
Returning to the City of Ferm

The two M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles rumbled to life, their engines growling as they prepared to leave the Great Forest of Arendel. Vincent, seated in the lead vehicle alongside Eamon, glanced back at the towering trees and the gathered elves who watched their departure.

"I wonder how Alpha 2 is holding up along with your people, Eamon," Vincent said, glancing behind his shoulder where Eamon is seated.

"There's nothing to worry about, Sir Vincent. They are obedient and I'm sure they won't give Alpha 2 a headache for taking care of them. But I'm curious, how are they?"

"Yeah...how are they?" Alpha 3, who was driving the M-ATV Oshkosh glanced at Vincent. "They aren't keeping tabs with us."

"Well if something happened, they will let us know," Vincent said coolly. "Now that I think about it. I'll contact Alpha 2."

Vincent pulled his radio and set the frequency to the secure channel that connected him directly to Alpha 2. The familiar crackle of the radio filled the cabin as Vincent pressed the transmit button.

"Shadow Actual to Alpha 2, do you copy?"

A moment of static passed before Alpha 2's voice came through the radio.

"This is Alpha 2, I read you loud and clear, Shadow Actual. What's your status?"

"We're en route to your location," Vincent replied, glancing out the window at the desolate landscape left by the flame dragon. "I need a status report. How's everything on your end? Any issues with the locals or the setup?"

Alpha 2's response was immediate. "All quiet on our front. Eamon's people have been cooperative. There are no signs of danger ever since we parted, over."

"That's good to know, Alpha 2. Our estimated time of arrival is two hours and thirty minutes," Vincent said, mentally calculating the distance left. "Maintain your position and stay alert. We'll regroup and finalize our next steps once we're on site. Shadow Actual out." He clipped the radio back to his vest and looked ahead. The convoy continued on, the heavy tires of the M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles crunching over debris and uneven ground. The silence between them was filled with the hum of engines and the occasional distant cry of wildlife. As they drew closer to the city of Ferm, Vincent's thoughts turned inward, considering the tasks ahead. Reconnecting with Alpha 2 was just the beginning. Once they were all together, the real work would begin: summoning weapons and vehicles, and delivering on the promises made to King Thandor.

And two hours later the two M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles rumbled to a halt at the edge of the destroyed city of Ferm. Vincent scanned the area through the windshield, taking in the eerie silence enveloped the city. The only sounds were the low growl of the vehicles' engines and the occasional whisper of wind as it blew through the shattered windows of the ruined buildings.

"We're here," Vincent murmured, more to himself than to anyone else. He grabbed his radio and keyed in the secure frequency. "Shadow Actual to Alpha 2, we've arrived at Ferm. What's your location?"

Alpha 2's voice crackled through the radio. "Alpha 2 here, Shadow Actual. We're set up in the city square, near the remains of the town hall. It's the most intact structure we could find. You'll see us as soon as you get into the main square."

"Copy that. We're on our way," Vincent replied, before nodding to Alpha 3 to continue driving.

The convoy moved slowly through the city's desolate streets, the tires of the M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles crunching over broken glass and debris. As they approached the center of the city, the outline of the town hall came into view, standing like a sentinel amidst the ruins. It was clear that the building had taken heavy damage, but it remained standing.

Alpha 2 and a small contingent of Eamon's people were gathered in the square, their figures silhouetted against the backdrop of the devastated city. As Vincent's vehicle pulled up, Alpha 2 approached, his expression neutral but alert.

"Welcome to Ferm," Alpha 2 said as Vincent stepped out of the vehicle. His tone was laced with a touch of irony, as there was little left to welcome anyone to.

Vincent surveyed the area, noting the strategic positioning of Alpha 2's team. They had set up a makeshift command center within the town hall, with a few crates and supplies stacked neatly against the building's exterior.

"Good work on securing the area," Vincent acknowledged. "How's the setup inside?"

Alpha 2 gestured toward the town hall. "It's functional, though not exactly comfortable. We've got the basics covered-comms, supplies, and a secure location for our equipment."

"And you did all by yourself, good job," Vincent continued, nodding in approval as he glanced around. Despite the destruction, his team had done well to adapt and create a functional base of operations.

Vincent motioned for the rest of his team to disembark from the vehicles. Alpha 3, Alpha 4, and Alpha 5 quickly moved to join them, their expressions grim as they took in the surroundings. Eamon, too, surveyed the area, his gaze lingering on the destroyed buildings and the devastation that the Flame Dragon had left in its wake.

Alpha 2 led them inside the town hall, where the interior was just as battered as the exterior. The walls were cracked, and debris littered the floor, but the main hall had been cleared and repurposed. A large table was set up in the center, covered with maps, communication equipment, and other supplies.

"We've established communication with Akarios Island," Alpha 2 explained as they gathered around the table. "So far, there's been no sign of any immediate threats. It looked like the people that lived here had no intention of coming back at all."

"Well, there's nothing to go back to," Alpha 3 said, his voice carrying a hint of resignation as he glanced around the battered interior of the town hall.

Vincent nodded, taking in the scene. The Flame Dragon had left nothing but ruins in its wake, and the idea of anyone returning to rebuild felt like a distant dream.

"Now let's talk about our contract with the elves. We are going to need to deliver weapons to the elves and I want it delivered as soon as possible. So let's get to work. You all guys know

what to do."

"First thing we got to do is," Vincent started, but then paused as he and the rest of the Alpha Special Forces all glanced at one person-Eamon.

"Eamon, please leave the room for a moment," Vincent said politely.

Eamon, who had been standing near the table, raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the request. "Why?"

"Because you are a civilian and there are some things we need to discuss that are classified," Vincent explained.

Eamon looked hesitant, his gaze shifting between the faces of the Alpha team members. It was clear he felt somewhat slighted, but he also understood the gravity of the situation. After a moment, he nodded reluctantly.

"Alright, I'll step out," Eamon agreed, though there was a hint of reluctance in his voice.

With that, Eamon turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. The room seemed to grow more serious in his absence, the tension in the air thickening as Vincent turned his full attention back to his team.

"Now," Vincent continued, his voice taking on a sharper edge, "we need to discuss the logistics of our next steps without any distractions."

"If we are going to summon weapons, then we have to make sure that no one would see the summoning process. So we are going to take a look at Eamon and his associates, keep them here while you sir are interacting with the system."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "Exactly. The summoning process is something that can't be

exposed. This is a secret that we can't...Shit."

Vincent just remembered something and the rest of the special forces except Alpha 2.

"What's happening?" Alpha 2 asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I just remembered that there might be someone spying on us, especially the elves," Vincent paused, his mind racing as the realization hit him. The possibility of someone spying on them, especially from the elves, was not something he could afford to overlook.

Alpha 2 immediately caught onto the situation.

"You think the elves might have someone keeping an eye on us, even now?"

Vincent nodded slowly. "It's a possibility. We can't take any chances. If they were to discover

the summoning process, it could compromise everything. We need to be sure that no one sees anything they're not supposed to."

Alpha 4, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "Should we sweep off the area? Make sure there are no unwanted eyes on us?"

"But how? What if the elves have stealth?" Alpha 3 said.

"Then how about something that will reveal the stealth? Like heat sensors," Vincent finished,

his eyes narrowing as he considered the options. "We have equipment that can detect body heat, even if someone is trying to remain hidden. We are going to need thermal imaging equipment, have it sweep around the area and once we cleared the area, we are going to do the summoning process."