

The Apache helicopter, designated Havoc One, hovered steadily over the outskirts of the newly transformed City of Ferm.

"Havoc One to Overwatch, commencing perimeter sweep," the pilot reported, his voice steady as he guided the helicopter in a wide arc around the city's edge.

"Copy that, Havoc One," came the response from Overwatch, the command center's voice crackling slightly through the headset. "Maintain your current altitude and keep us posted on any activity."

The gunner, seated beside the pilot, adjusted the targeting system, his fingers moving swiftly over the controls. "Switching to thermal," he muttered, activating the infrared imaging on the screen before him. The dense foliage lit up with heat signatures, most of them small and unremarkable—likely wildlife moving through the underbrush.

"Eastern sector looks clear," the gunner reported after a few moments of careful observation. "No signs of human activity."

"Roger that," the pilot responded, banking the helicopter slightly to the left as they moved to the northern perimeter. "Moving to the next sector."

They moved to the western sector, a vast plain field stretching out before them.

"Havoc One to Overwatch, beginning sweep of the western sector," the pilot reported, his voice steady as he adjusted their course.

"Copy that, Havoc One," came the response from Overwatch. "Proceed with caution. The open terrain could be deceptive."

The gunner switched the display back to standard imaging, his eyes scanning the ground below. The plain was quiet, the only movement coming from the tall grass swaying in the wind.

"Negative on the western sector," the gunner reported, his tone flat but focused as he continued to survey the area. "Nothing out of the ordinary-just open ground and vegetation."

The pilot nodded, though his eyes remained on the horizon. "Roger that. Let's complete the loop and head back toward the northern ridge."

As the helicopter began to bank again, the gunner suddenly tensed. "Hold on. Something just flashed on thermal."

The pilot steadied the chopper, bringing it to a hover. "What've you got?"

The gunner adjusted the controls, zooming in on a section of the plain where the grass seemed disturbed. "There it is again. A faint heat signature-could be residual from something that was here recently."

"Mark the coordinates," the pilot ordered. "We'll pass it on to Overwatch for ground confirmation."

As the gunner marked the location on their map, the radio crackled to life again. "Havoc One, this is Overwatch. We're picking up your telemetry-do you have a visual on anything significant?"

"Overwatch, we've got a faint heat signature in the western sector. Nothing solid, but it's worth a closer look by ground forces. Coordinates marked and transmitting now," the pilot replied.

"Copy that, Havoc One. We'll relay to ground teams. Continue your sweep. In the meantime, proceed to the northern sector. There's a hill there that's of interest-potential vantage point," Overwatch instructed.

"Havoc One, roger that. Adjusting course to the northern sector," the pilot confirmed, banking the Apache helicopter smoothly toward the indicated area. The landscape beneath them began to change as they moved north, the flat plains giving way to more rugged terrain, dotted with rocky outcrops and patches of dense forest.

As they approached the hill, the gunner switched the imaging system back to thermal, scanning the area for any signs of activity. The screen was filled with the usual heat signatures from wildlife, but nothing that immediately stood out.

"Switching to standard," the gunner said, toggling the display. The hill came into sharp focus, its rocky surface pockmarked with crevices and small caves. It was the perfect place for someone

or something-to hide.

"Havoc One to Overwatch," the pilot called in. "We've got a clear visual on the northern hill. No immediate signs of movement, but this terrain is tricky. We'll conduct a low pass for a closer look."

"Copy that, Havoc One. Keep your eyes open. This area's been flagged as a possible threat zone," Overwatch replied, their tone leaving no room for complacency.

The Apache helicopter descended slightly, its rotors kicking up dust and loose rocks as it hovered just above the hill. The gunner's eyes darted over the screens, searching for any anomalies.

"Wait," the gunner muttered, leaning in closer. "There-something's moving in that crevice."

The pilot adjusted their position, tilting the helicopter to give the gunner a better angle. "Can you confirm?"

The gunner zoomed in, focusing on the crevice that cut through the side of the hill. At first, it was just shadows, but then he saw it-a brief glint of metal, barely visible in the darkness.

"Confirmed. There's something in there. It's metallic, could be a weapon or some sort of equipment," the gunner reported, his voice tense.

"Havoc One to Overwatch, we've got visual confirmation of metallic objects within a crevice on the northern hill. Possible threat. Requesting guidance on how to proceed," the pilot radioed in, maintaining their hover over the area.

"Stand by, Havoc One," Overwatch responded, the line going quiet for a moment as the command center processed the new information.

As they waited, the gunner kept his eyes on the crevice, watching for any further movement. The wind howled around them, the helicopter's rotors slicing through the air, but inside the cockpit, the tension was palpable.

"Overwatch to Havoc One," the voice crackled back to life. "We're deploying a ground team to investigate. Maintain your position and provide aerial support if necessary. Do not engage unless fired upon."

"Roger that, Overwatch. Holding position," the pilot confirmed. "Wait...someone is moving," the gunner said, his voice tense with alertness as he adjusted the controls to zoom in further

on the crevice.

The pilot squinted at the display, trying to make out the figure emerging from the shadows. "Can you get a clearer image?"

"It's running away...and there seems to be two of them. They're moving fast, trying to stay in the shadows."

The pilot steadied the helicopter, bringing it into a slow hover as they tried to track the

fleeing figures.

"Havoc One to Overwatch, we have two unidentified individuals emerging from the crevice and attempting to escape. They're moving northwest, away from the hill."

"Copy that, Havoc One," Overwatch responded, their tone now sharp with concern. "Ground teams are en route. Maintain visual contact but do not engage unless provoked."

The gunner switched back to thermal imaging, locking onto the heat signatures of the two figures. "They're making a break for the tree line. We're going to lose them if they reach the


The pilot adjusted their altitude, bringing the helicopter lower to get a better view. The rotors churned the air, sending dust and debris swirling below them. "We'll stay on them as long as we can. Keep tracking."

The figures darted through the rocky terrain, their movements erratic and desperate. It was

clear they were trying to avoid detection, using the natural cover to their advantage. The gunner tracked them as they weaved through the landscape, his finger hovering over the

trigger, ready to respond if they posed a threat.

"They're almost at the tree line. Switch to thermal once they entered."