Chapter-11 The Ceremony

The students pushed and shoved, rushing towards the door and down to a small, dark platform. The chill of the night made Harry, who was next to kaizo, shiver.

Kaizo heard a rough voice shout:"Freshman!Freshman over here! Harry, come over here, will you? How are you?

In the sea of thousands of people, Hagrid's bearded face smiled and said hello in a low voice. Kaizo thought that such a giant looked stupid. But most little wizards didn't think so, they were intimidated by his abnormal size.

After all, unlike him these people have not read "Harry Potter."

Following Hagrid on a narrow path, a black lake suddenly opened in front of them. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with towering spiers and windows twinkling under the stars.

When they arrived at the lake, a row of small canoes were seen aiting for them.

There was a lot of moss on the stones beside the black lake. Hagrid reminded the first years loudly:"Be careful where you step, don't slip."

As soon as he finished speaking, two students slipped and almost fell into the lake. "Each boat cannot exceed more than four people!" Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a group of small boats moored on the shore.

Because of his speed, Ron, who arrived early, had already been takrn aboard by others, while kaizo quickly occupied the other channel.

Harry climbed aboard too. Neville and hermione looked at kaizo who had helped them just now, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally climbed up.

"Is everyone on board?" Hagrid shouted.

The giant was so huge that he took a whole boat for himself.

"Then let's move forward."

Following his call, the small groups of boats immediately sailed forward across the mirror flat lake. Kaizo remembered that there were mermaids living in this huge black lake.

According to legends, all mermaids are as beautiful as flowers. But the natives of black lake live only to make sure that the legends are nothing but flase stories.

In addition, there is a giant squid of unknown origin in the black lake. It is said that it is actually Godric Gryffindor who was infected with the blood curse.

"When your boat turns around the corner, you will soon see Hogwarts for the first time." Hagrid's voice suddenly interrupted Kaizo's musings. Turning around the cliff, you can vaguely see the outline of the castle dotted with lights in the distance.

The closer you get, the grander the castle looks. Under the reflection of the lights, it looks really magnificent.

Hermione whispered"This is the path that every new student must take. It is said that it allows us to experience the hardships of the Founders of Hogwarts in finding the location of castle."

"Maybe there are other deeper meanings."

Kaizo has mastered arcane magic. Compared with ordinary wizards, he can feel the essence of hidden magic in the magical performance of magic.

At this time, he had noticed something abnormal, He could feel that there was a huge magic power in the distant castle, and an inexplicable connection gradually began to be established between himself and the castle.

The freshmen resumed the old path made by the founders, the essence of this tradition should be an ancient ritual magic.

When a student completes the entire process, it means signing a contract with Hogwarts and truly becoming a student of the school. As the fleet gradually approached the cliff where the castle was located, the castle seemed to tower above them.

"Lower your heads."

Hagrid shouted as the first boats approached the tunnels. Everybody except kaizo lowered their heads, the boat took them through the ivy curtain covering the cliff face to the hidden open entrance.

Then the first years discovered that the only one who really needed to bow his head was hagrid himself.

They followed a dark tunnel that seemed to lead beneath the castle, and finally arrived at a place that resembled an underground dock, and then climbed up onto a ground of pebbles and gravel.

Hagrid raised the lantern high"Everyone, come down, come down. Follow me."

The first years got off the boat and went up to a row of more than 200 steep stairs with twists and turns, and then came to an open square surrounded by columns. At the end of the square is the main entrance to Hogwarts.

Hagrid stepped forward and raised his fist as big as a sandbag.


Judging from the sound, this door is indeed thick enough. The door opened, and it was none other than Kaizo's old acquaintance, Prof.McGonagall.

Prof.McGonagall first introduced the four houses of Hogwarts to everyone, and informed that the sorting ceremony would be held shortly. She also talked about the house points, and seemed to be very focused on honor.

When Prof.McGonagall returned to the auditorium, everyone started talking. Whether they were muggleborn or pureblood, everyone was worried. There are even more divergent opinions about the sorting ceremony.

The adults don't seem to want to destroy this mental journey, which is also a rare growth experience. "How would they put us into exactly into which house?" asked Harry.

"No matter what happens we won't be forced to drop out of school." Kaizo comforted him with some empty words, but this only made others more nervous.

Personally, kaizo has no intention of disrupting this tradition.

It's actually quite fun to see other people so nervous....

"It is probably through a test. Fred said that it would hurt us a lot, but I think he was joking." Ron looked horrified.

Hermione had begun to recite the knowledge from the textbook nervously. She was worried that there would be an entrance exam during the sorting ceremony.

"Don't worry, you won't be tested on algebra and trigonometry." Kaizo threatened, successfully getting a blank stare.

Kaizo doesn't have to worry much about himself.

As a psychic, he has mastered [Occlumency] spell. In fact, he practices this spell constantly. There is no other way after all, he has too many secrets hidden in his mind.

Even if this attracts Dumbledore's attention, it is better than being known that he is from another space time.

There was no shortage of geniuses in the wizarding world anyway, and he didn't like Gryffindors much. Flexibly control Occlumency, and you can block only parts of the memory, allowing Legilimency to only see the part Kaizo wants others to see.

So, what qualities should be revealed and which house should he be assigned to?

Just as kaizo was immersed in his own thoughts, harry next to him suddenly jumped up.

Immediately afterwards, several people screamed loudly from behind. It turns out that the ghosts from the school came out to scare the students.

These pearly white, translucent ghosts glided across the room, whispering to each other and pretending to be passing by.

It wasn't until the students screamed one after another that the ghosts finally showed their faces with satisfaction and floated through the walls.

Prof.McGonagall also appeared at the right time, as if she was waiting for the ghosts to leave on purpose. She first calmed down those frightened students, then ordered"Now, line up in a single line and follow me."

The sorting ceremony is about to begun.

________________________________________AN) I hope you'll enjoy this story. I have also writing another based on the pokemon theme setting, so if you all could go have a look at it. It'd be great, it's name is"Pokemon:Dominate the League from opening the Treasure Box "

IF YOU CAN THEN PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON MY UPI[karnshivesh20@oksbi] OR MY UPI NUMBER[7988452702].

Next Chapter-12 Ravenclaw