
Operation New FOB

"So, we are going to move them over again, huh?" Alpha 4 remarked. "What is your plan, boss?"

Vincent didn't answer the question immediately as he was watching Eamon walk away from them. Once Eamon was at a reasonable distance, he finally spoke.

"I plan to militarize this place," Vincent revealed. "This city, abandoned by its local populace, is a good spot for a forward operating base. Renovation would be straightforward since it's already been razed by the Flame Dragon."

Alpha 4 furrowed his brow in thought. "Hmm...but won't that be too much of a risk? We're on the main continent, and everyone on this continent could potentially come here. It could attract unwanted attention."

Vincent nodded, understanding the concern. "True, it's a gamble. But it's a strategic one. We need a foothold on the mainland, somewhere we can operate from without drawing too much immediate attention. Ferm is isolated enough, and with the city already in ruins, it's unlikely to be a priority for any major powers anytime soon."

Alpha 4 considered Vincent's words for a moment. "But what if they do take notice? What if someone powerful decides they want this city for themselves?"

"We'll deal with that if it happens," Vincent replied calmly. "By the time anyone realizes what we're doing here, we'll be well-established. We'll have the advantage of time, and we'll make sure this place is fortified enough to hold our ground."

Alpha 1, who had been listening quietly, chimed in. "You're talking about turning Ferm into a fortress. So does that mean..."

"Yes Alpha 1, I'm going to summon it," he answered in a low voice and continued. "But to make sure there are no more prying eyes, we will contact the headquarters and request a drone surveillance above Ferm. That way, things like elves spying on us won't be a trouble." Vincent's words hung in the air for a moment, the weight of his decision sinking in with the team. The idea of summoning such a powerful asset was not something to be taken lightly.

Alpha 4 nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "If we're bringing out the big guns, we need to be absolutely certain that we can secure this place without any interference."

Alpha 1, who had initially seemed uncertain, now looked more resolved. "Understood. I'll get in touch with headquarters and have a drone surveillance set up over Ferm. We can't afford to have any surprises while we're fortifying this place."

Vincent gave a curt nod of approval. "Good. The sooner we get that in place, the sooner we can proceed."

Alpha 2, who had been quiet during the conversation, finally spoke up. "What about Eamon and his associates?"

"We are going to do the fortification at 0200 HRS, that way, all of them are sleeping. Now of course, that won't be enough so I'll have one to watch them over because who knows, one might wake up during the process and it'll blow right on our faces if they catch wind of what we're doing," Vincent finished, his tone serious.

Alpha 2 nodded, understanding the importance of discretion. "I can handle that. I'll keep a close watch on them, and make sure they don't stir. If they do, I'll make sure they don't see anything that could compromise our operation."

"Good," Vincent said, satisfied with the plan. "We need everything to go smoothly.

Alpha 4 glanced around the ruins of the city, already picturing what it could become. "It's going to get good."

"We need to get things in motion. Alpha 1, contact headquarters and arrange for drone surveillance," Vincent ordered.

"Yes sir!" Alpha 1 went inside the Town Hall where the communication picked up, and quickly began typing the necessary codes into the communication terminal. The screen flickered to life, and within moments, he was connected to their headquarters.

"Headquarters, this is Alpha 1, requesting immediate drone surveillance over Ferm. Operation 'Fortress' is a go. We need full coverage and real-time intel," Alpha 1 reported.

There was a brief pause on the other end before a voice crackled through the speakers. "Acknowledged, Alpha 1. Do you need the drone now or for later?"

"We'll need the drone active in the next eight hours," Alpha 1 continued, his tone firm. "We're planning to commence the operation at 0200 hours. Full surveillance is crucial to ensure no one interferes with our activities."

"Understood, Alpha 1," the voice from headquarters responded. "Drone deployment will be initiated, and you'll have full coverage by the time you need it. Is there anything else you require?"

"That'll be all for now. We'll update you if anything changes," Alpha 1 replied before ending the communication.

He turned back to Vincent and the others, who were waiting outside. "Drone surveillance is set for eight hours from now. We'll have eyes on the entire area when we start fortifying the city."

"Good," Vincent said, nodding in approval. "Now, let's get ready. We have a lot to do before then."

The team dispersed to handle their respective tasks. Alpha 2 moved to keep an eye on Eamon and his associates, ensuring they remained unaware of the impending operation. Alpha 4 began inspecting the ruins of Ferm, identifying key locations where fortifications would be most effective. Vincent, meanwhile, stayed near the Town Hall, strategizing the next steps and thinking ahead about the potential challenges they might face.

In the town hall, the Alphas gathered around the table with Vincent having a map of the entire City of Ferm.

"Okay," Vincent began, spreading the map of Ferm across the table. The others gathered closer, eyes fixed on the detailed layout of the city.

"Here's the plan," Vincent continued, pointing to specific areas on the map. "First, we'll establish a secure perimeter. The outer walls of the city will be fortified with automated defense turrets. We'll place the main gate here," he tapped a spot near the northern entrance, "and reinforce it with a heavily armored checkpoint. No one gets in or out without our say- so."

Alpha 4 nodded in agreement, already envisioning the layout. "What about internal defenses? We need to ensure the city center is well-protected."

"Exactly," Vincent replied, tracing a line from the main gate to the town square. "We'll set up a command center in the Town Hall. That will be the heart of our operations. We'll convert the basement into a secure bunker with direct lines to headquarters, so we can maintain constant communication and monitor the drone feeds."

Vincent moved his finger to the southern part of the map, just outside the city center. "Here, we'll build an airfield. The open terrain makes it the perfect spot for a small runway and hangar. We'll station a few helicopters and transport planes for quick deployments and supply runs. The air tower will be constructed nearby, giving us control over all aerial operations."

Alpha 1 chimed in, "We'll also need a radio tower to ensure our communication isn't compromised. I suggest placing it on the highest point in the city, right here." He pointed to a hill on the eastern side of the city.

Vincent nodded. "Agreed. The higher the tower, the better our range. That hill will give us coverage for miles. We'll equip it with encrypted communication systems and backup generators to keep it operational at all times."

Alpha 2, who had been quietly observing, now spoke up. "What about barracks and storage facilities? We'll need to house the troops and secure our supplies."

Vincent pointed to several locations within the city. "We'll convert these buildings into barracks, enough to accommodate a full battalion. We'll reinforce the structures and equip them with everything our soldiers need-sleeping quarters, mess halls, armories, and medical facilities. As for storage, we'll use the old warehouses near the western edge of the city. They're large, sturdy, and well-suited for holding our supplies, ammunition, and equipment."

He then traced a route connecting the key points. "We'll also need to establish secure roads connecting the airfield, command center, and storage facilities. These roads will be heavily patrolled, and we'll install checkpoints at key intersections to control movement within the


Vincent paused, looking around at his team. "This is a big operation, but if we pull it off, Ferm will be the most fortified base on the continent. We'll have a secure location from which to operate, and we'll be ready to face any threat that comes our way."

The Alphas nodded in agreement.

"Let's get to work," Vincent ordered. "We've got a lot to do and not much time to do it."


At 0000HRS. Alpha 2 watched Eamon and his associates sleeping soundly on their beds in one of the abandoned buildings they had taken over as temporary quarters. The room was dark, save for the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the cracked windows.

He had positioned himself in a shadowy corner, his presence hidden from view. His training made it easy for him to remain silent and unnoticed, even in close quarters. Eamon and his associates were completely unaware of his watchful eyes, their breathing slow and steady as

they slept.

"All stations, this is Alpha 2," Alpha 2 whispered. "We are a go, I repeat, we are a go."