Chapter-12 Ravenclaw

The door opened, and the first years filed in with with Prof.McGonagall, arriving at the highest city in the world, La Paz.

Ah, no, I mean, the auditorium.

The first years could see four tables placed in the middle of the auditorium. Students from all grades except the first years were sitting around.

There were flags alk around the great hall of 4 different colors hanging on the wall, with four different animals depicted in it.

A Green Snake, Blue Raven, Red Griffin, and a Yellow badger.

The most magical and surprising thing is the ceiling of the great hall. It was like the stars twinkling on the velvet black ceiling, which looked exactly like the quiet starry night sky.

Ghosts were also mixed in with the students, making the students shimmering with hazy silver light.

Hermione whispered in a low voice as if she was afraid of disturbing something:"I saw this in the Hogwarts:A History of the School..."

Kaizo nodded, this is the style of the reat hall ceiling, it looks like there is no ceiling. At the end of the great hall, there is a professor's table arranged in an arc, and the professors sit in a row.

Although kaizo has never met him, based on his characteristics, kaizo recognized at a glance that the old man cosplaying Grandalf, with a long white beard, and in white robe, at the middle of the table is Albus Dumbledore.

He was much taller than others even when he was siiting.

His long white beard fell down on the table. He looked very old, but it seemed that he in very good spirits. Next to him, with greasy hair, and a permanent scowl on his face, was Severous Snape.

Sitting on a special boosted stool, Flitwick is suspected of being a hybrid of a wizard and a goblin. The one with the turban wrapped around his face, should be Professor Voldemort, I mean Quirrell.

Characters from novels and movies appeared before Kaizo's eyes one by one. Even though kaizo has an adult soul, he was still very excited by seeing these people in real life.

Prof.McGonagall held a piece of parchment and said loudly"The student, whose name I shall announce, will sit on the stool and put the the sorting hat on his head to get sorted..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by another voice. The sorting hat in the high stool twisted, and the wrinkles on it turned into eyes and mouth, and then he sang:

"This a legend that spans thousands of years, describing four powerful wizards and their great minds.

A brave Gryffindor from the barren swamps.

Beautiful Ravenclaw from the peaceful lake.

Merciful Hufflepuff, from the wide valley.

Shrewd Slytherin, from that quagmire.

They vowed to impart what they had learned throughout their lives, and wizards and witches came from far and wide to make their ambitions stronger, until this castle stood on the shores of the black lake..."

The first year wizards were naturally stunned, it was the first time they had seen a singing hat. Kaizo clapped his hand perfunctorily, nice singing, please don't sing next time.

Prof.McGonagall was not surprised by this kind of thing. After listening patiently, she read the names on the list:

"Hannah Abbott"


The future blushing queen quickly ran up and nervously put the Sorting hat on her head. Her little head couldn't hold up the the sorting hat at all, and the hat even covered her eyes.


After four or five seconds, the sorting hat said loudly.

Hufflepuff's badgers clapped their hands to welcome her. Before taking her seat, she waved to kaizo, who was not far away. They had met and become friends during the summer vacation.

Next were Susan Bones, Terry Boot... all familiar names. Everyone's sorting time is either long or short. Some like Draco Malfoy, and Ron Weasley were assigned as soon as they put on the hat. Some results came after a minute or two, and then there were some, who took a little more than 3-4 minutes.

Kaizo was a little worried. Afterall, the sorting hat must have some kind of Legilimency ability, or the ability to identify the wizards character.

"Kaizo Grindel."

Not long after Hermione Granger was assigned to Gryffindor, it was Kaizo's rurn. He walked towards the four corner stool calmly, hoping that he could deceive this self proclaimed sorting hat.

Prof.McGonagall glanced at kaizo, and was immediately reminded of his mature outlook of life. Afterall, among this first years students, he was the only poor orphan.

Kaizo nodded to Prof.McGonagall , put on the hat and sat on the stool.

When the dirty hat was placed on his soft white hair, kaizo held the hat slightly uncomfortably, trying to keep the dirty hat from touching the skin of his face.

"Well, I feel your talent. This kind of powerful talent is very rare among young wizards of your age. Which academy should I assign you to? Hmm... It's hard to choose. There seems to be some kind of power or barrier, it's affecting my understanding of you..."

Ypon hearing this, kaizo carefully controlled his [Occlumency] and quietly opened a small corner, revealing the side he designated.

At that moment, kaizo felt that the hat was confused for a moment.

"Hey, that's not right! I can feel your Intelligence. You pursue knowledge and can skillfully handle all the problems you encounter. Then you should be assigned to-"

"Ravenclaw" the Sorting Hat announced at the top his lungs.

There was some polite applause in the great hall. However, the Ravenclaw seniors applauded sincerely. Kaizo's arrival meant that there was a handsome boy in their house.

Prof.McGonagall was a little regretful that kaizo could not be assigned to Gryffindor. Afterall, she admired this little guy was mature, and self reliant.

Kaizo waved to Harry and the others before sitting on Ravenclaw's table. Along the way, a group of people nodded or greeted him.

Ron who was on the Gryffindor table, whispered to harry,"It's a pity that kaizo didn't get into Gryffindor."

Harry whispered back"This doesn't affect us being friends, does it?"

After kaizo sat down, he fell relieved. He successfully deceived the sorting hat and prevented it from detecting the secret of him being a transmigrater.

This shoes that the effect of [Occlumency] is effective and he doesn't need to worry too much about Snape, Voldemort, and Dumbledore. As for why he chose ravenclaw, it also has to do something with his pursuit.

The literal meaning of "ravenclaw" is "Raven's claw" and the hidden meaning of the name is "greedy plunderer", which means thrist for knowledge.

Rovena Ravenclaw, the founder of this house, also has a famous saying"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

For a mage under the arcane magic system, it is self evident that knowledge=power. Therefore, among the four houses of Hogwarts, only Ravenclaw is more in line with Kaizo's philosophy.

Unfortunately Ravenclaw's presence in the original novel is not strong. To make matters worse, none of the outstanding students mentioned in the original novel attended her house.

The three protagonists are all from Gryffindor. The most brilliant professors at Hogwarts, Dumbledore and McGonagall are from Gryffindor, Master of Dark Arts Voldemort is from Slytherin, Potions Master Snape is also from Slytherin.

If Grindelwald had studied at Hogwarts, kaizo is 100% sure that he would have been sorted into Slytherin. As for the Goblet of Fire's designated Hogwart's finest student, Cedric Diggory, he's Hufflepuff.

Among the celebrities from Ravenclaw, apart from Luna, is Cho Cheng, who is famous as Harry Potter's ex-girlfriend. It can be said that highlighting is only superficial.

But there is nothing wrong with Ravenclaw. As the saying goes:longing for knowledge, Oh holy raven, don't be trapped...

What's more, there are so many beauties in Ravenclaw, atleast you don't have to worry about finding a partner here.

Until then, a burst of cheers interrupted his thoughts.

________________________________________AN) I hope you'll enjoy this story. I have also writing another based on the pokemon theme setting, so if you all could go have a look at it. It'd be great, it's name is"Pokemon:Dominate the League from opening the Treasure Box "

IF YOU CAN THEN PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON MY UPI[karnshivesh20@oksbi] OR MY UPI NUMBER[7988452702].

Next Chapter-13 Cirilla