
Bad News for the Elves

"Reaper to Shadow Actual," the pilot's voice crackled through Vincent's radio.

"Go ahead, Reaper," Vincent responded.

"Strike was successful. Target area is neutralized," the pilot reported. "Initial scans indicate multiple casualties, but we're picking up one heat signature still moving."

Vincent's eyes narrowed. "One? Can you confirm?"

"Affirmative, Shadow Actual. We're initiating another sweep to track the movement," the pilot replied.

"So there are 21 of them in total," he muttered, staring at the notification interface hovering in his vision. It was a reminder of the stakes and the lengths they would have to go to eliminate every threat. He couldn't afford to let a single loose end slip through his grasp. "Reaper, eliminate the target," Vincent ordered, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. "Copy that, Shadow Actual. Engaging target now," the Reaper pilot responded professionally. Vincent and his team watched the live feed from the drone on their HUDS as the Reaper adjusted its course, locking onto the fleeing elf. The image was grainy but clear enough to see the elf's frantic movements as he darted through the trees, desperate to escape.

"Target is on the move, heading west," the pilot reported. "Acquiring lock..." Moments later.

"Missile away," the pilot announced.

On the screen, a small flare ignited beneath the Reaper, sending a missile streaking toward the ground. The camera tracked the missile's path, following it as it cut through the air with deadly intent.

The missile struck, and the screen lit up with a bright flash.

"Direct hit," the pilot confirmed. "No further movement detected. Target is neutralized."

Vincent exhaled slowly. "Good work, Reapers. That means no one is watching us now. Maintain overwatch in case there are any more surprises."

"Roger that, Shadow Actual. Continuing surveillance," the pilot replied.

Vincent turned to his team. They had done what needed to be done, but there was no satisfaction in it. They wouldn't do this if the elves weren't spying on them or anything. It was them that brought it. Now, back at the mission at hand, the contract with the elves.

"Let's do the summoning here since no one is surely watching us. 100 pistols and 100 assault rifles," Vincent said, opening his system tab.

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 24

Gold coins: 2,160,525

Experience points: 1,975,752/2,001,924]

Vincent's eyes scanned the system interface as he navigated through the options. His fingers moved deftly, selecting the M4 Carbine and the Sig Sauer Pistol. The numbers displayed on the screen flickered as he confirmed his purchase-100 of each weapon.

The system deducted the total cost-120,000 gold coins-from his balance, leaving him with 2,040,525 gold coins. The weapons materialized before him, neatly stacked in crates that appeared out of thin air.

Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 moved quickly to open the crates, checking the contents. They nodded in approval as they inspected the weapons, each one in pristine condition and ready for use.

"Everything checks out, sir," Alpha 3 reported, lifting one of the M4 Carbines and examining it closely.

Vincent nodded, satisfied. "Good. Now I will buy the ammunition."

He selected the 5.56x45mm NATO rounds, specifically designed for the M4 Carbine. Each round was a standard full metal jacket (FMJ) cartridge, known for its reliability and effectiveness in a variety of combat scenarios. The system priced each bullet at 0.10 gold coins.

Without hesitation, Vincent purchased 200,000 rounds, totaling 20,000 gold coins. The system deducted the amount, and crates filled with ammunition materialized next to the weapons.

Next, Vincent moved on to the ammunition for the Sig Sauer M17 pistols. He selected the 9x19mm Parabellum rounds, specifically the FMJ variant known for its balance between penetration and stopping power. The price was set at 0.05 gold coins per round.

Vincent quickly calculated the amount he needed and purchased 100,000 rounds, totaling 5,000 gold coins. The system processed the purchase, and more crates materialized beside the others, neatly filled with the ammunition.

[Gold coins remaining: 2,015,525]

Vincent took a moment to survey the weapons and ammunition and he nodded in satisfaction. This should satisfy the elves.

"Okay, now for the transportation, well I think two M939 Trucks will suffice," Vincent said and bought two for 16,000 gold coins.

[Gold coins remaining: 1,999,525].

After completing the purchase, Vincent spoke. "We will deliver these to the elves tomorrow."


In the Great Forest of Arendel, King Thandor sat in his throne hall. The king's sharp gaze remained fixed on the tall doors at the far end of the room, waiting for news he was dreading

to hear.

The doors opened, and a figure entered. The man, dressed in the simple but elegant garb of a royal envoy, approached the throne and bowed deeply.

King Thandor wasted no time with pleasantries. "Speak. What news do you bring?"

The envoy straightened, his expression grim. "Your Majesty, I bring news regarding the spies you sent after Vincent Stryder."

The king's eyes narrowed, a flicker of unease crossing his features. "What of them? Have they succeeded?"

The envoy hesitated for a brief moment, clearly uncomfortable delivering the message. "I'm afraid all of them are dead, Your Majesty."

Thandor's eyes widened in shock. "Dead? All of them? How could this happen?"

"Well, the talismans that were with them on the mission were snuffed out, indicating that their life force has been extinguished," the envoy explained, his tone somber. "We have confirmed their deaths through the magic that binds those talismans to their bearers."

King Thandor's expression darkened as he processed the information. "And what of the cause? Who could have done this?"

The envoy shook his head slowly. "We have no concrete evidence, Your Majesty. The way they were killed suggests a level of power and precision beyond what we've encountered before."

"Could it be Vincent?" King Thandor asked. He knew that Vincent had the technology to make the impossible, possible. And to add, he knew that they were spying on him.

But the envoy shook his head. "No, Your Majesty. In fact we can't say anything for certain


"Well...investigate it!"

"At once, Your Majesty."

When the envoy left the throne hall, King Thandor leaned back to his throne and ran a hand

over his face. He was shocked, the spies that he sent were the best of the best and the fact that they were killed was unbelievable. He needs to get to the bottom of this.