
Prelude to the Negotiations

"A contract, huh?" King Thandor repeated. "So you are civilized in your dealings." Vincent nodded, his expression serious. "Indeed. We believe in clear terms and mutual benefits. This ensures that both parties understand their obligations and expectations."

King Thandor smiled slightly, appreciating Vincent's straightforwardness. "Very well, let us discuss the terms."

"Now?" Vincent blinked.

"Why? Can't we do it now?"

"Actually," Vincent interjected, glancing at the clock on the wall. "It's already quite late. Perhaps it would be best if we resumed this discussion tomorrow when we're all well- rested."

King Thandor looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You are right. We have had a long day and tomorrow we can continue with clearer minds."

Vincent smiled appreciatively. "Thank you. Let's reconvene tomorrow morning."

"Agreed," King Thandor replied. "I will have an attendant fetch you at first light. In the meantime, please make use of the guest quarters to rest and refresh yourselves."

Vincent stood and extended his hand, which King Thandor shook firmly. "Good night. I look forward to our discussions tomorrow."

"Good night, Vincent Stryder," the king replied warmly. "Rest well."

Vincent turned and left the chamber, escorted once again by the elven guard. But as they walked through the dimly lit corridors, they encountered Princess Elara standing in their path. Her expression was serious, her eyes intent on Vincent.

"Leave us," Elara ordered the guard.

The guard hesitated for a moment, looking between Vincent and Elara, before nodding and stepping back, giving them space.

"Princess Elara," Vincent greeted, slightly bowing his head. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted a private word with you, Vincent," Elara said, her tone soft but firm. "There are matters we need to discuss away from the formalities of the court."

Vincent nodded, sensing the urgency in her voice. "Very well. What is it you wish to discuss?"

Elara walked forward slowly, her hands extended slightly as if reaching out. Vincent watched her carefully, noting the intensity of her gaze. When she was close enough, she raised a hand toward his face, her fingers trembling slightly.

Vincent instinctively caught her wrist gently but firmly. "Princess Elara, what are you doing?"

Elara's eyes softened, and she looked up into his eyes, her expression earnest. "Please, Vincent, let me touch your face. I need to understand something."

Vincent hesitated for a moment, searching her eyes for any hidden motive. Finding none, he slowly released her wrist, allowing her hand to move closer.

Elara's fingers brushed against his cheek, her touch light and delicate. She traced the lines of his jaw and the curve of his chin with a feather-like touch. Vincent stood still, letting her explore his features.

"This is strange," Elara murmured, her fingers lingering on his skin. "I cannot feel any traces of Aether in your system. It's as if you are not from this world."

Vincent was fully aware of what Aether was. First, it was the source of all magic, it's like a thread that can be woven by the will of the sorcerers and the like. But even though not everybody can manipulate aether, every living being still has an iota of it within them. However, Vincent and his team, coming from a world without magic, lacked this fundamental element of existence in this realm. But it doesn't mean that he would have to tell her about his origin.

"Well maybe I am a rare case," Vincent said.

"There hasn't been a case like this," Elara said. "Which is why I'd want to know your very nature so we can know that you are a trustworthy ally," Elara finished, her eyes searching Vincent's for any sign of deceit.

"This is an assurance that I'm sure you'd want to hear, princess. I don't really care about the affairs of the elves or any other races. My primary concern is ensuring the safety and success of my team and completing our missions. We have no interest in political power or territorial disputes," Vincent said firmly.

Elara looked at him thoughtfully, her hand still resting lightly on his cheek. "I can sense your sincerity, Vincent. Your straightforwardness is... refreshing."

"Did the humans betray you once?" Vincent inquired.

"They do...which is why we are wary of humans who come into our lands," Elara admitted bitterly. "Our trust has been broken before, and it is not easily mended."

"Well, I guess you should learn that not everyone is the same," Vincent said, his tone gentle but firm. "I understand your caution, Princess Elara. Trust takes time to build, and actions speak louder than words. Allow me and my team to prove our intentions through our deeds." Elara withdrew her hand, her gaze still fixed on Vincent. "Your words are wise, Vincent. We will see if your actions align with them. I will be watching closely."

Vincent nodded. "I expect nothing less. Rest assured, we are here to help and to form a beneficial partnership."

Elara took a deep breath and gave a slight nod. "Very well. We will continue to observe and judge based on your actions. For now, I will let you rest. Tomorrow, I shall see you at the negotiating table. After all, you have discussed something important with my father."

Vincent simply smiled.

Elara gave him a faint smile. "Good night, Vincent. Rest well."

"And you as well, Princess Elara," Vincent replied with a slight bow.

As Elara turned and walked away, Vincent made his way to the guest quarters.

"Everything alright, boss?" Alpha 1 asked as Vincent entered.

Vincent nodded. "Yes, just a private conversation with Princess Elara. If not for her, I would have been here ten minutes ago. Tomorrow, I am going to discuss a contractual offer with the elves about us supplying them with conventional weapons in exchange for the enchantments tomes that they have here."

"It's a nice trade," Alpha 3 said, leaning back. "We could use those enchantments to enhance our gear further."

"Exactly," Vincent replied. "This partnership could be beneficial for both sides. The elves gain superior firepower, and we gain access to powerful enchantments that could give us an edge in our missions, especially with the ones that have demons in them."

Alpha 5 nodded thoughtfully. "We need to make sure we don't give away too much, though. We don't want them to become too dependent on our weapons. Do you have plans on what

weapons we are going to give to the elves?"

"Yeah I do," Vincent replied.