Chapter 9: Advance cultivation method and Li Qin testing his strength

Three days after the start of the hunting season, Li Qin just after waking up realised that he has entered the peak stage of BEGINNER CULTIVATION STAGE and will be able to advanced to INTERMEDIATE STAGE by night.

He was able to advanced so rapidly because of the system task of hunting low level monsters. The participants of this task was able to obtain CP from the hunt of monsters, which in turned they used to speed up their cultivation. As such, more people was able to advanced to BEGINNER STAGE CULTIVATION from the hunting groups.

Some of these people after breaking through leave their original groups to form their own groups. As such, more AWAKENING STAGE cultivator joined the monster hunting group. This caused a snowball after which one hundred and and thirty seven individuals broke through BEGINNER STAGE cultivation.

Currently there are Eighty nine monster hunting group. This is because in some group there are more than one BEGINNER STAGE experts. Moreover as some BEGINNER STAGE cultivator such as Song Qin does not lack CP(celestial points) at the moment, they did not participate in monster hunting.

This is why there is eighty nine group and not one hundred and thirty seven. Among these groups, Jack's team can be considered as one of the best. Jack's team had discovered a Medium level monster which was injured, hiding in a small cave on the outskirt of a city.

Instead of avoiding the monster, Jack's group merged with two other teams, to form one group so that they can hunt down that Medium grade monster. Li Qin did not set a limit on how many people could join a group.

For this reason, Jack was able to form a group of fifteen people specifically to hunt the medium level monster.

This hunt was a success even if some people in the group was injured but a potion of Three cloves leaves was able to heal their wounds. They were able to get one thousand eight hundred CP from this hunt.

It was also the only instance where a medium level monster was hunt in these three days. And it happened only because Jack took the initiative. It can be said that no one died from monster hunting during these three days, partly because of luck and partly because of the healing potion " Three cloves leaves.

During the period of hunting, most group have been able to find some herbs mention in the system task so they received extra CP by exchanging these herbs.

Due to the extensive hunting of low grade monsters in the outskirt of the city. There was a great reduction in the amount of monsters found in the outskirt. In phenomenon, alerted the city experts and higher-up. Upon enquiry, they learned about the groups which is hunting these monster like they are on steroid. They also learn some matters about celestial network as Li Qin is not deliberately hiding the network.

Network Users are only prohibited from explaining the celestial network in great details to non-user. They can only talk about the general grip of the system.

Coming back to Li Qin, not only did his strength reached the peak of BEGINNER CULTIVATION STAGE, in addition to that the supreme deduction system has deduced the CELESTIAL ADVANCED CULTIVATION METHOD.

So Li Qin decided to introduce the cultivation method in the shop section at a price of 10000 CP.

After noticing the advanced cultivation method and it's price, the users were shocked and despaired as the value of this method in terms of star coin is hundred million.But the users did not give up as they were still all at BEGINNER STAGE and they don't need the celestial advanced method at the moment.

Li Qin being in the peak BEGINNER STAGE cultivation does not know how powerful he really is. As such, he decided to gauge his strength outside the city before he really became an INTERMEDIATE STAGE CULTIVATOR.

In the outskirt of the city, Li Qin hunted a weak low level monsters, than a bit stronger one and at last a peak low level monster. But these monster could not withstand even one punch from him. Li Qin understood that the celestial network has made his foundation so strong that he has become invincible among low grade monsters and BEGINNER STAGE cultivator. Only medium grade monsters will be able to gauge his current strength.

As such, Li Qin left the outskirt of the city and travelled to more unhabitable area in search of a weak medium grade monsters. After searching for sometime, Li Qin encountered a fire racoon which can be considered as a weak medium grade monster. It is called a fire racoon because its colour is red like the color red in fire. And this monster resemble a racoon but about twenty times it's size.

After Li Qin saw the racoon, he made some noise so that this monster can notice it, because he wanted a fair fight. The monster seeing Li Qin, lauched itself on him attacking Li Qin with it's claws aiming for his neck. From this it can be seen that the monster is fairly intelligent for aim at the weak spot of a human.

Before the attack of the racoon reached Li Qin, he evaded the attack by moving to the left and at the same time he threw a punch in the head of the monster followed by a kick.

This caused the monster to fly into the distance, hitting a huge rock nearby. At the same time, Li Qin run towards the monster throwing a flying kick at it. Seeing that the monster is still alive, he threw another punch at it's head,causing the monster to perished.

Li Qin felt that he till did not utilised his full strength. As such, he started searching for a monster that is neither too strong nor too weak in the medium level category. A searching for same time, Li Qin was able to discovered a monster that suits it's description. The monster was a tiger leopard, it's a monster that was a combination of a tiger and a leopard.

Li Qin fought the monster, which own with ease but he obtained some scratches on his body. After consuming the three cloves leaves potion, the scratches from his body was healed.

From all these fighting, Li Qin was able to estimate his strength. It can be said that his strength falls in the category between peak of INTERMEDIATE STAGE and ADVANCE STAGE if the cultivator does not cultivate celestial method. If the cultivator practice the celestial method, his strength will fall in the peak of INTERMEDIATE STAGE.

After becoming an INTERMEDIATE STAGE CULTIVATOR, Li Qin will be as strong as a new ADVANCE STAGE cultivator who practice the celestial method.

Having geoged his strength, Li Qin returned to his house. He waited till night time for his strength to advanced to the next stage.