
The Return to the Great Forest of Arendel

A day later, Vincent, his team, and Eamon's associates were having breakfast with the MRES. As usual, Eamon's associates showed delighted expressions as they ate, while Vincent and his team remained neutral, used to the standard military rations.

The MREs were designed to provide enough nutrients to keep a soldier functioning throughout the day, but the taste often left something to be desired. For Vincent and his team, it was just another meal-fuel to keep them going. For Eamon's associates, however, it was a different experience, as they found the variety of flavors surprisingly enjoyable. Vincent took a sip of his instant coffee, the bitter taste grounding him in the moment. His thoughts were focused on the task ahead-the delivery of weapons to the elves. The events of the previous day were still fresh in his mind, particularly the way they had to neutralize the spying elves. He knew the mission wasn't over yet, and there could still be more challenges waiting for them.

"We should be ready to move out in an hour," Vincent said, breaking the silence at the table. But there was an edge to it that suggested he was already thinking several steps ahead.

"Alpha 3, Alpha 4, make sure everything is secured and the trucks are loaded. Alpha 2, the same job, you will stay here with Eamon's associates and look after them. As for you Eamon, well it would be odd for them if you didn't come with us so you are coming with us," Vincent finished, his tone leaving no room for debate.

Eamon nodded, swallowing the last bite of his meal. He could sense the tension in Vincent's voice and knew better than to argue. Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 quickly rose from their seats, heading outside to oversee the final preparations.

Eamon wiped his hands on a napkin and stood up as well. "I'll get my things ready," he said, glancing at Vincent for any last-minute instructions-there was none.

Alpha 5 was also prepared by checking under the hood of the M939 truck to ensure everything was in working order. The trucks were critical for their mission, and Vincent didn't want to leave anything to chance. Alpha 5 moved efficiently, checking the oil, coolant, and fuel levels, as well as making sure the tires were properly inflated. Satisfied that everything was in order, The gave a thumbs-up to Vincent.

Vincent nodded in acknowledgment, then turned his attention back to the team. "Remember, this isn't just a delivery. We're walking into a situation where the elves might still be on edge after what happened to their spies. We need to stay sharp and be ready for anything."

Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 finished securing the last of the crates in the trucks. Each crate was carefully strapped down to prevent any movement during transit. The weapons and ammunition were their bargaining chips, and losing them on the way was not an option.

Eamon returned, carrying a small bag with his essentials. He glanced at the loaded trucks and then back at Vincent. "I'm ready."

"Good," Vincent replied. "Let's get moving."

The group gathered near the trucks, the weight of the mission hanging over them. Vincent took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the road ahead. He knew they were about to enter a potentially hostile environment, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down. "Mount up," Vincent ordered.

The team moved and each member took their respective spots in the M-ATV Oshkosh. Alpha 3 and 4 would drive the two M939 Trucks while Vincent and Alpha 5 would take one M-ATV Oshkosh. They weren't going to bring the other M-ATV Oshkosh as they would leave it to Alpha 2 in case he needed transportation for something.

Once everything was settled, Vincent gave the go signal through the radio, and almost simultaneously, the engine roared to life. The convoy began to move out, the M939 trucks leading the way, followed closely by Vincent and Alpha 5 in the M-ATV Oshkosh.

The road ahead was long, winding through dense forests and rugged terrain. Vincent kept his eyes on the surroundings, every sense attuned to potential threats.

The convoy made steady progress, the trucks handling the rough terrain with ease. Vincent glanced at Alpha 5, who was keeping a close watch on the road ahead.

"Anything on the scanners?" Vincent asked.

"Nothing so far, sir," Alpha 5 replied, his voice calm but alert. "But we should be approaching the rendezvous point soon."

Vincent nodded, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Good. Keep an eye out. The elves might be waiting for us, but we can't afford to be caught off guard."

The forest around them grew denser as they neared the Great Forest of Arendel.

As they rounded a bend, Vincent spotted the pathway toward the Great Forest of Arendel. Vincent's grip tightened on the steering wheel as they approached the entrance to the Great Forest of Arendel. The towering trees loomed ahead, their branches intertwining to form a natural canopy that blocked out much of the sunlight. The path was narrow, barely wide enough for the trucks to pass through, and the dense foliage on either side only added to the sense of being closed in.

As they continued down the path, Vincent felt a growing sense of unease. The silence of the forest was almost unnatural, with even the sounds of birds and animals seemingly absent. He glanced at Alpha 5, who was scanning the area with a wary expression.

"We're getting close," Alpha 5 muttered, his eyes flicking to the scanner readouts.

Vincent nodded, his instincts telling him to stay alert. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He slowed the convoy to a crawl, wanting to be ready for anything.

Then, as they passed through a particularly dense section of the forest, Vincent's gaze was drawn upward. His eyes widened as he spotted movement in the branches above. Dozens of elves were perched high in the trees, their longbows drawn and aimed directly at the convoy. "Hold up!" Vincent barked, slamming on the brakes. The convoy ground to a halt and the rest of his team immediately went on high alert.

"Alpha 5, eyes on the trees," Vincent ordered. He could see the elves clearly now, their sharp eyes watching every move his team made. The situation had just taken a dangerous turn.

"We've got company," Alpha 5 confirmed. "They've got us surrounded."

Then a familiar face emerged, it was Captain Aaron.

He walked to the side of the M-ATV Oshkosh and peered through the window.

"Vincent Strider. We are not expecting your arrival," Captain Aaron said.

"Well we are here now to make delivery, so please let us through so we can finish the contract."