
The Reaper Part 1

"Well, we don't have thermal imaging around here," Alpha 2 pointed out. "But we could possibly request help from the headquarters. You know, ask them to bring the Reaper drone."

"Good idea," Vincent said, grabbing his radio.

Vincent adjusted the frequency on his radio, switching to the secure channel that connected him directly to General Harper. The radio crackled slightly as he keyed in the transmit button. "Shadow Actual to HQ, this is Vincent Stryder. I need to speak with General Harper, over."

A brief moment of static followed before the voice of a radio operator came through. "Copy that, Shadow Actual. Stand by General Harper."

Vincent waited, the seconds stretching out as he considered the situation. The Reaper drone would give them the eyes they needed to ensure that no one was watching them, but requesting it meant pulling resources and potentially drawing attention.

After what felt like an eternity, General Harper's voice finally came through the radio. "This is Harper. What's the situation, Shadow Actual?"

"General, we've established a forward operating base in the city of Ferm," Vincent began, keeping his tone professional. "However, we have concerns about potential surveillance from the local population-specifically, the elves. We need to ensure that our summoning process remains secure and undetected. I'm requesting deployment of an MQ-9 Reaper drone to scout the area and provide thermal imaging to clear the perimeter before we proceed with the operation."

There was a slight pause on the other end, and Vincent could almost hear the gears turning in Harper's mind as he processed the request.

"You're concerned about the elves getting too close, I take it?" General Harper asked.

"Exactly," Vincent confirmed. "We can't afford to compromise our operations here. The Reaper's sensors will allow us to identify any hidden threats and secure the area."

"Understood," Harper replied. "I'll authorize the drone for deployment. It'll take some time to get it in the air and on station, but you'll have your eyes in the sky soon. In the meantime, maintain your position and keep everything locked down tight."

"Thank you, sir. We'll be ready," Vincent said, his tone resolute.

"Harper out."

The radio clicked off, and Vincent clipped it back onto his vest. He looked at his team.

"Looks like it's waiting game," Vincent said.


Back at Akarios Island.

In the control room, the drone pilot and his sensor operator were running through their pre- flight checklist.

"Alright, let's get this bird in the air," the pilot said.

The sensor operator. "Copy that, sir. Starting pre-flight checks now."

"Battery power, nominal."

The pilot moved the joystick, watching as the ailerons, elevators, and rudder responded. "Flight control surfaces, operational."

"Fuel at 100%. Tanks secured," sensor operator confirmed.

The pilot flicked the switch, and the engine roared to life, the turbine whine building to a steady hum. "Engine start complete. Turbine at full power."

The sensor tapped on the console, bringing up the GPS and waypoint data. "Navigation systems online. Waypoints loaded."

"Payload secure. Ordnance armed and ready. ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) loadout with full thermal imaging and radar package," the sensor operator said.

The pilot keyed the mic. "Akarios Tower, this is Reaper One, radio check, over."

"Reaper One, this is Akarios Tower, reading you loud and clear," the tower responded promptly. "Proceed with final checks."

"Copy that, Tower," the pilot acknowledged. "Final systems check in progress."

The pilot and sensor operator worked in tandem, swiftly completing the remaining items on their checklist.

"All systems green," the sensor operator confirmed as he scanned the digital readouts.

"Primary and backup communications systems are online," the pilot reported.

"All ordnance secured and armed. No anomalies," the sensor operator noted.

The pilot took a deep breath, satisfied with the results. "All systems go."

"Reaper One, you are cleared to taxi to runway zero-one," the tower advised. "Winds are calm. Proceed with takeoff when ready."

"Taxiing to runway zero-one," the pilot repeated, gently pushing the throttle forward.

The Reaper drone rolled smoothly across the tarmac, its landing gear absorbing the small bumps in the surface. Ground crew members moved aside, giving thumbs-up signals as the drone passed by.

"Approaching runway zero-one," the sensor operator confirmed as the Reaper reached the threshold of the runway.

"Reaper One, cleared for takeoff," the tower announced. "Good hunting, Reaper One."

"Roger that, Tower. Taking off now," the pilot responded, pushing the throttle forward to full power.

The drone accelerated down the runway, the engine's roar growing louder as it gathered speed. Within seconds, the Reaper lifted off the ground, climbing steadily into the sky. "Positive rate of climb," the sensor operator reported as the drone ascended smoothly. "Gear


"Gear up," the pilot confirmed, retracting the landing gear.

The Reaper leveled off at its cruising altitude of 5,000 feet, the sensor operator monitoring the drone's systems closely. "Course set for the AO at Ferm," the sensor operator said, locking in the coordinates.

"ETA to target area, approximately ninety minutes," the pilot confirmed, his eyes scanning the horizon.

The Reaper continued to climb, reaching its designated altitude and settling into its flight path toward Ferm.

"Reaper One is en route to the AO," the pilot reported back to Akarios Tower. "We'll be on station in ninety minutes."

"Copy that, Reaper One," General Harper's voice came through the radio. "Maintain course and report any anomalies on approach. We're counting on you for clear intel."

"Roger, General. We'll keep you updated," the pilot responded, adjusting the drone's heading slightly as it settled into its cruising altitude.

As the Reaper droned on through the sky, the sensor operator closely monitored the live feed coming in from the drone's cameras. The high-resolution thermal imaging was already active, painting a vivid picture of the terrain below, with every heat signature standing out in

stark contrast.

"Switching to thermal view," the sensor operator said, his fingers flying over the controls. The display screens in front of them shifted, showing the heat signatures of wildlife scattered across the landscape below.

"Thermal systems operational," the sensor operator confirmed. "No significant heat sources detected in the immediate flight path. Looks like we're clear so far."

"Good," the pilot replied. "We'll hit the AO in about eighty-five minutes. Keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual."

The drone flew steadily, its cameras and sensors sweeping the landscape as it made its way toward Ferm. The pilot and sensor operator remained vigilant, knowing the importance of their mission. If there were any hidden observers in or around Ferm, the Reaper would find
