Demon girl more power

Hybris was fighting Emma with little difficulty, but then Ella used a command that allowed her to control Hybris. Ella told everyone they had five minutes to damage Hybris, and everyone agreed. Lico used his Sun Copy technique to enhance his demon fire, while Emma summoned her demonic soul to create a thousand needles. When Hybris saw this, she realized the pain that was coming. Jaiveer equipped gloves with spikes, and Favian activated one of his suits powered by nuclear energy.

Ella shouted, "You have 59 seconds!" Lico went first, unleashing his enhanced demon fire, which he called the "Sun Demon." The attack struck Hybris and injured her deeply. Jaiveer followed, using his spiked gloves to pummel Hybris until she bled. Then Favian unleashed the nuclear energy from his suit, a force so powerful it could potentially destroy the sun, severely damaging Hybris's core.

Finally, it was Emma's turn. "I'm going to enjoy this," she said, firing her thousand needles at Hybris's soul. The attack did significant damage, and just as the five minutes were up, Hybris was freed from Ella's control. Hybris floated into the air and taunted, "How did a filthy monkey, who can't even clean themselves properly, manage to harm me?"

Everyone was confused and asked, "What did you just call us?"

"Monkey," Hybris replied mockingly. "Or should I speak your language? Om a om a."

Lico and Hybris Confrontation

Hybris turned her gaze to Lico. "Lico, right?"

"Yes," he answered.

"You're the leader, correct?" Hybris continued.

"Yes," Lico confirmed again.

"So, you're the monkey leader," Hybris sneered. Emma chimed in with a sarcastic "Yes."

Without warning, Hybris attacked Lico, breaking his arms. She then looked at Ella. "Do you like your legs?" she asked coldly. When Ella said nothing, Hybris attacked, grabbing her leg and breaking it. She then turned to Emma. "Hi," she greeted before swiftly attacking, breaking Emma's back.

Looking at Jaiveer and Favian, Hybris launched a devastating blast, leaving them near death but not killing them. "You monkeys should bow down to your new queen!" she declared.

Demon Girl Arrives

Just then, Demon Girl arrived to help Lico. Upon seeing her, Hybris smirked. "Hey, monkey. Want to play?"

Demon Girl, unimpressed, shot blue flames at Hybris, but they had no effect. "Fine," Demon Girl said, combining red and black flames to amplify her power a hundredfold. She moved so fast that even Hybris couldn't follow her. Demon Girl headbutted and punched Hybris, who was left in shock. "How can a monkey do this to me?" Hybris cried in disbelief.

Just as Demon Girl was about to land the final blow, Luna appeared, calling out to her. The sound of Luna's voice shocked Demon Girl, halting her attack.