
The Reaper Part 2

Meanwhile, back in Ferm, Vincent and his team waited in the town hall for about eighty minutes.

And when that time was reached, Vincent pulled his radio.

"Shadow Actual to Reaper One, do you copy?" Vincent said, his voice calm but firm.

A moment later, the pilot's voice crackled through the radio. "Reaper One here, reading you loud and clear, Shadow Actual."

"Are you flying over the AO?"

"Positive, Shadow Actual. We just arrived on station, commencing overwatch now," the Reaper One pilot confirmed.

"Good," Vincent replied. "Begin thermal and visual sweeps. Report any anomalies or potential threats immediately."

"Roger that, Shadow Actual," the pilot acknowledged. "Commencing thermal and visual sweeps now. We'll keep you updated."

Vincent lowered the radio and looked at his team. "Once the Reaper sweeps the area and finds it clean, we are going to summon the armaments. For the meantime, we will again."

The Reaper drone began its methodical sweep of the area, its sensors scanning every inch of the desolate landscape below. As it circled high above Ferm, the drone's advanced thermal imaging system came to life, painting a vivid picture of the ground beneath. The heat signatures of the M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles were clearly visible, glowing bright against the cooler surroundings.

"Initiating standard sweep pattern," the pilot announced, guiding the drone into a wide, concentric loop around the city.

"Thermal imaging engaged. We're scanning for any heat signatures that shouldn't be there." The sensor operator focused on the screen in front of him, where the thermal imaging feed displayed the area in shades of black and white. The ruins of Ferm appeared as cold, lifeless shapes, the buildings reduced to skeletal frames after the flame dragon's devastation. The drone's infrared sensors were finely tuned, capable of detecting even the slightest variations in temperature.

"Starting with the outer perimeter," the sensor operator said, his fingers moving deftly over the controls to adjust the imaging parameters. "Looking for any movement or hidden heat sources."

The Reaper continued its slow, deliberate sweep, its sensors penetrating deep into the shadows of the ruined structures. The operator monitored the feed closely, scrutinizing every corner, every crevice where someone or something-might be hiding.

Nothing unusual so far," the operator reported. "All readings within expected parameters." "Keep scanning," the pilot instructed, maintaining the drone's altitude and speed. "We need to be sure the area is completely secure before we give Shadow Actual the go-ahead."

The drone completed another pass, moving closer to the center of the city. As the Reaper moved over the main square, the operator adjusted the sensitivity of the sensors, honing in on potential hotspots.

"Hold on," the operator muttered, his eyes narrowing as he noticed something on the edge of the screen. "We've got something..."

"What do you see?" the pilot asked, his voice tense.

"Looks like a heat signature," the operator replied, zooming in on the area. "It's faint, but it's definitely there. Could be someone or something-trying to stay out of sight." "Position?" the pilot requested, shifting the drone's flight path to get a better angle. "Approximately two hundred meters east of the main square," the operator reported. "Near what looks like the remains of an old warehouse. The signature is low, but it's consistent. Could be residual heat from a body."

The pilot keyed the mic. "Reaper One to Shadow Actual, we've detected an unusual heat signature about two hundred meters east of your current position. It's faint, but consistent. Could be a hidden observer or a concealed threat."

"Where is it?"

"Warehouse," the pilot repeated.

Vincent's expression hardened as he processed the information. He quickly spoke to Alpha 2. "We've got a heat signature detected about two hundred meters east of the main square, near the remains of an old warehouse. Are any of Eamon's associates supposed to be in that area?" Alpha 2 responded promptly. "Negative, Shadow Actual. Most of Eamon's people are with us in the main square. There shouldn't be anyone near that warehouse. It's been cleared and abandoned."

Vincent frowned, his mind racing. If no one was supposed to be in the warehouse, then the heat signature was highly suspicious. He glanced at his team, who were already on high alert, their hands hovering near their weapons.

"Okay" Vincent replied, his voice steady. "Stand by for further instructions. Keep everyone in the main square and maintain a tight perimeter. We'll investigate the warehouse ourselves."

He switched channels, reconnecting with the Reaper pilot. "Reaper One, maintain overwatch on that heat signature. We're moving in to investigate. Keep us updated on any changes." "Roger that, Shadow Actual," the pilot confirmed. "We'll keep the feed locked on the target. If anything moves, you'll be the first to know."

Vincent nodded to his team, signaling them to gear up. "Alpha 3, Alpha 4, you're with me. We're going to check out that warehouse. Alpha 2, stay in command here and keep your eyes open. No one moves without my say-so."

The team quickly assembled. Vincent led the way as they moved out of the town hall, their footsteps muffled by the debris-strewn streets. Moments later, the warehouse loomed in the


As they approached, Vincent raised his hand, signaling for the team to halt. He scanned the area, his senses sharp, before continuing forward cautiously.

"Reaper One, status update on the heat signature," Vincent requested as they closed in on the warehouse.

"Shadow Actual, the heat signature is moving away from its initial position," the Reaper One pilot reported.

Vincent cursed under his breath. "Copy that, Reaper One. Keep tracking the movement. We're proceeding with extreme caution."

He signaled his team to adjust their approach, making sure they were spread out to cover all angles as they neared the warehouse entrance. As they reached the entrance, Vincent held up a fist, signaling a halt. "Alpha 3, take point. Alpha 4, cover our six. We're moving in."

Alpha 3 nodded, slipping ahead and taking the lead. He carefully pushed the door open, sweeping his weapon across the interior as he entered. The rest of the team followed closely behind, their eyes scanning the dark, cluttered space for any signs of movement.

The warehouse was eerily quiet, the only sounds being the occasional creak of the damaged building and the faint hum of the Reaper drone circling overhead. The interior was a mess of debris, broken crates, everything.

"Reaper One, what's the status on that heat signature?" Vincent whispered into his radio.

"Shadow Actual, the heat signature is still moving, but it's slowing down. Approximately twenty meters ahead, near what looks like a large stack of crates," the pilot reported. Vincent signaled to his team, pointing toward the stack of crates where the target was last seen. They moved forward cautiously, their weapons trained on the suspected location.

As they closed the distance, Vincent could feel the tension in the air thickening. His team was ready for anything, but the unknown nature of the target kept them on edge. Finally, they reached the stack of crates. Vincent signaled for Alpha 3 to move around one side while Alpha 4 covered the other. He himself took the middle, advancing slowly.

"On my count," Vincent whispered, his voice barely audible. "Three... two... one..."

Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 moved in unison, flanking the stack of crates while Vincent stepped

forward, weapon raised.

"Don't move!"