
A Familiar Place Again

Three hours later, the sun was already at its zenith, its heat beating down relentlessly on the M-ATV Oshkosh. Thankfully, its air-conditioning kept the interior cool, offering a respite from the harsh conditions outside.

Vincent sat in the passenger seat, his gaze fixed on the landscape rolling by. The dense forests of Arendel had given way to a more open terrain, with vast plains stretching out before them.

Alpha 4, who was driving, glanced over at Vincent. "You think the elves will manage without us?"

Vincent leaned back in his seat, his thoughts momentarily drifting to the friends they had left behind. "They've come a long way. With the training we provided, they'll be more than capable of handling whatever comes their way. The only thing they'll need from us is ammunition. Which they have to buy from us. Well, since we aren't a country, there will be no representative to represent us there and contact us. So it'll be only a matter of time before they run out of ammunition. But I'm sure the elves won't use those weapons unless the situation calls for it. After all, they are capable fighters with or without modern weaponry." Alpha 4 nodded, understanding the situation. "You think the elves are spying on us again?" Vincent shook his head slightly. "I doubt it. The King doesn't have any reason to spy on us anymore. We've earned their trust, and we've done everything we promised. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious. Trust can be a fragile thing, especially in times of uncertainty."

Alpha 4 gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter, his eyes scanning the horizon ahead. "So, we stay on guard, but we don't go looking for shadows where there aren't any."

"Exactly," Vincent replied. "We've got bigger things to focus on now. The elves have their own battles to fight, and so do we. If they need us again, they'll know where to find us."

"Do you think they'll reach out to us for more than just ammunition? Maybe ask for more training, or even some kind of alliance?"

Vincent considered this for a moment. "It's possible. The elves aren't fools-they know the value of having allies who can offer what we do. But they're also proud and independent. They won't come to us unless they truly need to."

Alpha 4 smirked. "Sounds like someone we know."

Vincent chuckled, the tension in the air easing slightly. "Yeah, I suppose we're not so different in that regard."

As the conversation lulled, Vincent remained silent, and then in the tranquility of silence, he remembered something.

It has been almost two and a half months since he was transmigrated here in this world. He checked his stats:

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 24

Gold coins: 2,160,525

Experience points: 1,975,752/2,001,924]

Based on the experience points, he only needed a little over 26,000 more to level up. It wasn't much, considering the kind of battles he had faced before, but it was a reminder of how far he had come since arriving in this world.

He couldn't wait to spend those two million gold coins on improving and enhancing the defense of Akarios Island. He'd want it to be the most heavily fortified military base in this world.

Ten minutes later, they could finally see the City of Ferm in the distance.

"Heads up everyone," Vincent said, leaning forward slightly as the outline of Ferm came into clearer view.

The M-ATV Oshkosh rumbled forward, its engine a low, steady growl as it approached the city gates. As expected, there were no guards because the city was technically deserted by its populace. So they made their way to the city square where the Town Hall is located and there, they saw Alpha 1 and 2 drying clothes by hanging them on a clothesline they had set up near the entrance of the Town Hall.

"They're back," Alpha 1 said, his voice carrying just enough to reach Alpha 2 over the sound of the vehicle.

Alpha 2 looked up, giving a brief nod as he finished securing the last piece of clothing. "Right on time."

The Oshkosh came to a stop in front of the Town Hall, and Vincent stepped out, his boots crunching on the gravel beneath. He took a moment to stretch, feeling the tension in his muscles from the long drive. Alpha 4 and Eamon followed suit, each taking a moment to assess their surroundings.

Vincent approached Alpha 1 and 2, who had now moved to greet him. "Everything secure here?" he asked, his tone more relaxed now that they were among familiar faces.

"Nothing to report, Sir," Alpha 1 replied. "The city's as quiet as when you left. We've kept the area around the Town Hall secure, and there's been no sign of trouble."

"How about Eamon's associates?" Vincent asked.

"They are behaving themselves pretty well," Alpha 2 answered. "How was your stay in the Great Forest of Arendel?"

"It was stressful. We have to teach the elves the art of modern warfare and make sure they're equipped to defend themselves. But it was also rewarding. The elves were quick learners which made our job easier."

"Tell them about this one elf that almost shot you down," Alpha 4 reminded, giggling.

"Oy!" Vincent exclaimed, shooting Alpha 4 a mock glare before turning back to Alpha 1 and 2. "Yeah, there was a bit of a... mishap."

Alpha 1 raised an eyebrow. "Mishap? What happened?"

Vincent sighed, running a hand through his hair. "One of the elves got a little too eager during training. I was giving out instructions when he accidentally fired his weapon. The shot barely missed me by a few inches."

Alpha 2's eyes widened slightly. "That sounds like a close call. What did you do?"

"I kept my cool," Vincent replied with a shrug. "I made sure he understood the importance of discipline and following orders. The guy was mortified, though. I don't think he'll make that

mistake again."

Alpha 4 chuckled. "Yeah, he looked like he was about to faint. Poor guy."

Alpha 1 shook his head with a smile. "Sounds like you had your hands full. But it's good to hear the training went well overall. Any lasting issues we should be aware of?" "Nothing major," Vincent replied. "Just the usual growing pains of adapting to a new way of fighting. They'll be fine as long as they keep practicing. The elves are a resilient bunch. Anyways I have plans for this place which I want to discuss with the rest of you inside. Of

course, Eamon, you are exempted."

"Again?" Eamon growled.

"Sorry buddy."