
What the Heck Was That?!

Rourke couldn't shake the feeling of unease as he walked through the camp, the preparations around him a blur. His thoughts were consumed by the city of Ferm, or whatever it had become. He knew he had left Bren and Sykes on that hill, but the image of those soldiers, the strange weapons they carried, and the unnatural transformation of the city gnawed at him. The urge to return to the hill and assess the situation himself grew stronger with each passing minute.

After ensuring that the camp was as secure as possible, Rourke made his decision. He needed to get back to Bren and Sykes. Whatever was happening in Ferm required more than just a distant observation-it demanded a closer look, a deeper understanding.

"Rourke," one of the senior mercenaries called out, pulling him from his thoughts. "Everything's set. The men are ready."

Rourke nodded, his mind still half-focused on the task ahead. "Good. Keep everyone on high alert. I'm heading back to the hill where we scouted earlier. I need to check in with Bren and Sykes."

The mercenary raised an eyebrow but didn't question him. "Understood. We'll hold the fort here."

Without wasting another moment, Rourke turned and made his way out of the camp. The path back to the hill was familiar, the trees and undergrowth now a second home to him after years of scouting and ambushing in similar terrain.

As he neared the hill, the tension in his chest tightened. He could feel his heartbeat quicken with each step, his senses sharpening to the sounds around him. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig, set his nerves on edge. This was no ordinary mission; they were dealing with something beyond their understanding.

Finally, Rourke reached the base of the hill. He crouched low, moving quietly as he ascended, his eyes scanning for any sign of Bren and Sykes. The climb was steep, but Rourke's years of experience made it seem effortless. When he reached the top, he spotted the two scouts exactly where he had left them, their faces tight with concentration as they kept watch over the city below.

"Rourke," Bren whispered as he approached, his voice laced with a mixture of relief and concern. "Did you report back to Garrick?"

Rourke nodded, settling beside them and peering down at the city. "Yes, but I needed to come back. We're dealing with something far more complex than we thought. Garrick's putting the camp on high alert, but we need more information before we can make any moves."

Sykes, who had been silent, handed Rourke the binoculars. "You need to see this. It's not just the soldiers. There's movement around the outskirts of the city-patrols, setting up defenses. They're fortifying the place, and it's happening fast."

Rourke took the binoculars and focused on the city. Just as Sykes had said, there were small groups of soldiers moving along the edges of the city, placing what looked like barricades and other defensive structures.

"And there was also-" Sykes began, but he was abruptly cut off as a low, rhythmic thumping sound filled the air. It was faint at first, barely noticeable over the ambient noise of the forest and the distant activity in the city, but it quickly grew louder, more distinct.

Rourke lowered the binoculars, his attention drawn to the sound. "What is that?" he muttered, his eyes scanning the sky.

Bren and Sykes exchanged uneasy glances, their hands instinctively moving to their weapons. The sound was unlike anything they had ever heard-a deep, pulsing thrum that seemed to reverberate through the ground beneath them.

"There!" Sykes suddenly pointed with an alarmed voice.

Rourke followed his gaze and froze. Coming into view from behind a cluster of trees on the far side of the city was something that defied explanation. It was flying, but it wasn't like any bird or creature they had ever seen. The object was large, metal, and seemed to hang in the air with an unnatural ease. Above it, a set of metal blades spun so rapidly that they blurred into a near-invisible circle, creating the distinctive thumping noise that now dominated the air.

"What in the...?" Rourke's voice trailed off, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was seeing.

The flying machine-because that's what it had to be-moved with purpose, circling the city in a slow, deliberate pattern. It was as if it was surveying the area.

The metal blades above it seemed to defy the laws of nature, keeping the entire contraption airborne with their rapid rotation.

"I've never seen anything like this," Bren said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Rourke couldn't tear his eyes away from the machine. The way it moved, the sound it made, everything about it was alien to him. It was clear that whatever force had taken over Ferm was far more advanced than anything he had ever encountered. This wasn't just a fortified city-it was a stronghold equipped with technology that was beyond his understanding.

"We need to get out of here," Sykes said urgently, his voice breaking the trance that had settled over them. "If they have flying machines like that, they could spot us any second."

Rourke nodded, finally snapping out of his daze. "You're right. We've seen enough. Let's move."

The three of them began to retreat down the hill, moving quickly but carefully to avoid drawing attention to themselves. The sound of the flying machine grew fainter as they descended, but the unease it had left in its wake lingered in Rourke's chest.

As they reached the cover of the trees at the base of the hill, Rourke paused to glance back at the city one last time. The flying machine was still circling above, a silent sentinel guarding the mysterious transformation of Ferm.

"Whatever we're dealing with," Rourke said quietly to his companions, "it's not something we can fight head-on. Bren, go back to the outpost and report what we have seen to Garrick. Tell him about the flying machine."

"I'll make sure he understands. What about you?"

"I'm staying here with Sykes," Rourke replied. "We'll keep an eye on things, see if we can gather more intel. The more we know, the better we can prepare."

Bren hesitated for a moment, clearly worried about leaving them behind, but he knew better than to argue. "Be careful," he said, before turning and disappearing into the trees, making his way back to the outpost.