
What can you Offer Part 2

Halamar's eyes widened at the sight of the strange, compact weapon Vincent held out. The SIG Sauer M17 American pistol was unlike anything the elven enchanter had ever seen.

"What manner of weapon is this?" Halamar asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and intrigue.

Vincent held the pistol with practiced ease, demonstrating its features as he spoke. "This is a SIG Sauer M17, a semi-automatic pistol. It's a standard-issue sidearm for military personnel from where I come. It uses a magazine to store cartridges, which are then loaded into the chamber automatically as the weapon is fired."

Halamar leaned in closer, his eyes studying the weapon with fascination. "And how does it function?"

Vincent continued his explanation, pointing out various parts of the pistol. "The firing mechanism is relatively simple. When the trigger is pulled, a striker hits the primer of the cartridge, igniting the gunpowder inside. This explosion propels the bullet down the barrel and out of the weapon. The recoil then ejects the spent casing and loads a new cartridge into the chamber, ready for the next shot."

But Halamar couldn't quite picture the weapon in action just from the explanation alone. Vincent noticed the enchanter's curiosity and offered a practical demonstration.

"Would you be able to provide a target for me to demonstrate?" Vincent asked, glancing around the chamber.

Halamar nodded and reached under the stone table, retrieving a spare ceramic jar. "This should suffice," he said, handing the jar to Vincent.

Vincent accepted the jar and moved to the far side of the room, setting it up on a sturdy pedestal. He then returned to his original position, standing a few meters away from the target. Halamar and King Thandor watched intently as Vincent readied the pistol.

"Alright, I'll show you how it works," Vincent said, taking aim. With a steady hand, he squeezed the trigger. The pistol fired with a sharp crack, and the bullet hit the jar dead center, shattering it into pieces.

Halamar's eyes widened further, and King Thandor raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed. "Remarkable," Halamar murmured, stepping closer to inspect the remains of the jar. "Such power and accuracy in such a small device. I can see why you would want it enchanted."

"No...this is not the only thing I want to be enchanted," Vincent said. "I just want to see how enchanting works."

"What would you like to enchant it with?" Halamar asked.

"How about something that would increase the power of the bullet and possibly add an elemental effect?" Vincent suggested, thinking about how much more effective the weapon could be with such enhancements.

Halamar nodded, considering the request. "We have enchantments that can amplify the power of projectiles and imbue them with elemental properties. I will need to perform the enchantment now to show you how it works."

Vincent handed the pistol to Halamar, who placed it carefully on the stone table. The enchanter began to gather various mystical items: a small crystal vial filled with a shimmering liquid, a piece of rare metal that glowed faintly, and several ancient scrolls inscribed with intricate runes.

As Halamar prepared the enchantment, he explained the process to Vincent. "First, I will infuse the weapon with the essence of elemental fire. This will allow the bullets to not only pierce through armor but also ignite upon impact. Then, I will enhance the kinetic energy, increasing the force of each shot."

Vincent watched intently as Halamar began to chant in an ancient elven tongue. The room filled with a soft, ethereal glow as the enchanter worked his magic. The crystal vial was poured over the pistol, the liquid seeping into the metal and causing it to pulse with a fiery light. The piece of rare metal was placed next to the pistol, and Halamar inscribed runes on both the weapon and the metal with a fine, glowing quill.

The process took several minutes, during which the glow intensified and the air around the table seemed to shimmer with heat. Finally, Halamar spoke the last words of the enchantment, and the glow slowly faded, leaving the pistol looking the same as before, but with a faint, fiery aura.

Halamar handed the pistol back to Vincent. "It is done. The weapon is now enchanted. Let us test it to see the effects."

Vincent took the pistol and felt a slight warmth radiating from it. He aimed at another ceramic jar that Halamar had set up and fired. This time, the bullet not only shattered the jar but also burst into flames, the fire spreading rapidly and consuming the shards. Vincent's eyes widened in awe, but they narrowed quickly. "Great, this gave a pistol a more powerful punch but it is still conventional. I need some magic."

Halamar nodded thoughtfully at Vincent's remark. "Of course, the power you seek requires a deeper enchantment, one that integrates magical properties directly into the weapon."

"Let's proceed then," Vincent urged. "I want to see how effective this can be against creatures with significant regenerative abilities."

Halamar gathered more mystical items, including a vial of glowing blue liquid and a small, ancient-looking crystal. He placed them beside the pistol and began chanting again, this time in an even more intricate and melodic tone.

"This enchantment will infuse your weapon with a regenerative counter-curse," Halamar explained as he worked. "It disrupts the natural healing abilities of any creature struck by the bullets, making it extremely effective against beings like the Demon King Generals."

The blue liquid was carefully poured over the barrel of the pistol, causing it to glow a deep azure. The crystal was then placed on the grip, embedding itself seamlessly into the metal. Halamar inscribed more runes onto the weapon, each glowing brightly before fading onto the surface.

After several intense minutes, Halamar finished the enchantment. The pistol now emitted a steady, pulsating blue light, and Vincent could feel a faint hum of power when he held it.

"It is ready," Halamar announced. "This should provide the magical potency you require." Vincent nodded, appreciating the craftsmanship. "Do you have another target? Preferably with the one with regenerative capabilities."

"Well, we do have rodents here that I have infused with regenerative capabilities," Halamar said as he grabbed a cage from a nearby shelf. Inside the cage was a small, wiry rodent with bright, intelligent eyes that watched them curiously.

Halamar carefully took the rodent out of the cage and placed it on the stone table. He drew a slender, ornate knife from his belt and, with a swift motion, made a shallow cut on the rodent's side. Almost instantly, the wound began to close, the skin knitting back together until there was no trace of the injury.

Vincent observed closely, impressed by the speed of the regeneration. "Remarkable," he murmured.

"Indeed," Halamar agreed, placing the rodent back on the table. "Now, let us see how your enchanted weapon performs."

Vincent took a deep breath, aiming the glowing blue pistol at the rodent. He pulled the trigger, and the room was filled with a sharp crack as the bullet sped towards its target. The rodent was struck and instantly fell still, a small, singed hole where the bullet had entered. The regenerative process did not start. The rodent lay motionless, showing no signs of


"Okay..." Vincent uttered, finally convinced. "Let's talk about the contract."