chapter 8: monster hunting

Four days later.

As Li Qin was relaxing at home, he realised that his BEGINNER STAGE cultivation has reached the peak of that stage. Li Qin had not taken the initiative to view the celestial network for four days.

He wanted to see that if he does not supervised the system closely, will it work normally without any problem. Based on his observation, the experiment has been successful.

As in the chat group of the system, almost everyone is somewhat satisfied with the network. But there are also some complaints that there is no mission available for them to fulfill so that they can obtain more points. In this regard, Li Qin started to think about what mission can be added that can increase the strength of users as well as consolidate the network more throughly which in return can increase his strength rapidly.

After some time, realising that there are more than Thirty people who had brokenthough BEGINNER STAGE level precisely Thirty eight people and almost all network users are at peak level of awakening stage, Li Qin thought of a mission that is suitable for people of these level of strength.

Low level monster hunting is the mission that Li Qin thought. In the outskirt of the city, there are mostly low level monsters with occasionally medium level monsters roaming around. So it is mostly safe for these users to hunt monsters in the outskirt except if they have bad luck and encounter a mishap.


Monsters cultivation levels are classified as beast, low level monsters, medium level, high level monsters, king grade monsters and emperor grade monsters. Each level of monsters are classified in stages which are stage 1 to stage 9, same as humans.


Monsters above Medium level usually does not appear in the outskirt of the city as city guards, experts and monster hunter usually patrol around the area. If they notice monsters above low level in the area, they will be hunted down by these experts. So these high grade monsters which are sensitive to dangers, can sense the danger of the outskirt of the city.

These high level monsters will usually only appeared in the outskirt only during beast tides.

As for low level monsters, the city does not eliminate them, because after eliminating one batch another one will appear after some time. As such, the city only control the number of monsters to be present in the outskirt and will only eliminate them during expansion of the city as many cultivators are needed to be deployed if they want to eliminate all monsters pedicure, Which is not cost effective for the city.

Due to these reason, Li Qin thought that the mission of hunting low level beast is best for users at this level. Because not only will this mission provide celestial network users with CP which can increase their strength. But it will also provide Li Qin monster souls which can be used to expand the whole network.

In addition, in the wild these people can come across herbs that can be used to make potions.

So in the mission section, Li Qin started adding the following task:


{ Hunting low level monster}

Reward: Between 100 to 500 CP

{ Hunting medium level monsters}

Reward: Between 750 to 2000 CP

{ Collection of Sweetsour Golden fruit}

Reward: 3.5 CP

{ Collection of three cloves leaves herb}

Reward: 3.5 CP

{ Collection of white dragon fruit}

Reward: 1.4 CP





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Li Qin included the medium level monster in the mission section, just in case if someone was lucky to hunt down a medium level monster such as a severely injured beast or an old medium level beast whose strength has been reduced.

Even if some individuals overestimated their strength and tried to hunt down medium level monsters which cause them to die. Li Qin will not feel any guilt as he is not a babysitter of these celestial network users.

Li Qin is running the celestial network as in the form of an organisation, where he receives the highest benefit and the network users will also receive a share of the benefit but depending on their efforts and intelligence.

As for the herbs and fruits added to the mission, Li Qin included fifteen herbs including the one's mansion in the mission table above. These herbs included those needed for making of potions being sold in shop section of celestial network and also some herbs which the celestial network deem important for making other important type of potion. So Li Qin listed these herbs at a premium price of ten percent more to be acquired.

sone people may think that if others know which herbs is needed for making potion.

They can try making them themselves instead of buying from Li Qin. But what they will never realised is that,even if they know which herbs and the appropriate amount needed to manufacture the potion, they will only be able to manufacture the inferior version of potion provided by Li Qin at best.

As the celestial network is needed to produce the perfect version of the potions available in SHOP section. So Li Qin is not afraid that people will discover the formulaes of these potion.

After the launch of these missions, some celestial network users discovered the update which in turn alerted everyone else in the chat section.

Everyone started discussing about the monster hunting mission but no one accepted the mission for sometime. This is because these individuals do not have a sense of how powerful they are and since the most powerful individuals in the network are till in the early stage of BIGINNER level, they were hesitating to accept the mission.

But there is a particular guy which had been noticed by Li Qin previously named Jack because he had exchanged hundred tonnes of iron for 1000 CP, said something which caused some network users to not hesitate anymore and accept the mission.

He said in the chat section " I, Jack a BEGINNER STAGE cultivator, I'm recruiting four AWAKENING STAGE cultivator to form a group to hunt low level monsters. If we cultivators do not take risk, to acquire cultivation resources for us to cultivate when the opportunity is presented, it is better for us to stop cultivating. So friends join me to hunt monsters so as to obtain more cultivation resources."


Jack is forming a group to hunt monsters as in the Mission for hunting monsters there is a description which said:

" Groups are allowed to be formed for hunting monsters. The individuals CP in groups will be calculated based on their contributions which will be calculated by celestial network. It is not allowed to kill celestial network users undertaking Mission. If found guilty, that individuals will be ban from using the network. To form groups, click on group option below and add members".


After viewing the chat message of Jack, three more individuals decided to form groups to hunt monsters. To which, in a matter of seconds, their groups was filled up by AWAKENING STAGE cultivators. Others who wanted to join one of the four groups regretted not being fast enough as each of these groups only accepted four individuals same as Jack.

These four groups decided to go hunting on that day itself as it was still early in the morning when they received the mission.

After some preparation, they set off to hunt low level monsters in the outskirt of the city.

The four teams arrived at the outskirt of the city at the same time and location. This had been communicated by the four team in advance as it is the first time they were hunting monsters. so they chose to hunt monsters near each other, in case one of the groups fall in danger they can help each other. For this each group even brought some flares which they will use when in danger, to notified others of their locations and that they need help.

Each of the group separated from each other for same distance and went to hunt in a different direction. After some time each group started a livestream of their hunt which is an option available from the chat so as to view each other conditions.

After some time of searching, each group encounter a prey in the low level monster category. But one of the group with a group leader named Samuel considered themselves unluck as they encountered a low level beast called the black boar. The black boar is a monster with exceptionally high defence.

Seeing that the boar has not noticed them, Samuel thought of distancing himself from the monster, but while backing off one his teammates made some noise which attracted the boar attention to them.

Noticing Samuel and his team, the boar charged at them intending to attack with its head, the strongest part of it's body. Seeing the charging monster, Samuel decided to confront it head on to protect his teammates. He also ordered his team members to attack the monster from the side.

When the black boar neared him, Samuel threw the strongest punch, he could at the head of the monster. This caused the monster to be thrown backwards and to clashed on a tree five meters away. Samuel was astonished by his strength and also how strong he has became. Without wasting time, Samuel laughed himself on the boar and ordered his teammates to attack from the side. After throwing about five punches on the head the boar was declared dead. To which Samuel received 150 CP and his teammates also received some CP which makes them very satisfied.

At the same time, the other groups also defeated the monsters, they encounter with overwhelming strength.

At this moment, the group members and everyone watching the livestream understood how powerful the celestial cultivation method is.

Seeing the power of the BEGINNER STAGE cultivator, other groups were formed with BEGINNER STAGE cultivator as leaders.

This started the low level monster hunting season.