Demon girl rage

Hell Temple

Demon Girl was unusually cheerful as they neared the Hell Temple, but Scarlett wasn't feeling well. Transter teased her, "Do you get sick when Demon Girl is happy?" Demon Girl's grin grew even wider, causing Scarlett to feel worse. Lico, amused, laughed, "You're kidding, right?" But Scarlett suddenly got an idea.

"I am the true queen," Scarlett declared.

That set Demon Girl off instantly. "What did you just say, you snake?" she roared, transforming into her red form and launching a flurry of punches and kicks at Scarlett. Transter tried to intervene, but Demon Girl, blinded by rage, struck anything that touched her. When Transter reached out to stop her, Demon Girl grabbed his face, threatening to crush his skull.

Lico, realizing the danger, fired a shot of demon fire using his "Sun Copy" ability. Demon Girl whipped around to face him, and Lico ran as fast as he could, breaking his own speed record, but it wasn't enough. A blue flame from Demon Girl caught him, and he screamed in agony. Desperate, Transter used his "Eye Lock" ability to freeze Demon Girl in place temporarily.

"What did you say, Scarlett?" Transter demanded.

"If I repeat it, she'll kill us!" Scarlett gasped. This was the moment when High, formerly known as the White Demon, attacked, sensing their vulnerability. Demon Girl was released from the Eye Lock, and she pounced on High. Even he was surprised by her sheer size and strength. Demon Girl tore into him until Scarlett, despite her injuries, managed to intervene.

Demon Girl looked at her bloodstained hands, horrified. "I'm sorry… for what I almost did to you," she stammered.

Scarlett, still in shock, managed to respond, "Sorry for what?"

Transter shouted, "Scarlett, run now!" But before she could move, Demon Girl caught her again, this time punching her in the stomach, slapping her across the face, and digging her nails into Scarlett's hand. Furious, Transter intervened, landing a punch that knocked Demon Girl out, saving Scarlett. The entire team passed out for a full day.

The next morning, Demon Girl woke up, muttering, "You guys are lucky I don't remember anything." The whole team, equally battered, agreed, pretending they had no memory of the events either.

The good news was that they had finally reached the Hell Temple. An ancient monk sat inside, perched on a staff. Sensing a challenge, Demon Girl attacked, but the monk calmly dodged every move.

"Move your leg into an 'X' for better balance," he instructed, "and put more force into your punches."

Demon Girl stopped, impressed. "He's the real deal," she admitted.

Transter, now respectful, said, "I am the Demon King. Will you train us?"

The monk smiled. "You are no longer a king. You are a student now." Transter nodded in agreement. Scarlett spoke up, "What about me?" The monk eyed her and said, "You're smart, but not strong. Train, or die on the battlefield." She accepted.

Turning to Lico, the monk said, "You're not weak. Prove them wrong." Finally, addressing Demon Girl, he added, "The past is the past. Learn to control your anger, and forgive."

Demon Girl clenched her fists. "No. Forgive the one who made me a monster? Never."

Training with the Monk

It was time for training. The first task: shaving their heads. Scarlett, Lico, and Transter protested, but Demon Girl sat calmly. "Come here," she said, and allowed the monk to shave her head until it gleamed like a mirror. The others laughed at her, calling her "bald Demon Girl," but she glared at them. "You have four minutes to shave your heads, or I will burn you all."

Transter, knowing her temper, immediately sat down and said, "She's not joking." Scarlett noticed the intensity in Demon Girl's eyes and quickly followed suit. Only Lico resisted, but Demon Girl burned him with a small flame, and he reluctantly got his head shaved.

Next was the mental training. They sat quietly, trying to empty their minds, but after a few minutes, Scarlett, Lico, and Transter grew restless. "What's the point of this?" they grumbled.

The monk threw rocks at them. "Your mind is both your ally and your enemy. Train it, or suffer. Control the pain."

Demon Girl, quick to understand, was the first to grasp the lesson. Meanwhile, the others struggled, realizing they had a long way to go.