The Demon King's Friends or Enemies

The demon girl approached Transter, the demon king, and said, "Transter, you're going to be late for the Peace or War meeting."

Transter, unconcerned, replied, "I don't want to go. I choose war."

The demon girl laughed. "We'd lose that war in an instant."

Transter, offended, asked, "How? We're a powerful kingdom."

"Yes," the demon girl replied, "but they're even more powerful. I need you to sign this."

Transter glanced at the paper and asked, "What's this?"

"This document allows Hell to entertain their representatives," the demon girl explained.

Transter scoffed, "Why should my demons entertain anyone?"

The demon girl smirked. "It was your demons who requested this. They love that planet and their king."

Reluctantly, Transter signed the paper. "Fine. I'll sign it."

"Good," the demon girl said. "Now, you should wear a suit worthy of being seen by a king."

"Thanks," Transter muttered.

The demon girl shot him a look. "Not you. I mean the king of the other planet."

Transter rolled his eyes and lowered his voice, mumbling, "You're the biggest loser."

Unfortunately for him, the demon girl heard it and smirked. "You're lucky you have to behave perfectly for this meeting, or you'd be in the pit by now."

"So you can't touch me, huh?" Transter teased.

The demon girl hesitated, instantly regretting her words. "Yes... but don't push your luck."

Transter, with a devilish grin, said, "You're the biggest loser."

Without warning, the demon girl summoned blue flames and shot them at Transter.

"I thought you couldn't hurt me!" Transter yelled, dodging the flames.

"I said I wouldn't touch you," the demon girl clarified, smirking. "But that doesn't mean I can't use my powers. Now listen, if you mess up at this meeting, they'll declare war, and they're stronger than us. They'll kill you, they'll ruin the demon race, and it'll all be because of you. So, don't screw this up. If you can make them our allies, I'll let you live without a beating for a week."

Transter sighed. "Fine."

"Alright, let's go find you a suit," the demon girl said.

They headed to Hell's finest mall, where Transter looked around while the demon girl found the perfect suit. But there was a problem—it was the last one, and another demon named Bris wanted it too.

The demon girl stepped up, glaring at Bris. "Listen, whoever you are, give me that suit."

Bris crossed her arms. "No. I saw it first."

The demon girl smirked, "I touched it first."

A shop owner stepped between them, trying to de-escalate the situation. "Ladies, please, let the suit go."

Bris refused. "No!"

The demon girl grew impatient. "Do you even know who I am? I rule over 100 planets, and I am the king's right hand!"

The mall owner wasn't impressed. "I don't care how powerful or rich you are. This mall doesn't care about titles."

Angered, the demon girl's blue flames flared up, but Transter stepped in before things escalated further.

"I am the demon king. Give me that suit—it's an order!" Transter demanded.

The mall owner, Hunk, didn't back down. "No."

Transter turned to the demon girl. "Burn half of this mall down, and make sure no demons are hurt."

Hunk scoffed, "Go ahead."

The demon girl smiled, charging her flames, but she adjusted them so that they would only destroy non-living things. With one blast, she obliterated half the mall.

Hunk sighed. "Fine, take the suit. But it costs 5,000,000 lights."

The demon girl raised an eyebrow. "Are you crazy? This suit only costs 100,000!"

"Plus the half of the mall you just destroyed," Hunk replied.

Transter waved dismissively. "Bye, demon girl."

Kings and Queens Among Us

As they left the mall, Transter turned to the demon girl and said, "You destroyed his mall, so you pay for it."

Grumbling, the demon girl paid the man. "You owe me 5,100,000 lights, Transter."

"It's already in your bank account," Transter replied with a grin.

"Wow, that was fast," the demon girl muttered.

Transter puffed his chest. "What did you expect? I'm the demon king. I own Hell."

The demon girl smirked. "Think before you speak next time."

Without missing a beat, she transformed into her red form, and Transter, realizing his mistake, apologized quickly. But the demon girl, with a devilish grin, decided to play soccer—with Transter as the ball. Kicking him around, she taunted, "Who needs to think before speaking?"

Transter groaned, "I do! I'll give you any planet you want, just stop!"

The demon girl paused. "I want the Gas Planet."

"Fine!" Transter agreed, gasping for breath.

The Meeting

The training was brutal. The demon girl insisted on pushing Transter to his limits, starting with fighting without using his eyes to help him trust his instincts. Transter hated it, but the demon girl loved it—she could beat him up as much as she wanted.

When it was her turn, Transter thought he'd get his revenge, but the demon girl was just as good without sight, relying purely on instinct. Next, they trained without using their hands, forcing them to fight with their legs only. Transter struggled, taking seven hours just to land a single blow on the demon girl.

When it was her turn, it took her five hours to land a hit on Transter. By the time they were done, they had missed the meeting, known as "Kings Among Us."

The meeting had been called because Transter had made too many enemies, and the other rulers were growing tired of his reckless actions. When Transter finally arrived, he saw the other kings and queens: King August, the King of Death; Queen Victoria, the Queen of Life; King Alfred, the King of Planets; and the strongest of all, Alexander, the King of Everything.

Victoria was the first woman to ever join the council of kings, making it now "Kings and Queens Among Us." She was powerful, being the first person to force Alexander to use his second form in battle, marking her as the second strongest. August was clever, joining the council for its wealth and influence, fighting daily to maintain his position. Alfred, however, hated the group. He had joined because he thought he was the strongest, only to be humiliated by Alexander in a duel. Still, he refused to quit, determined to someday take leadership.

The Meeting Begins

Transter addressed the room. "Why have you called this meeting?"

Alfred was quick to respond. "You've made too many enemies."

Transter shrugged. "That's my problem. Why do you care?"

Victoria spoke up. "Because we trade with your enemies. They're our allies."

"That's not my fault," Transter replied. "They attacked me first."

August nodded. "True, but they had their reasons."

"What reasons?" Transter demanded.

Alexander cut in. "You attacked their allies. When you attack one, you attack all."

Transter scoffed. "They chose to be my enemies."

Alfred retorted, "And because of you, we're losing allies and money."

"War is war," Transter said dismissively.

Victoria's eyes gleamed. "War is war? Then I declare war on you."

Transter glared. "Fine. From this moment, you're an enemy of the demon race."

Before things could escalate further, Alexander intervened. "No one does anything until this meeting is over."

Victoria smirked. "Fine, but Transter, I'll show you why I never lose. Your head will be a trophy on my planet."

Transter retorted, "I don't care. The demon race will show you why we're feared throughout the universe."

Victoria laughed. "Feared? The only demon that's truly feared is the demon girl. You? You're just a joke."

Transter snapped, "Shut up, Alexander!"

The room fell silent, and everyone whispered, "Run."

Alexander was enraged. He shot a powerful blast of energy at Transter, knocking him back. The demon girl stepped in, bowing apologetically. "Sorry for this. I'll take over from here."

Alexander calmed down. "Good. Take that sorry excuse of a king out of here."

The demon girl nodded and escorted Transter back to Hell, taking charge of the situation. She brokered a deal with the other kings, agreeing that the demons would only attack enemies approved by the council. Everyone loved the deal, even Alexander, who asked, "Why aren't you the queen?"

The demon girl smiled but didn't answer.

Impressed by her strength, Alexander asked, "Would you like to come to my planet and train with me?"

Transter, overhearing, quickly asked, "Can I come too?"

Alexander shook his head. "No."

Transter, defeated, muttered, "Fine. If I can't go, then neither can the demon girl."

Alexander sighed. "Fine. You can come, just don't cause any trouble."

Transter grinned. "Deal."

Just an little tip Alexander is in love with demon girl