
Leaving the Great Forest of Arendel For Real

Alpha 4 chuckled softly. "Always focused on the details, huh? We'll make sure to grab some of that tea before we head out. It's not every day you get to taste something unique from a place like this."

Vincent nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "It's the small things that make a journey

memorable. We've spent enough time here that it would be a shame to leave without taking a piece of this experience with us."

Eamon glanced around, the weight of departure starting to settle in. "I'll go see if I can find some of that tea for the road," he said, moving toward the nearby tents where some of the elves were still lingering after the festivities.

As Eamon headed off, Alpha 4 turned his attention back to Vincent. "What's the plan once we leave the forest?"

"Well first and foremost, we are going back to the city of Ferm to meet up with the rest, and then we will fly back to Akarios Island where we can improve and enhance the security of the island," Vincent detailed.

"Wait...I thought after this, we are heading to the Dwarven Kingdom?"

"Change of plans," Vincent simply replied.

Alpha 4 raised an eyebrow, waiting for Vincent to elaborate.

"Well, we didn't expect that we are going to spend a lot of time here in the forest. Add to the fact our unnecessary baggage," Vincent paused, as if emphasizing something. He turned his head to Eamon who was already returning with a cup of tea.

"You mean Eamon is an unnecessary baggage?" Alpha 4 inquired, seeking clarification.

"No, not him. It's his associates that are staying with Alpha 1, 2, 3, and 5. I plan on dropping them off at the Port of Felaria. I don't want to bring unnecessary people to the Dwarven Kingdom," Vincent explained.

"Oh I see now, that makes sense. They aren't helpful at all, like a parasite. I wondered why we brought them along," Alpha 4 said.

"That's because on the way to the Dwarven Kingdom, the Empire of Ishalgen is near, and I thought it would be wise to bring them. However, due to unexpected encounters with the Flame Dragon and the elves, they have become a big piece of luggage for us. So they'll return back to Felaria."

"Here's your tea," Eamon handed the cup to Vincent with a curious expression. "What were you two talking about?" he asked, sensing the seriousness in their conversation as he approached.

Vincent took the cup and sipped the tea, appreciating the warmth and flavor before answering. "Nothing too important, Eamon. Just going over the final details before we head out."

Eamon looked between Vincent and Alpha 4, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "Are you sure? It sounded like you were discussing something more than just travel plans."

Vincent met Eamon's gaze, his expression calm but firm. "Don't worry about it, Eamon. Everything is under control. Just focus on getting ready for the journey."

Eamon hesitated for a moment, clearly wanting to press further, but ultimately nodded and stepped back. "Very well, Sir Vincent."

As Eamon moved away to attend to his tasks, Alpha 4 leaned in slightly toward Vincent, keeping his voice low. "You think he suspects anything?"

Vincent shook his head, his eyes following Eamon as he walked away. "He might be curious, but it's nothing we can't handle."

Thirty minutes later.

The three are standing by the M-ATV Oshkosh with its engine running, ready to leave. The elves have gathered around to witness the departure of the humans. King Thandor and Princess Elara stood at the forefront of the elven gathering.

Vincent took a moment to take in the scene before him-the elves, the towering trees, the serene beauty of the forest. At last, he is going to leave it.

King Thandor stepped forward, his expression one of gratitude. "Vincent Stryder, Alpha 4, and Eamon, your presence here has been a great honor to us. The knowledge and strength you have imparted to our people will not be forgotten. We are indebted to you for your guidance and your friendship."

Vincent nodded respectfully, stepping forward to address the king and the gathered elves. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, it has been an honor to work alongside your people. The bond we've formed here will remain strong, and I hope that this is just the beginning of a long and prosperous alliance between us."

Princess Elara, standing beside her father, offered Vincent a warm smile. "We will always remember your time here, Vincent. You've shown us new ways to protect our land, and for that, we are eternally grateful."

Vincent met her gaze, memories of their recent moments together flashing in his mind, but he kept his expression composed. "Thank you, Princess. Your people have been gracious hosts, and I've learned much from you as well."

The elves began to chant a traditional farewell blessing which left Vincent and the other surprised.

As the chant continued, the elves raised their hands, palms open to the sky, as if offering their blessing to the heavens. The air around them seemed to hum with energy, and Vincent could feel the sincerity and warmth of the blessing washing over him and his companions.

If only they knew what had truly happened to their 21 scouts, for sure, they wouldn't even do this kind of ceremony.

When the chant finally ended, there was a brief moment of silence, as if the forest itself was acknowledging the blessing. Then, King Thandor stepped forward once more, his expression serious but filled with gratitude.

"You leave our land today, but the bond we have formed will endure. May the blessings of the forest protect you on your journey, may your hearts stay true to your path, and may you find peace in knowing you will always have friends in the Great Forest of Arendel."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. We will carry your blessings with us, and we will always remember the friendship we've found here."

"Vincent," she began softly, "may the stars guide you and may your journey bring you back to us someday. Our paths are intertwined, and I believe we will meet again."

"Until we meet again, Princess."

With the farewells said, Vincent, Alpha 4, and Eamon turned to the M-ATV Oshkosh that awaited them. As they climbed in, the elves watched curiously.

Then moments later, the vehicle roared to life as they began their departure. Vincent glanced back one last time, taking in the sight of the elves standing together, at last, he had left the elven forest this time. He'd meet them in the future if they need ammunitions for their new weapons but that's only it.