The Demon King's Punishment

The Demon King's Punishment

The demons now treated Transter like trash. "We may be demons, but what you did was heartless," they sneered. "You killed Luna, then her family. You're the worst."

Transter, with a cold expression, replied, "War is war."

Demon Girl slapped him hard. "Shut up, rat. Today, you are no king. I am the queen. I'm going to start many wars and destroy our enemies, and by the time you crawl out of that pit—if you survive—you'll see what I've done. Goodbye, loser."

She shoved Transter into the pit, and as he fell, Demon Girl unleashed a torrent of demon fire to crack the ground, letting lava flow into the pit. "Enjoy," she sneered, walking away as she opened the gate of Hell. Facing the demons, she announced, "Today, we make our home safer. We will defend ourselves. If you flee, I won't blame you, but if you surrender, I will hunt you down and make you the enemy of Hell. This battle will likely kill you, but it will make Hell stronger."

The demons roared in agreement, rallying to her cause. Demon Girl led the attack, opening Hell's gates and sending them to battle. The enemy was caught off guard but fought back fiercely. Under Demon Girl's leadership, however, the demons triumphed. "There is no rest!" she cried, opening another portal to the next target.

Transter's Torment

Back in the pit, the lava seared Transter's flesh. He could barely keep calm. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry," he whispered, trying to endure the agony, but the lava kept rising, submerging him. Pain consumed him.

Demon Girl's Victories

Demon Girl conquered planet after planet, claiming dominion over a hundred worlds. For larger planets, she gave control to groups of demons. Yet, she wasn't done. Her next target was a powerful enemy, ruled by a king named Hunk. When Demon Girl arrived, Hunk's speed almost took her head off.

Furious, she shouted, "Who are you to touch me?!"

"I am Hunk, King of Planet Gas. I rule and protect the Six Realms, higher than you, Demon Girl," he boasted.

Enraged, Demon Girl activated her red-and-black form, amplifying her power. "Higher than me? You must be joking, fool of Planet Gas!" She ordered her demons to attack, while she charged a massive blue flame and fired it at Hunk. He dodged just in time, knowing that a hit would be fatal. Demon Girl pressed on, shooting demon fire, though it wasn't as strong as the blue flame, but still effective.

Feeling in control of the fight, she grinned, "I'm going to win."

But she hadn't realized Hunk had a secret form he called Gas Giant, making him ten times larger, faster, and stronger. "You're dead now," Hunk growled, charging at her.

Demon Girl tried to attack with blue flame, but Hunk dodged again. She knew she needed help. "Lico, get here now!" she called. But instead of Lico, Emma appeared. "Sorry, Lico's in a tough fight of his own, so I'm here. If you can keep him still, I can build a soul-deleting weapon that will erase his existence."

Demon Girl sighed. "That's messed up... but fine." She switched forms again and kept fighting, while Emma charged her soul-deleting weapon, laughing all the while.

Hunk relentlessly beat Demon Girl, barely giving her a chance to land a punch. But just as he thought he had her, Emma fired the Soul Delete, erasing Hunk's soul and ending the battle.

Lava and Soul

Transter remained submerged in lava, his body covered in burns, unaware of what was happening above. Meanwhile, Demon Girl fought to stay alive, even discovering new abilities like using demon flame as a shield. But it didn't matter to Hunk, who declared, "Fun time is over." He charged his ultimate attack, Gas Plant, while Demon Girl retaliated with her demon fire. As the two powers collided, Emma fired the Soul Delete, killing Hunk and sealing the victory.

Transter's Return

Two days passed. Transter, scarred and broken, was finally allowed out of the pit. Lava still clung to his skin, nearly burning him alive, but he survived, retaining his title as Demon King. His first order of business? He summoned Demon Girl. When she appeared, she smirked, "Wow, you're still alive."

Transter wasn't amused. "I own 25% of the planets you conquered."

Demon Girl's smile vanished. "That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair," Transter shot back. Emma laughed, "You nearly died, and now you've lost control of your hard-earned planets." Even the demon race began laughing at Demon Girl's misfortune.

Furious, Demon Girl flew into the sky. "You like to laugh?" she yelled, creating the largest blue flame she had ever conjured. She fired it at Hell itself, scorching every demon, including Transter.

Transter, in pain, shouted, "Why did you do that?!"

Demon Girl simply replied, "I don't know, loser."

Transter seethed, "I am your king. Don't call me a loser."

Demon Girl grinned defiantly, "What are you going to do, crybaby? Kill me?"

Transter raised his hand. "Yes."

Demon Girl smiled coldly. "Touch me, and that hand will go bye-bye, along with your soul. Right, Emma?"

The Lesson Never laugh at Demon Girl.