Demon King: The Last Luna Fight - Part One

Demon King: The Last Luna Fight - Part One

After Luna saved Hybris, she looked at Demon Girl and said, "You've grown in power."

Demon Girl, unimpressed, replied, "Why do you care?"

The Demon King, Transter, interjected, "Luna, why do you protect the humans? You aren't one of them. Join me, and you'll be my right hand."

Demon Girl shot a sharp look at Transter, who quickly added, "Just a joke."

Luna's gaze hardened. "Why do you hate humans? I see nothing but hatred in your eyes—no love, no compassion. All you see is the death of others. That's why I love humans; they raised me with love."

Transter sighed. "I guess you won't stop protecting them, will you?"

Luna stood firm. "No, I won't."

Transter's eyes darkened. "Then die."

He used Eye Lock, a powerful ability that inflicted pain on Luna, but she countered with Eye Lock Supreme, smirking. "Is that your move? I've made it better."

Suddenly, Demon Girl attacked from behind, using blue flames that severely injured Luna. While Luna was distracted, Transter kicked her into a deep pit. The fall hurt her, and Transter unleashed thousands of demon fireballs into the pit, hitting Luna again and again. Enraged, Luna climbed out of the pit, grabbed Transter, and broke his leg.

With fury in her eyes, she spoke, "You may be the Demon King, but I am a child of humanity!" Luna's soul shimmered, revealing the spirit of a long-lost child within her. She turned her crazed gaze to Demon Girl. "Do you love your life?"

Demon Girl shielded herself with blue flames, but Luna breathed fire from Hell itself, laughing maniacally as she grew more unhinged. Tears streamed down her face as she screamed, "Where is my family? You took them from me!"

Luna's Last Moments

Luna's cries resonated through the depths of Hell, powerful enough to break its very gates open. Seizing the moment, she ran through the gate, hoping it would lead her to Earth B-12. But instead, she found herself in the void of space. As she looked around, the gate slammed shut behind her, and a massive rock collided with her.

Luna's final words were a soft whisper: "Mama... where are you?" Then, all was quiet in Hell.

Transter, feeling a pang of sadness, said, "We won... but we lost Luna. Know this, Luna—you will always be the greatest in my heart."

Five days passed, and Transter finally made his decision. "It's time. The invasion of Earth B-12 begins."

He opened the gates and led his forces to Earth B-12, where they attacked Luna's favorite place: India. The Demon King won the war, but it was a hollow victory. Even Demon Girl, hardened as she was, saw glimpses of the little girl Luna once was.

Back in Hell, Lico, furious, confronted Transter. "Why did we attack Earth? What was the point?"

The entire demon race stood in anger against Transter, but Demon Girl spoke up. "You know the rules. When a Demon King does something like this, he must be punished."

Transter, accepting his fate, nodded. "I accept my punishment."

The punishment was harsh: he would be cast into the Pit, where he would endure two days of scorching lava. If he survived, he would retain his title as Demon King.