
Mercenaries's Preparation

Rourke returned to the outpost with his small group of scouts, their footsteps crunching softly on the forest floor. The sun had risen higher now, casting a brighter light over the camp. The mercenary camp was a hive of activity, with men going about their tasks, sharpening weapons, preparing meals, and tending to the horses. Rourke headed straight for the large central tent, where Garrick, the leader of their band, would be waiting. His men followed closely, their faces set with the same grim determination that Rourke felt.

Pushing aside the heavy canvas flap, Rourke stepped inside the tent. The air was cooler within, and the dim light of a single lantern illuminated the rough-hewn table where Garrick sat, poring over a map. The leader looked up as Rourke entered, his expression unreadable. "Rourke," Garrick greeted him with a nod, his voice gravelly. "What did you find?"

Rourke took a deep breath, trying to put the strangeness of the situation into words. "Ferm... it's not what we expected, Garrick. The city's been rebuilt. Completely."

Garrick's brow furrowed in confusion. "Rebuilt? What do you mean?"

"It's like a new city," Rourke explained, struggling to convey the enormity of what they had seen. "The buildings are all new, the roads are smooth, and there are soldiers everywhere. But these soldiers... they're different. They have weapons I've never seen before-no swords or bows, something far more advanced."

Garrick leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. "Soldiers? What kind of weapons?"

"I don't know exactly," Rourke admitted, frustration creeping into his voice. "But they're organized, disciplined, like a proper army. Whoever's behind this, they've turned Ferm into a fortress."

A tense silence filled the tent as Garrick considered Rourke's words. His fingers drummed lightly on the table, his gaze fixed on the map before him.

"Did you see who's in charge?" Garrick finally asked, his voice low and deliberate.

Rourke shook his head. "We couldn't get close enough. Bren and Sykes are still out there, keeping watch, but we need to be careful. This isn't a simple raid anymore."

Garrick nodded slowly, his expression hardening. "If what you're saying is true, then this changes everything. We can't just storm in and take what we want. How many of them are there? And the weapons, what do they look like?"

Rourke paused, trying to recall every detail he had seen. "There were at least a few dozen soldiers visible from where we were, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, I think. The way they were positioned, the way they moved it felt like they were covering the entire city. As for the weapons, I couldn't get a clear look, but they weren't anything like what we're used to. No blades, no bows. They were carrying long, sleek objects, almost like staves but more rigid and with parts that looked mechanical."

Garrick frowned, his expression growing more intense. "Mechanical weapons? You're saying these soldiers are equipped with some kind of advanced technology?"

"That's what it seemed like," Rourke replied, nodding. "Could be magic items, but they don't look like any I've seen before," he continued, his brow furrowed in thought. "They were too precise, too uniform. Whatever they are, they're not something you just find in a merchant's shop or even on a battlefield around here."

Garrick leaned back, his fingers tapping a slow rhythm on the table. "This complicates things. If these soldiers are using advanced technology or magic that we don't understand, we're walking into something far bigger than we anticipated. We'll need to rethink our approach."

Rourke nodded. "Exactly. We can't just charge in and hope for the best. We need more information—what they're guarding, how many of them there are, and most importantly, who's leading them."

Garrick stood, moving to a side table where a jug of water and some cups were set out. He poured himself a drink, taking a moment to consider the situation. "Bren and Sykes are still out there, right? Watching the city?"

"Yes," Rourke confirmed. "They're keeping an eye on things, trying to gather as much information as they can without being spotted."

Garrick nodded, sipping from his cup. "Good. We'll need every scrap of intel they can get. In the meantime, we'll prepare the men. I want everyone on high alert. No one goes anywhere alone, and everyone stays within the perimeter. We can't afford to be caught off guard."

Rourke could see the wheels turning in Garrick's mind, the leader already planning their next move. It was one of the reasons he respected Garrick so much he was always thinking ahead, always considering every angle.

"And Rourke," Garrick said, his tone serious as he set the cup down, "if it comes to it, I need you to be ready to lead a small team into the city. We might need to get our hands dirty to find out who's pulling the strings."

Rourke straightened, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll be ready. Just say the word."

Garrick gave a curt nod. "Good. For now, make sure the men are prepared. We don't know what's coming, but we need to be ready for anything."

With that, Rourke turned to leave the tent, his mind already focused on the tasks ahead. He moved quickly through the camp, relaying Garrick's orders to the men. Weapons were sharpened, supplies were inventoried, and sentries were posted at every conceivable point of entry.

As he passed groups of men sharpening swords and checking armor, Rourke paused to speak with a few of the senior mercenaries. "Double the perimeter watch. I want sentries at every fifty yards. No one moves without a partner, and any unfamiliar movement or sound is to be reported immediately."

The men nodded, their faces serious as they hurried to carry out his orders. Rourke continued through the camp, making sure everyone understood the gravity of the situation. The usual rough banter and laughter that filled the camp was gone, replaced by a tense silence as the mercenaries prepared for the unknown.

Rourke's mind kept drifting back to the city, to those strange soldiers with their mechanical weapons. He had been in countless battles, and seen more than his fair share of strange and deadly things, but this... this was different.

"I wonder how powerful those men are."