Demonic Energy and Transter’s Training

Demonic Energy and Transter's Training

Demonic energy is the source of strength for demons, especially royalty. Royal demons possess the strongest form of energy, which grows even while they rest. This is why the demon girl is so powerful—she's royalty, and her energy is constantly growing, making her stronger each day. For royalty, it doesn't matter if they train or not; their demonic energy will always continue to develop.

However, Transter is different. He is only half-demon, and because he wasn't born a royal, he cannot master demonic energy as easily. He became king through other means, but without royal blood, his mastery over demonic energy is limited. Yet, Transter has something special: his human blood. The combination of human and demon blood gives him a unique advantage—he can adapt to any situation, just like humans adapt to their environment. This adaptability makes him special, but it doesn't solve all his problems. He still needs to master his demonic energy.

The demon girl, a powerful royal demon, takes on the role of teaching Transter. But she doesn't do it kindly—if Transter makes a single mistake, she won't hesitate to beat him up. Despite her tough approach, she's an effective teacher. She begins by explaining the nature of demonic energy, saying, "Demonic energy is like black and white. They can never coexist. Demonic energy is destruction, and demons are its vessel, but the energy itself refuses to be controlled. If you can't control it within one minute, it will start to tear you apart—first your bones, then your blood system, and finally your brain, heart, and lungs. But if you master it, you will become incredibly powerful."

Transter, clearly understanding the danger, asks, "So, if I get it wrong, I'll die?"

The demon girl responds with a smirk, "Yes, so you'd better master it, or it's bye-bye to your life."

Hesitant, Transter asks, "Can I learn another kind of energy?"

The demon girl laughs. "Mm, hell no! If you don't learn demonic energy, you'll face a worse fate than death. You'll be sent to live in Hell-space."

Confused, Transter asks, "What's Hell-space?"

The demon girl explains, "Hell-space is where demons who aren't soldiers live."

Still puzzled, Transter says, "I thought all demons were bound to serve the king as soldiers."

The demon girl shakes her head. "I wish it were that simple. Hell-space is where demon children go to learn, have fun, and choose their path. They can become anything they want—meat-makers, milk-makers, spies, soldiers, whatever they choose."

Transter, even more confused, asks, "What are meat-makers and milk-makers?"

The demon girl laughs. "I don't know exactly, but it's something to do with demons who produce meat and milk. It's not my specialty."

Excited, Transter says, "I want to go to Hell-space."

The demon girl agrees, saying, "It'll be the perfect place for you to learn. Demons in Hell-space don't have demonic energy, so it'll help you understand what demonic energy feels like by seeing what it's like to be without it."

Transter nods. "Now I understand."

The demon girl grins. "I'm such a good teacher."

The Demon Girl's Reputation

When the demon girl and Transter arrive at Hell-space, the demons there are excited to see her. They've heard stories of how she took control of 100 planets in just two days. The teachers in Hell-space have even written a book about her called I Ruled Over 100 Planets But Lost Many Because of My Pride.

Curious, Transter asks, "Did they make a book about me too?"

The demons respond, "Yes, it's called The Demon King Who's Scared of the Demon Girl. It tells the story of how you won a great war, but still came home afraid of her. You slayed the King Slayer, but you're still scared of the demon girl."

Transter, embarrassed, says, "I'm not scared of her! She's my servant—she should be scared of me!"

The demon girl laughs darkly. "Blue Flame—full power!" Her body bursts into blue flames, and she stares down Transter. "Next time you say something like that, I'll break every bone in your body."

Transter quickly changes his tone. "Yes, ma'am."

The demon girl smirks. "Now, can you feel the demonic energy?"

Transter frowns, "No, I just feel calm."

The demon girl nods. "Exactly. Demonic energy is destruction, and destruction can never be calm."

Transter finally understands. "That's what you meant by saying it's like black and white."

The demon girl smiles. "See? You're learning."

Mastering Demonic Energy

After his lesson in Hell-space, Transter begins to feel the difference between calm and destructive energy. His next task is to tap into his demonic energy, but just as he's about to start, a demon stops him and says, "Before you do that, you need to learn something else."

They take him to one of the largest fires in Hell. The demon girl stands beside him and says, "There are two fires here. They look the same, they're the same size. Tell me—can you see which one is calm?"

Transter examines the flames and replies, "The movement is the same, so they must both be calm."

The demon girl, enraged, shouts, "What? Can't you see that the movement of the fire is pure destruction? If it were calm, the movement would be barely noticeable!"

Transter, confused and hurt, mutters, "That was mean."

The demon girl grins. "You're welcome. Now, try tapping into your demonic energy."

Transter sighs, "I failed, didn't I?"

The demon girl nods. "Yes, you failed. But I'm going to help you master it."

As Transter taps into his energy, he feels the raw destruction within it. The demon girl warns him, "You have one minute to master it."

Panicking, Transter asks, "What should I do?"

The demon girl reminds him, "Remember how demonic energy feels—like destruction and calm at the same time. Now, you have 30 seconds. Think of a place that represents both."

Transter closes his eyes and thinks of his sister's arms, a place of calm. Then he thinks of Hell, a place of destruction. He tries to make these two energies coexist. The demon girl counts down, "10 seconds."

Desperate, Transter tries to find what made these energies coexist in his life. He thinks, I had to be calm to rule, but I had to be destructive to win wars. He focuses on these two sides of himself as the demon girl counts, "3, 2, 1..."

Suddenly, Transter screams as the energy overwhelms him. The pain is unbearable, but something clicks in his mind.

The Aftermath

The next day, Transter wakes up feeling different. The demon girl looks at him and says, "You passed. You've mastered your demonic energy."