
Fulfilling the Contract

"But I thought it would be within three days," Captain Aaron said. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Vincent, clearly trying to gauge his intentions.

Vincent kept his expression neutral, though he could sense the tension in the air. The elves were cautious, and he couldn't blame them after what had happened to their spies. Still, he needed to move this forward, and quickly.

"We decided to expedite the delivery," Vincent replied calmly. "We have the package ready and are prepared to deliver it directly to King Thandor. We're here to fulfill our part of the contract."

Captain Aaron studied Vincent for a long moment, his gaze flicking between him and the convoy. The elves in the trees remained on high alert, their longbows still aimed at the vehicles, ready to release a volley of arrows at the slightest provocation.

After what felt like an eternity, Captain Aaron finally nodded, though his expression remained guarded.

"Very well. We'll escort you to the square."

"Thank you and please...why would the elves give this kind of welcome? Aren't we allies?" Captain Aaron gritted his teeth inwardly. He knew all too well what had happened to the spies -how they had been decimated by an unknown force. Deep down, Aaron was convinced that Vincent and his team were responsible. The timing, the precision, it all pointed to them, but without concrete evidence, there was nothing he could do. So, he kept his composure,

determined not to let his suspicions show.

"Precautions, Vincent Stryder. Given recent events, trust is something we don't afford lightly."

"Recent events? Why what happened?" Vincent asked.

Captain Aaron paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered how much to reveal.

"Let's just say," Aaron began, choosing his words with care, "that certain... incidents have made us more cautious. We live in dangerous times, and it's better to be prepared for the unexpected."

Vincent held Aaron's gaze, his expression unreadable. "I understand the need for caution, Captain. But I assure you, we're here to fulfill our agreement, nothing more."

Aaron nodded slowly, though the suspicion in his eyes hadn't fully dissipated. "Very well. Follow us to the square. The King will decide how we proceed from here."

With that, Captain Aaron turned and gestured for the convoy to follow. The elves in the trees maintained their positions, watching every movement with keen eyes.

As they walked, Vincent kept his senses sharp, noting the subtle signals passed between the elves. They were clearly on edge, did he spook them that much?

Eventually, they reached the square, a wide-open space surrounded by towering trees. The square was filled with more elven warriors, all standing at attention, their eyes locked on Vincent and his team as they entered.

Captain Aaron led them to the center of the square and then turned to Vincent. "This is where you will wait. The King will be informed of your arrival, and he will decide when to see you." Vincent nodded, keeping his tone respectful. "We'll be ready when he is."

Aaron gave a curt nod and then signaled his men to stand down, though they remained on high alert.

Vincent turned to his team, who were all standing at ease but clearly ready for anything. He gave them a subtle nod as if telling them that they should stay vigilant but not provoke any unnecessary tension.

Alpha 5 kept his hand close to his weapon, his eyes scanning the surrounding elves with a calm yet alert demeanor. Alpha 3 stood nearby, his posture relaxed but his gaze sharp, ready to react at a moment's notice.

Eamon, standing a bit apart from the soldiers, looked slightly uneasy. He wasn't used to such tense situations, and the presence of so many armed elves was clearly making him nervous. Vincent caught his eye and gave him a reassuring nod, silently telling him to stay calm.

Minutes passed, and the square remained quiet, the only sound being the occasional rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. Vincent's mind was focused on the upcoming meeting with King Thandor. He knew the King was likely aware of the spies' deaths, and while they didn't have concrete proof linking Vincent's team to the incident, the elves were no doubt suspicious. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the large wooden doors at the far end of the square creaked open. An elven herald stepped out, his ornate robes indicating his status within the royal court. He approached Vincent and his team, his expression neutral but with an air of authority.

"The King is ready to see you now," the herald announced, his voice carrying a formal tone. "Only you and two of your men may enter."

Vincent nodded and turned to Alpha 3 and Alpha 5. "You two, with me," he instructed. The rest of the team stayed behind, maintaining their positions near the convoy.

The herald led the way, and Vincent followed, flanked by Alpha 3 and Alpha 5. As they

approached the entrance to the royal hall and entered.

Vincent stopped a respectful distance from the throne and bowed slightly. "Your Majesty," he greeted formally. "We are here to fulfill the terms of our agreement."

King Thandor's gaze remained fixed on Vincent, his expression unreadable. "You have brought the weapons?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Vincent confirmed. "The weapons and ammunition are ready for your inspection."

Thandor nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing slightly as if searching for any sign of deception. "And you decided to expedite the delivery," he stated rather than asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Vincent replied. "We believed it was in both our interests to complete the transaction swiftly, given the current... circumstances."

The King's eyes flickered with a hint of something-curiosity, perhaps but he said nothing for a moment. Finally, he nodded to one of his attendants. "Inspect the shipment," he


The attendant bowed and quickly left the room, heading toward the square where the convoy

was waiting.

Thandor then turned his attention back to Vincent. "I trust that everything is in order," he said, his tone carrying a subtle edge.

"It is, Your Majesty," Vincent assured him. "We aim to fulfill our part of the contract to the


The King leaned back on his throne, his gaze still locked on Vincent. "Good. Let us hope that this transaction proceeds smoothly."

One hour later, the inspection team returned.

"All the weapons and ammunition have been inspected and are in perfect condition, Your Majesty," the attendant reported, bowing deeply as he approached King Thandor. "The shipment matches the specifications provided in the contract."

Thandor listened without reacting immediately.

Seconds later.

"Very well. It appears that you have upheld your end of the agreement, Vincent Stryder. I trust that this will mark the beginning of a more stable and cooperative relationship between our people. For that please accept the end of our bargain as well."

The King signaled with a wave of the hand and promptly, two attendants stepped forward and brought in a box.

Vincent glanced at the box and spoke. "Thank you...it has been a pleasure working with you."