The Demon King meets demon girl Step-Sister

It all started on Demon Girl's birthday. Transter, the Demon King, threw the biggest party Hell had ever seen. Demon Girl was enjoying herself until she spotted her step-sister, Scarlett, entering the room. Rage filled her eyes as she shifted into her red demon form, blue flames flaring around her.

Transter noticed and rushed to stop her. "What are you doing?" he asked, blocking her path.

"Let me kill her!" Demon Girl shouted, her eyes turning completely white. She kicked Scarlett with fierce power, aiming for the kill.

But Scarlett remained calm and smirked. "If you kill me, I'll release your name," she said.

At that, Demon Girl froze, fury still in her eyes but her movements halted.

Transter stepped in, trying to make sense of the situation. "Who are you?" he asked Scarlett.

With a smug expression, Scarlett introduced herself. "I'm Scarlett, the smartest and prettiest demon in Hell—prettier than Demon Girl, obviously."

This only enraged Demon Girl further, but she held back, waiting for the right moment to strike. Scarlett, aware of her step-sister's anger, continued taunting her.

Transter, confused, asked, "How do you know Demon Girl's name?"

Scarlett smiled. "Because we're step-sisters."

Both Transter and their friend Lico were stunned. "Demon Girl has a sister?" Transter asked.

Scarlett nodded. "Yes, but I'm here for a reason," she said, turning to Demon Girl, who still had rage in her eyes. "I need your help to find the Seven Pieces of Hell."

Demon Girl laughed mockingly. "You're looking for a myth, Scarlett."

"It's not a myth," Scarlett replied confidently. "I've developed a system to track things that can make someone immensely powerful, or even steal the throne from the Demon King."

"You think your 'Seven Pieces of Hell' are real?" Demon Girl scoffed. "Can your monkey brain even comprehend that?"

Scarlett smirked. "Yes, stupid sister, they are real. Can you handle that?"

Demon Girl grinned darkly. "You're lucky. Otherwise, your heart would be in your mouth, your brains in the mouth of a lion, and your lungs in Transter's hands."

Transter, startled, asked, "Wait, why me?"

Scarlett, ignoring him, said, "Maybe the Seven Pieces of Hell—let's just call them the SPH—can help you make everyone forget your name."

Demon Girl paused, her anger subsiding slightly. "Fine. I'll help."

Scarlett then turned to Transter. "Maybe they could even bring your family back."

Transter, intrigued, said, "I'm in."

Scarlett smirked, knowing she had hooked them. "Lico, maybe the SPH can make you likable and earn you the respect of your teammates."

Lico, not one to be left out, grumbled, "Fine. I'm in."

Scarlett grinned. "Good. The team is set. We've got Demon Girl the weak, Transter the strong, Lico the slowest, and me, Scarlett, the smart and brave."

Demon Girl cut in, "I'm the strongest one here!"

Lico added, "And I'm the fastest!"

Scarlett chuckled. "I have videos of you at 16, Lico, where you confessed your love for Emma."

Lico's face flushed as he quickly said, "Okay, fine, I'm the slowest."

Scarlett looked at Demon Girl, teasing her further. "And Demon Girl, I know your name."

Demon Girl, not having it, used her red form and slapped Transter ten times in quick succession.

Transter, rubbing his face, muttered, "Now you know how I feel when you guys tease me."

Lico tried to do the same to Transter, but when he touched him, Transter unleashed demon fire on him, making Lico the first to apologize.

Scarlett, amused by the chaos, turned to Transter. "Do you need a powerful girl like me in your life?"

Without hesitation, Transter replied, "No."

Scarlett was shocked at how fast he rejected her, while Demon Girl burst out laughing. "You got rejected by a fool, a loser, and... whatever Transter is!"

Transter glared at Demon Girl. "Should I remind you who I am?"

Before he could finish, Demon Girl threatened, "Blue flame," and Transter backed off.

Scarlett, still entertained by the chaos, asked Lico, "What happened to Emma? I heard she went crazy."

Lico shook his head. "No, she didn't go crazy. She got stronger. Now she can remove souls."

Scarlett was shocked. "What?"

Lico nodded. "Yeah, she can kill you by pulling your soul right out of your body."

Scarlett laughed nervously. "Remind me not to get on her bad side."

The Seven Pieces of Hell

Scarlett began explaining, "The first piece of the SPH is hidden at the Hell Fire, but it will take a few days to get there."

The team set out on their quest for the SPH. On the way, they were stopped by a gang called The Group—an oddly named but dangerous band of demons. The gang trapped Lico in chains, while Transter, Demon Girl, and Scarlett tried to fight them off but were overwhelmed. The gang's leader demanded a ransom of 100,000,000 lights for their release.

Transter offered them 1,000,000 lights instead, but the leader laughed. "I could make 100,000,000 by selling these demons. Why should I settle for less?"

Transter, realizing he couldn't win with words, unleashed a blast of demon fire, but the gang members jumped him again.

It was all part of Demon Girl's plan. While the gang was distracted, she burned through her chains and freed herself, then helped Lico and Scarlett. Transter saw his chance and shouted, "Get in the demonic vehicle! Let's go!"

The team ran, but the gang chased them. Using guerrilla tactics, they hid and attacked the gang members one by one, eventually taking out Kairav, one of the gang leaders, with a blast of blue flame.

As the gang continued the pursuit, the team did the same thing, luring Kanan and Laksh into the woods before taking them down with surprise attacks.

Finally, they faced Jaiveer, but Demon Girl quickly killed him with a well-aimed blast. The leader, White Demon, fought fiercely, even managing to wound Demon Girl, but he was outnumbered and forced to retreat.

Scarlett, oddly impressed by White Demon, watched him leave with a strange look in her eyes. But the team didn't worry about him—they were focused on finding the SPH.

The Fire Stones

The team finally reached Hell Fire, where the SPH was said to be hidden. But instead of finding it, they discovered the Fire Stones—ancient demon soldiers who had once served the Demon King in his war against the Demon Queen. The stones had been trapped in Hell Fire for centuries.

Scarlett asked them for the SPH, but the Fire Stones didn't know what it was. Scarlett explained it was a powerful object that could grant unimaginable power. When the Fire Stones refused to hand it over, Scarlett tried to take it by force, but was quickly struck down.

Demon Girl laughed. "Let me show you how it's done."

But the Fire Stones weren't playing around. They hit Demon Girl with a blast of lava, while Transter's demon fire had no effect. Lico tried to use his speed to snatch the piece, but was kicked away effortlessly.

Beaten and bruised, the team realized they couldn't win. Scarlett, thinking quickly, offered the Fire Stones a deal. "If you give us the SPH, we can use it to get you out of here."

The Fire Stones laughed. "How are you going to get us out when you can't even get yourselves out?"

Scarlett was furious but realized they had a point.

Demon Girl stepped forward. "I can get us out."

Scarlett looked at her, confused. "How?"

"Because I'm part of the royal family," Demon Girl replied. "This trap was designed to hold demons like the Fire Stones, but it can't hold me."

The Fire Stones, impressed, handed over the SPH. "Take it, but know this—you are weak now. If you want to survive, go to the Fire Temple. Stronger demons will come after you."

Demon Girl nodded and thanked them, surprising everyone.

I guess she's Hell's baby girl