with the desert landscape. Their breath can create devastating sandstorms, making them a terror to any who venture into their territory."

King Thandor then pointed to a lush, green area on the map. "Forest Dragons are guardians of the deep woods. They can control plant life, using the forest itself as a weapon. They are elusive and cunning, often using the dense foliage to their advantage."

Vincent nodded, absorbing the details. "It sounds like each type of dragon requires a different strategy to defeat."

"Precisely," King Thandor agreed. "And this is where our partnership becomes vital. Your technology and weapons could give us an edge against these threats."

"I get it that they are threats, but given their location, they are too far away from your territory. Do you consider invading them?" Vincent asked, his tone becoming cautious as he probed further.

King Thandor shook his head, his expression remaining earnest. "No, Vincent. We do not seek to invade. Our philosophy has always been one of harmony and balance with nature. However, there have been instances where these dragons have ventured into our land like the flame dragon that we just experienced for example."

"Okay..." Vincent accepted the explanation as it had really happened that a dragon attacked their lands. "However, if you want our weapons, we are going to need something more than knowledge."

"What do you need?" Thandor asked.

"We want enchantments," Vincent revealed.

"Enchantment?" Thandor repeated, tilting his head to the side. "What kind?"

"The kind that can hurt a Demon King General. I'm sure you are familiar with them, they have exceptional regenerative capabilities and they often render conventional weapons useless. Enchantments that can bypass or counteract their regeneration would be invaluable to us," Vincent explained.

King Thandor's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the Demon King Generals. "You are indeed well-informed, Vincent Stryder. The Demon King Generals are formidable foes, and their regenerative abilities are legendary. Such enchantments are rare and powerful, but they do exist. We have ancient tomes that detail these enchantments, and a few of our enchanters are skilled in their application."

"Good, we are interested in those enchantments. But I need to see them in action first," Vincent said, his gaze steady on the king. "A demonstration will help us understand their effectiveness and decide how to integrate them into our operations."

King Thandor nodded thoughtfully. "Very well. A demonstration can be arranged. Follow me."

The king led Vincent through another set of doors that opened into a smaller, dimly lit chamber. At the far end of the room, an elderly elf with a long, flowing beard stood beside a large stone table. Various mystical artifacts and scrolls were spread across its surface. The air was thick with the scent of ancient incense.

"This is Master Halamar Ralororis, our chief enchanter," King Thandor introduced. "He is the best of the best enchanters there is in the Great Forest of Arendel."

"Woah..." Vincent murmured.

"It is an honor, Vincent Stryder. Savior of our home."

"Thank you...now let's do an example," Vincent pulled out his SIG Sauer M17 American pistol. "I want you to enchant this one."