Chapter 1 -Demons and Hunters

Each time Cori dies, she goes back in a loop to the previous day, but this is not without delay. There was either the white space, the black space, or the library. None of these were places she knew about. Occasionally, she would transfer from the black space to one of the other during the loop back, she transferred to the library this time. The transfer was a dream like, one second, you're dying and right when you shut your eyes, you open them to a different area. The pain from death doesn't subside immediately, even a painful death like beheading would have the cut on your neck echo throughout your body, it is as if the world wants you to suffer, dying in any way was painful, but in Cori's case, it was torture. Cori finds herself on the floor of the familiar library from one of her previous loops, and immediately shrinks to the floor, there were tears in her eyes. Clearly, whatever that monster did to her was something a person should only experience for a short while, she writhes in pain on the floor, but after a moment, she suddenly comes to her senses. Looking around the library, you would be amazed at the structure, you would feel like you are high on drugs or dreaming in order to experience this place, but no drugs were in Cori's system, nor should you dream the same exact dream twice, it all too coincidental to be shrugged off as a dream. The library was the same library as before, the roof was dotted with bookshelves and tree roots and vines grew around the place. Cori had seen people around the place but they obviously hadn't done a great job at trimming vegetation, one could easily trip over a root while browsing the shelves.

Cori: I'm dead again, am I? That was the furthest I've ever gotten, the elf didn't even directly kill me this time.

Cori recounts her adventure in the town, the blue zombies, to the creature, to the elf. One could barely piece what was going on in the place, the world of the supernatural had just opened up to Cori, other than the glowing blade she had seen from Regel. There wasn't really anything else to do but walk around and stare at the scenery of the library, the place was somewhat calming and was like a respite to Cori considering what just happened, the library at least calmed the nerves. Cori tried reading some of the books on the shelves, she was always strangely attracted to the concept of books and fairytales, almost as if she had a previous life outside of being the "chosen one". But being the "chosen one" isn't the fairytale you would wish for if you were forced to become one and were beyond powerless. It was all too unfair, why didn't she get superpowers? Why isn't she famous? Why is she looping back in time? Cori opens the book, and as expected, the book was filled with strange symbols with no coherence. Even an ancient language translator would think they were drawings from a child, thinks Cori, instead of putting it back on the shelf, she tosses it onto the floor near a pile of books, one of many which dotted the area. Unexpectedly, the book grew short, millipede like legs and scuttled away,hiding among the other piles of books. Maybe this place is some sort of an environment? A lot of exploring was to be done in this place, Cori didn't get too much time to pace around the library last time compared to this loop, minutes pass away as Cori wanders around, trying to find a coherent book. There wasn't really any known way Cori knew of exiting the library, maybe if she came across the hooded figure of the girl, she would be able to ask some directions. Suddenly, something interesting shows up, a large door labeled "sorting area" was found, maybe something new was behind it? Curiosity would ultimately win over Cori, strolling around the many shelves of the library was boring enough, but maybe sorting would be slightly more fun? Cori opens the door to an area with ladders connected to tall bookshelves, here, the shelves were entirely made of plant material, the place seemed like a forest. Even more curious were small glowing creatures that looked like small humans sitting on the shelves. They immediately ran behind the shelves as soon as Cori entered. The room was small compared to the other part of the library, no larger than a house. A short doorway leads to a room called the "balcony area". Going through the doorway, Cori was amazed by the slight, large balcony overlooking massive bookshelves which stretched endlessly to a void below. The balcony overlooked a room that seemed to stretch on infinitely, enormous piles of books moved around, balancing the scripture on top perfectly so none may fall. One could only assume that at the bottom of the misty void were many of those millipede-like creatures that carried the stacks of books around. A green mist and background colored in the place, it was one of the most beautiful sights one could behold. On the giant bookshelves were small creatures, similar to the tiny deformed humans she saw back in the other room. The place looked like a whole city with stairs going every direction between the giant bookshelves. But most notably was the girl she first saw in a previous loop sitting on a bench overlooking the "sorting" that was going on. She was wearing the same outfit as before and paid no attention to Cori.

Cori: Hey, mind if I ask you a question?

The girl turned toward the curious sinner, made a confused expression, and went back to overlooking the vibrant scenery. She didn't seem to be someone to start a conversation with.

Cori: Are you deaf? At least say no or something.

The girl makes an annoyed expression at Cori but finally responds.

Girl: My master doesn't appreciate intruders like you.

She snapped back to looking at the scenery.

Cori: If you guys hate me this much, then can you at least tell me where the exit is?

Girl: It isn't my job to tell you where the exit is,obviously you'll know an exit when you find one.

Cori: I literally searched the entire library! There isn't a door labeled "exit" anywhere! This place has horrendous design for someone not to be able to find an exit.

The girl suddenly has an angered expression.

Girl: You will now insult the design of this place…

Cori: It is the simple truth, now tell me the exit of this place and quit being so mysterious!

Girl: Hmph, I am not even going to help you find the exit if you have this impudent attitude.

Hooded figure: What is this fuss about? This is a place of peace.

The hooded figure suddenly walks in, he looks the same as ever, he looks like the grim reaper, a chill runs down Cori's spine suddenly. He had a gray cloak, It was a cloak that resembled a reaper's cloak.

Hooded figure: I see, we have an intruder? The same one at that. Maybe there was an error in probing for her.

Girl: She is a rude intruder at that, walking in and asking for the exit… I will take my leave.

The girl walks to the exit of the balcony area, never turning her back on me once.

Hooded figure: You might be someone of importance if you have appeared here twice, maybe I am getting closer?

Cori: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Hooded figure: No… No… You're clearly not her, not even close.

Cori: What is the matter?

Hooded figure: It is hard to explain, I have been searching for someone beloved. I even built this entire library in an attempt to draw her soul closer, but I clearly failed, I have drawn in a fluke. You are not the type of person to belong here but you have a purpose for me if you're here.

Cori: I am not working for a creature like you, I will jump off the balcony if you're gonna enslave me or something.

Hooded figure: I am no violent creature, I am a grieving man.

He removes the hood revealing a pale, human face. He had black hair and had a young, handsome face. A stark contrast to the skull with eyeballs I imagined. He had black eyes that were like inkwell, they seemed to be deprived of life.

Unhooded figure: You cannot callously call me a creature when you are further from being a human than I am.

Cori: What do you mean I am far from human, I think I look human enough.

Cori recognizes that she isn't a human, her pale gray skin and inability to consume vegetation suggests she isn't exactly a human, but her body and anatomy explained otherwise, unless it was something about her face? Maybe that was why everyone looks at her weird, there isn't really anything that would suggest her facial structure was wrong.

Unhooded figure: You say you want to exit this place?

Cori: If you would tell me, yes.

Unhooded figure: I would like to ask a favor of you, maybe this could be your purpose.

Cori: Hm? What is it?

Cori Thought back to the witch the first time she woke up. This was basically another quest for Cori, another errand to run. She didn't really like being ordered around this much but at least it was just a "favor" which she could optionally do.

Unhooded figure: This place is disconnected, far from the real plane of existence. I don't even know where this place is, but you're the only one who has traveled between this place and the mortal plane. I need you to find someone, they have golden hair and yellow eyes. They look no older than 11 years old. I have no hope of finding this person but maybe you could notify me if you see someone like that. My memory is hazy but you have given me a spark to search for this person again…

Cori: Who exactly is this person? Are you an obsessive stalker or something?

Unhooded figure: No, it is someone who is extremely important to me, a role model some would say. I wanted to talk to that person again.

Cori: Fine, I'll do whatever. Just get me out of here, I got business in the town.

Unhooded figure: Business in the town? Huh?

The man reaches out and touches Cori's stomach, a glowing light shown from within.

Unhooded figure: You seem to have life in this body, or am I mistaken. I don't believe you have business in whatever village you were talking about.

Cori: Wait what? Did I survive that?

Thinking back to how brutal the monster attacked Her, anyone would be surprised to see someone as weak as Cori survive that.

Unhooded figure: I do seem to have a connection with you, but a faint one. Maybe we have met in the past? This could be the reason you're able to dance on death's door.

Cori: What do you mean?

Unhooded figure: Whatever, you'll figure it out, let us go to the exit.

The man leads Cori out of the sorting room into the masses of books that was the main room in the library. Cori walked behind the man, she seemed to be annoyed at how slowly the man walked. They eventually reach a large book with a clock engraved on it, the same book Cori saw when she first entered.

Cori: Oh, this again?

Unhooded figure: This book is one of the books for you, it grants an exit for you, all you need to do is touch it, but before you go, I would like to ask of you two things.

Cori: Make it quick, you already asked me enough about stalking that person you were blabbing about.

Unhooded figure: I would first like to exchange names.

Cori: Why would I do that?

Unhooded figure: The country you are in puts great value in names, it is to make a connection between us. Names or titles are usually introduced before a duel, greeting, departure, or contracts. Giving out your name is kind of a form of respect for other people around your country, it is strange you don't follow the culture.

Cori: Oh fine, my name is Cori, it is a name a witch gave to me or something.

Cori assumes the witch wired her brain so that Cori would be her name, after all, no one randomly remembers their name when being summoned to save the world. Of course they would have memory loss also but names? They usually got to choose their own. Cori doesn't have any ideas for better names so she just goes with the name the witch "gave" her.

Grimm: I am Grimm, head librarian of this place.

Cori: Are you Gim with one m like the grim reaper or something?

Grimm: It is with 2 m's, I may be on the level of a god, but I am no death god.

Cori: Alright, nice to meet you… Grimm.

Grimm: The second thing I wanted to do was give you a gift, it is my blessing as a celestial.

Cori: What is a celestial?

Grimm: Celestials? You will find their influence everywhere around, there are minor gods that live on the celestial plane above this world. I have not been there since I am one of the newer celestials, I have spent most of my life in this library.

Cori: Really? How long have you spent here?

Grimm: I have been alive for only 42 years, the other celestials are much older, some at 10,000 years or more. But we can save curiosity for later, I bestow upon you my guidance.

A small green ball formed in Grimm's hand, it seemed to be made of liquid.

Grimm: Will you accept this? Place your hand on top if you will.

Cori: What does it do?

Grimm: It will deepen my connection with you, I will experience some of the outside world from you, and in exchange, I can give you occasional help. If you don't want me to "stalk" you, then you may abstain from this deal.

Cori: What could ever go wrong…

Cori reaches for the orb and places her pale on it, the veins on their pale, gray hands suddenly showing green. The process was quick and painless, it felt as if something good was happening to her for once.

Grimm: The process is complete, I sincerely thank you.

Cori: Whatever… How do I exit again?

Grimm: Place your hand on the book like you did before, touching should activate the sequence.

Cori: Alright, see ya!

Cori places a finger on the book and as before, the library crumbles around her and the room is flooded with light. Cori returns to the mortal plane… 

Cori: Making a "deal" and interacting with a lesser god definitely won't have consequences, right?

Cori wakes up to warmth, but it wasn't that of sunshine, it was from a blanket? Cori opened her eyes, the room around her seemed lavish, fancy drawers with eagle designs etched into the wooden frames were present beside her, the room was extremely large, about the size of a living room. The bed Cori was on was a large one, a large white blanket covered her body, it was a bit heavy but was comfortable enough. Three pillows, the same color as the sheets, were spread at the head of the bed. The window was open to a gentle breeze, the sun was setting outside, it was almost night. How long had she been knocked out? Cori decides to get up from the bed, she pushes aside the blanket and tries to stand up, she immediately falls to the floor, her vision blurring.

Cori: What the, what the hell?

She looked down on her body, bandages covered her torso and forearms, a small stain of blood was visible on her stomach, various other medical devices like a splint on her left leg were applied. The elf's medical work surely was helpful, but it didn't reduce the pain of the injuries, the pain started to settle in, it was a roaring flame in her stomach, Cori could barely breathe. She laid herself on the side of the bed frame, attempting to stay conscious, the pain subsided afterwards.

Cori: What the hell happened to me? I've seen dead animals in better condition than me.

She mustered up some willpower and got back up on her feet, the drawer next to her acted as a crutch to help her stand, she raised her head to see someone, the person was behind the drawer, Cori was freaked out at first until she realized that it was a mirror, she could finally see herself in full form, and not just her disappointing arms and legs. She looked deeply into the mirror, examining herself, she had short white hair that looked like an explosion, typical of someone who just woke up, Cori knew she wasn't a grandma due to the lack of wrinkles on her face, maybe genetics decided she would have white hair? Her eyes were a dirty yellow color, an eyepatch with some bandages covered her right eye, there was barely any life in the left one. The eyelashes that surrounded her eyes seemed to be more lively though. Her skin made her look like a zombie, it was a pale gray from head to toe, Cori imagined that this is what someone would look like if you drained the blood from a corpse. But all of this was made up with her appearance, despite being covered in bandages, Cori had a certain beauty to her body, it was despite the gloominess of her expression. It was either her face or the shape of the body but it was inconceivable, it was as if she were trapped in the body of a doll, made to show beauty. If she had the power to kill with beauty alone, she would be a nuclear bomb. Maybe that is why people stared at me all the time, it was also maybe the reason the witch gave her the mask, was this beauty a gift of being the chosen one? What a waste… But it was better than being ugly. The witch was starting to look a little better in Cori's eyes but was still on her bad side. But when would she meet the witch again? Isn't the wise wizard supposed to council the chosen one along the journey? Maybe tell her what her power was? Cori was trying to think of a superpower that she had relating to her beauty, she was not fond of the idea that her power was some love and friendship type thing. But it wasn't the time for these thoughts, the more important thing was where she was, the place looked like an area you would find in a lavished manor or castle, but what was the meaning of this? Her eyes scan the room around her and she eventually sees a doorway. two large wooden doors were shut at one side of the room, there were two other smaller doors around but this was most likely to be the exit, Cori wouldn't be surprised if this was just a closet. She limps slowly to the doorway, it was harder to walk in a splint than she'd imagined, each step was a painful experience, especially for someone as weak as Cori. She tried her best to not fall down, it was hard keeping balance when you look like half your body was missing. Cori eventually falls on the floor, the doorway was a couple of paces away, but each step would feel like stepping on hot irons.

Cori: Maybe I should just stay in bed until the morning, someone is bound to help me, right?

Cori took one glance back at the bed, she was halfway to the exit of the room, at this point there was no point in turning back.

Cori: Shit… What if this isn't the actual exit.

Cori starts to crawl toward the exit, the process is slow but much less painful, she eventually reaches the door but the handle was too high up to reach, she would need to endure the pain of standing up. She leaned against the door, sliding up the frame as she slowly stood up, each moment, she resisted the urge to scream. She finally was on her two legs again and promptly opened the door. It lead out to a hallway, paintings and doors lined the the place, the occasional drawer was present, there seemed to be a stairway down at the end of the hallway, the place had it's lights turned off, something creepy about long hallways without lighting was frightened Cori, she felt like there was some presence in the hall, but she couldn't tell what it was, was it a ghost?

Cori: Cori, you idiot… Ghosts don't exist, are you dumb?

Cori tries to muster up the courage to go into the hallway, she eventually steps foot into the hall, bent on making it to the stairwell as fast as possible, there was a good chance the manor or castle was haunted. She didn't take more than 10 steps until her vision blurred and she fell again, this time, she felt no pain, but looking down at her stomach, the small stain that was blood on her stomach has grown larger, unknowing to Cori, all the physical labor she had done in the past few minutes had opened up her wounds. But this wasn't the real problem, due to hallucinations from the lack of blood. She was a little girl standing in the hall in front of her, it was just a silhouette but the girl had a ponytail and some type of dress, was it a ghost?

Ghost: No running in the hallways at sunset, people are trying to sleep.

Cori: Shit… It is a ghost.

The little girl suddenly starts morphing, the last thing Cori saw were the many tendrils that replaced the girl's head. Cori's eyes close, everything goes dark, where was everyone?


I didn't imagine I would survive the final attack from the monster, I don't understand how they got it off me either. Did I just lose my second chance at life? After all, luck balances out, but this is just bullshit. Why would I end up in a haunted manor? Where do I even loop back to? After all, I completed the witch's task. I am yet to meet her again, but if I do, I will need to file a complaint. I suddenly woke up, I was back in the room that I started in, maybe this was some sort of checkpoint I was at? I looked at a window beside my bed, it was dead in the middle of night, I definitely didn't reset after all, was that just a dream? I couldn't fall asleep again, the pain was evidence that it was not a dream, I needed something to knock me out for rest. I do not want to run into whatever ghost that was, even if it was a dream. I looked to the other side of my bed, there was nothing else to do other than to browse the room for any "ghosts" around. It didn't take long before I saw two glowing eyes beside my bed, it was a ghost… My heart instantly sank.

Ghost: BooooOOOooo! Did I scare you? Haha! What type of scaredy cat do you believe ghosts exist in this place? I mean, there are numerous inhabitants!

I recognized the voice, it sounded familiar.

Witch: Surprise! My eyes glow in the dark! Also, I'm back. I think we don't need to roleplay as grand wizards and heroes anymore considering the events that have happened!

Cori: What the hell? You bitch, why didn't you appear before?

Witch: I have my own reasons, now, congrats! You managed to pass the tutorial! 

The witch seems to be treating this as a game.

Cori: I have no understanding of what is going on, what even am I? Why do people keep calling me a sinner?

Witch: Oh ho! I can't really change your biology when summoning you, unfortunately. 

Cori: What is the point of summoning me when I look like a stick and can't even fight properly? I feel like you got the wrong chosen one! You summoned me just for fun did you?

Witch: Oh no, there are many people raving for people like you, even though you have absolutely no power and are worthless in combat, you have some brains in that head of yours, and that body of yours surely can draw attention.

Cori: I never asked for this, how about you ask for consent the next time you summon someone.

Witch: Unfortunate for you to assume you have rights, this isn't how the world works, Cori. After all, I didn't ask to be brought into existence.

Cori: But what if my existence is much more painful than yours? Why do I have to track my own insane people for you? What are you going to ask me to do next? Track down a dwarf?

Witch: You actually already fulfilled the next task in a way I can't really tell you tasks anymore due to the higher ups. I will let you know that in this world, barely anyone has free will anymore, always under a god, always under a king, always underneath someone else, but the only thing that anyone will ever be over here is the dirt on the ground compared to the higher ups.

Cori: I'm not into philosophy, but who exactly are the higher ups?

Witch: You'd pay no attention to who they are, I'll take my leave! Make sure not to abuse your gift too much ok?

Cori: What? Hey, wait!

The witch disappears into a pile of leaves which instantly rot as they hit the ground. That's one new way of disappearing… The leaves seem to emit an aura, some sort of smell was coming from them. It seemed to lessen the pain, I could fall asleep to this.


Cori drifts off into a sleep as the scent of the leaves pass her nose. Cori finally gets some respite after that long day, for others, it was just one day, but for Cori, it was as if a whole week had passed, this would be the second time Cori would be able to sleep soundly. But what was the next task? When would I pop up? Those looming curiosities clouded the troubled mind of Cori in her dreams. At least she would be able to ask what a sinner is by tomorrow.

(the next day)

Cori wakes up, someone is at her bedside again, what is their problem? Could they not leave her alone for a moment?

Voice: Finally awake? I was concerned you'd be sleep-walking again or snooping around the manor. Typical of a sinner of your type to do. How dumb are you to disregard your injuries, I had to carry your filthy body all the way back to this room and stitch you up, you're lucky my master told me not to kill you.

Cori: Stop blabbing already, I'm trying to sleep man, can you just be quiet for one second?

Voice: Lousy sinner…

Cori finally opens her eyes, she sees a maid sitting on a stood at the bedside, the window next to the bed was propped open, a soft wind was blowing in, she had the same look as the "ghost" in the hallway, pinkish hair with a ponytail, the hair was a flesh like color, her eyes were a deep yellow and green color. She wore a typical maid outfit, it had a dress that went down to her knees with an apron, the black and white color scheme was in the outfit. Her most shocking feature was her size, she was no more than 5 feet tall, it was almost as tall as Cori was but slightly shorter, she seemed to be a child, at least 9 -12 years old. She had a demeaning expression which bore down on the sinner.

Cori: Eh? A child? Why are you in a maid outfit? Do you work here? Shouldn't you be in school reading picture books and coloring pictures?

Maid girl: I find no interest in those childish topics. But I indeed work here as a butler.

Cori: What? You're literally a child.

Maid girl: Not exactly, in human years, I am at most two years old, I have an older form.

Cori looked extremely confused, why would somebody be employed at two years of age? Clearly, if this person was lying, or not human.

Cori: You're lying aren't you? There's no way you're two.

Maid girl: I could bet you lie more than me, scumbag.

Cori: What is your problem with me? What is all of this sinner bullshit? Everyone has been calling me that ever since I arrived.

Maid girl: You are definitely lying, you are feigning ignorance. Your tricks won't deceive me.

Cori: I don't get the big deal with who I am, what did I ever do to you?

Maid girl: If you want to figure that out, have an audience with my master, he will likely give the same response as I do, unless he has a change of heart for the worst.

Cori expectantly was confused, through the past few loops, people acted extremely weird, it was as if everyone was mentally ill, everything she had seen so far had been slightly out of place, from Regel / Alastor staring into her soul to the elf acting insane whenever she was around her. Obviously it wasn't something wrong with her body, unless it was the severe injuries she received. In one way or another, Cori knew her description as "sinner" everyone who seemed to be important called her that, from the monster in the village to Regel the cloaked knight. Cori tries to continue the conversation.

Cori: So, who is your master or whatever?

Maid girl: Do not talk further with me, if you are to get up from this bed, I have permission to strangle you.

Cori held one of the pillows closer, she had seen many weird things and was not about to risk being strangled by a 2 year old maid.

Cori: Jeez… I was just curious.

Elf: His name is Altair, it seems you have finally awoke?

The elf suddenly walks in, she was dressed in a pink nightgown, a major difference from what she would expect, she previously wore a torn cloak with many skins that were stitched together with armor that covered her chest. She seemed much less intimidating and insane in this attire. The outfit was finished off with slippers that looked like rats, but behind her was a man in a cloak, it was Regel / Alastor… What was he doing here?

Altair: Hello sinner it is about time we meet, I am Altair.

Were the names he gave Cori fake? After all, Regel was the name of a demon lord, but one can also assume Alastor was also some sort of monster. They were likely aliases given to trick Cori.

Cori: Hello, I have one quick question.

Maid girl: Don't even try.

Altair: Bella, don't interrupt our guest, she may be a sinner but she is a respectable guest.

Maid Bella: Fine…

She turns away, her back facing Altair and Cori.

Cori: What's the big deal with the sinner stuff? That girl hates me for no reason.

Altair suddenly does his signature stare, he looks surprised.

Altair: You actually don't know?

He seemed to be mumbling to himself.

Altair: My lie detecting eye fails me… Whatever…

Altair's eyes seem to detect if someone is lying, it made much more sense to why he kept staring at Cori back in the city, but why would he do that? Does he not trust her that much?

Cori: What's wrong?

Altair: Disregard that, well, since you don't have much time left, I will tell you. Sinners are a member of a species that deserve extermination, they are usually pure evil.

Cori: Wait what? I don't think I'm that evil, but…

Altair: I'll spill, if you're a demon. You may be wondering, "what's so wrong about being a demon?" Well, they are the natural predators of humans after all, their only purpose it seems is to advance their power and deceive and eat humans. You seem to be slightly different.

Elf: You're a special specimen since I have no idea how you survived this long without eating… Humans…

Cori: Thanks for the interruption, but what do you mean by I don't have much time left?

Altair: Oh, about that.

He suddenly draws out the sword form before, it was a longsword, it glowed with a bright glow, runes seemed to be etched on the flat parts of the blade, the sword seemed to be made of light.

Altair: This is Prime Brand, a holy sword, it's aura may be painful for you now, but the execution will be painless, I promise.

Cori: Wait, hold on, what? Why would you do this?

Altair: You see, you are an endling, possibly the last demon out there, there haven't been any sightings of demons around for a year, me and my friend here are demon hunters, we were dealing with the situation with a supposed demon lord level threat, there were even documents hidden within the city giving information on the demon lord. We only came across a demon beast in the village which you helped us defeat, I am thankful for that. But all evidence points to you being the demon lord that we are to hunt down.

This revelation shook Cori, she was a demon lord? But she was unimaginably weak. How?

Cori: I'm not even worth killing, can you please let me live? It's not fun being hunted for sport, you know.

Altair: It is more than that, the documents tell that you can supposedly make major changes to the whole Northern archipelago. Plus, killing you is in my best interest, not only for my job, but for politics. My father is a major figure around here and he would be proud of me if I got the title of demon exterminator for killing the last demon to exist.

The sword was raised up to Cori's neck, the aura from the blade made her muscles freeze and mind to almost go blank, she tried to speak but the holy aura from the blade burned her throat.

Altair: I don't expect your last words to be pretty, but I wanted you to at least die peacefully.

Cori was in full panic, she tried to move, but the blade's glow prevented her, she was in tears at this point, no one could tell what she was thinking.

Elf: I would like to have a pause here, before we kill the demon, there is one thing that is strange, why doesn't she have horns?

Altair: That's weird, but she still reacts to holy magic, why is that?

Altair lowers his blade and goes up to Cori, he lifts some of her hair from the head, his face immediately grimaces.

Altair: This… I kind of feel bad at this point.

Elf: What?

Altair: Horns were ripped off, no wonder she acts weird. Even more surprising is how she survived the process. It is extremely painful and guaranteed fatal, I thought her horn just hadn't developed.

Elf: Considering her age, that is a bold assumption.

Altair: By chance, do you have any negative effects? Like memory loss? Headaches?

Cori: What is the big deal with my horns being ripped off? It's not like I'm still not apparently a demon.

Altair: The most prominent effect from horns being ripped off are that the subject dies, but before that they usually experience a multitude of negative effects, like memory loss like forgetting who they are, or seizures. The elf told me about how weak and how strange you act. This certainly could be a side effect of your missing horns.

Cori: I can confirm I have memory loss…

Cori was going to tell Altair about the time loops that were going on, but she was afraid she would receive the throat slash punishment, it probably wasn't even related to her horns.

Altair: I feel like we should study up on you more, the elf was right about you being special.

Elf: The last demon to exist is a guaranteed special, you'd have to wonder how they survived.

Altair: I'm sorry for now, I'll need to put you to sleep.

Cori was not about to have her body be experimented on, she tries to move out the way but the sword's effects had taken a toll on her body, she couldn't move her limbs.

Cori: Please wa-

Before she knew it, Altair touched her head with his hand and she fell asleep.

[Altair's flashback]

She is almost always right, my partner has to have some sort of intuition I do not know of, she isn't one of those wise old elves who are thousands of years old, she is a mere 19 years of age. We have been friends since childhood, but something weird happened today, we were investigating a case of demons reappearing. We have thought they had been exterminated for a long time, after all, after the void surge, we were a part of an operation to finish the rest of the demons off. We received information about a new demon lord that has popped up near a city, it is said that he moved to a town nearby. The investigation was a total disaster since it seems that the demon lord managed to pay some bandits to take our documents. Despite that, we continued the investigation. The document contained information about the demon lord, but from what I have remembered, it said the demon had white hair. Me and my partner decided to split up, she would go to the village nearby to investigate while I go to the city.

Altair: Hey Edda, you think it's a good idea to split up? I mean, it's a demon lord we're after.

Edda: They could act any second now, we've arrived late at the event. It's best if you go search for the documents, I would draw too much attention in the city since i'm an elf.

Altair: would it be sensible to send the knights helping us after the documents? I mean, it would be faster if we had multiple people. I can't use any of my magic in broad daylight in a crowded city.

Edda: Altair, the demon lord could attack the city also, it would be much more deadly if it destroyed the city, you've become leagues above my skill level so sending you to the city would be best.

Altair: You flatter me, it's all because of this sword I acquired

Edda: That sword is acquired through your hard work, no need to downplay things, I will take three quarters of the knights, that should even out the power level.

Altair: My dad sure has a lot of money… We have about one hundred knights at our disposal.

Edda: I'll be taking seventy five then.

We both eventually meet up with the knights and go our separate ways, twenty six knights plus me will definitely defend the city well, but there is a chance the demon lord is in the village nearby. We cannot let our guard down.

(The day runs by until mid day)

I spread my knights throughout the city, we each had a magical communication device that allowed us to talk with each other, they were pocket mirrors which showed the face of the person you were talking with. We find no clues to the documents or the demon lord. Eventually, I smelled something, it was a demonic scent, I was specially trained by Edda to sniff out demons, this was definitely the smell of one, could the demon lord be lurking in the city? It came from an alleyway, a narrow passage between 2 large buildings, I could see trash within the alleyway, the stench might as well be demonic, I decided to walk as fast as I could, the alleyway smelled like demon and trash, was this the demon lord of littering? I managed to notice a homeless person as I walked past, they seemed weak and hungry but now wasn't the time to help the homeless, the demon lord must be close by. I go out into the clearing only to see a carriage barreling toward a young child, should I use my powers? I strengthened my legs with just enough aether magic to make a dash forward, it was so faint, it didn't leave a trail behind, but it was just fast enough to save the kid. The carriage was soon brought under control and the crowd was berating me with complements. But I had other business, there was a demon lord to catch, but the smell was gone, did the demon lord slip away that quickly? The trail led back to the alleyway, the homeless person was nowhere to be found… Shit… Was that homeless person the demon lord? But how could they? Could that have been a disguise? Now that I thought about it, this city barely had any homeless people considering its wealth. This was the only homeless person I saw today and it just so happened to be the demon lord… I can't let my guard down, I communicate with the other knights.

Altair: Ronald! Jacob! Be on high alert, there was apparently a homeless person who smelled like the demon lord.

Ronald: Sir, we will be on high alert.

Jacob: You sure? I don't even think the homeless exist in this city.

Altair: That's the point! Homeless people are out of the ordinary here.

The demon lord has escaped from me now, but once I get ahold of the documents, that demon will be screwed. I will know its weak points, and their tricks.

(a couple hours later)

Jacob: Yo Altair!

Altair: What is it?

Jacob: We received a tip from what that elf calls, "an interesting specimen"

Altair: Weird, tell me about it.

Jacob proceeds to give me extremely specific details.

Altair: Edd's supplies? I just finished questioning the owner.

Jacob: What a coincidence, check in there just in case.

I ran into the alleyway that apparently held the documents, there was a secret passage that led to a room, in it, the documents were contained.

Altair: Jacob, what the hell? The documents are here!

Jacob: You're lying, what?

Altair: Want me to read it out loud?

Jacob: I'm in for a story time, this is huge.

I proceeded to read Jacob the document, we both agreed that most information was boring.

Altair: White hair… Yellow eyes… Good to know.

Jacob: Mhm… Almost fell asleep on this bench listening to this.

Altair: Anyways, we have important information, the demon lord supposedly is strong, we better check up on what the elf is doing, can you contact Samson? He's the one with Edda.

Jacob: Yeah, Yeah. At least we got some good news.

Jacob's face suddenly turned sour, he had a sick expression on his face.

Altair: What?

Jacob: Oh god, Samson?