Chapter 2 -Respite?

[Altair's notes]

Ever since we brought the demon to the manor, something dark was welling inside of us, it has been 2 days since the incident but we just couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong with this one. It felt wrong bringing the demon into the manor and caring for her, even with the elf's insistence. I know she was an important asset in defeating the demon beast but could we still trust her? There have been many instances of demons using the empathy of humans to their advantage, killing and eating them. Even if this one was far too weak to kill anyone in their sleep, how do we know they aren't plotting anything? We were going to execute the demon but we had a change of mind, it felt so wrong feeding this demon empathy. I guess she deserves a bit of empathy considering what she has been through. We ran a couple of studies on her, she didn't have the strength of a demon lord but she had the status according to the document. It is strange to figure out that the last known demon is a demon lord, you would think demon lords were more outgoing about their power. The most striking feature was how short and attractive she was. This could likely be a result of her being a succubus but her demon type isn't confirmed yet, it is strange, usually demons are larger and less beautiful than Cori due to the fact that they were still adapting to look more human. Cori could either be a result in genetic modifications to make the most attractive demon possible, other than that, there still is a factor she could be a result of a human giving birth to a demon. Succubae are disgusting, despite many beliefs that they are kind, they are no more than regular demons that use love and affection to draw in prey and eat them. Due to their lean bodies, they rely on magic to kill people, usually placing curses on their target to weaken them. They have no special conditions outside their demonic genetics and are extremely manipulative. I am nervous for the future, all but one person in this place hates the new guest we have. It feels wrong taking samples from her wound, hopefully she doesn't notice, other than that, we will leave her untouched.


What the hell are they going to do? The only type of "study" that I can think of is dissecting my body and hanging me on a wall. This was definitely not ideal. I finally woke up, I was in the same room on the bed, the elf was sitting beside me.

Elf (Edda): Woke up from our nap huh? Don't worry, we merely examined your physical features and your records. It's pretty easy to study up on a demon lord.

Cori: What the hell is your problem with demons, I haven't done anything bad yet and you guys are treating me as if I burned down the city.

Elf (Edda): Even though you were a great help, we still must be wary of you, you could turn against us any time.

Cori: I promise I won't, what do I need to do to prove that I won't?

Elf (Edda): By not being a demon? It isn't really easy to prove to demon hunters that you won't backstab them somehow, I managed to convince the others not to kill you, better not waste this chance of life, after all, you're the last demon out there.

Cori: Why do I have to be the last… Things can't get worse for me, I want a quiet and peaceful life, I don't want to be hunted down for titles or for trophies. 

Elf (Edda): I suggest you stay here then, without our support, you'd be instantly hunted down by heroes so that they can get fame.

Cori: Heroes? I bet all of them are nutjobs who call themselves that.

Elf (Edda): I don't really think so, they were all selected for a hero candidate selection, Altair is part of this, running in place of his father.

Cori: Oh, so the heroes are politicians now?

Elf (Edda): Not quite, it's more complicated. The hero selection process consists of helping the country out and gaining the support of the people. Basically a presidential election, but with more complications.

Cori: Why would you want to be a hero, that would be dangerous and stuff.

Elf (Edda): Our country has a rule where the hero is next in line for the throne. The current king was the former hero, and so on. The king's sons can also run in the hero selection.

Cori: So the hero is just a king? Why not just call it a royal selection or crown selection.

Elf (Edda): Heroes are considered a beacon of light and have more power over the military and safe keeping of the land. There are many other positions of power that manage the rest of the country. Heroes will always be on the frontlines fighting and will be the head of the charges against void surges.

Cori: This is getting too complicated, what exactly is a void surge?

Elf (Edda): How much memory have you lost? You know how to read and talk about basic concepts but you don't know important historical events?

Cori: I actually don't know how to read…

Elf (Edda): Whatever… Void surges are events that occur rarely when many sinners rise up and the void becomes more active, the land basically falls to chaos and we must fight against abominations. The last one was 4 years ago, we nearly killed all the demons in that time period.

Cori: I have many more questions… But you're not my teacher, do you guys have a library around here that I can study information from? 

Elf (Edda): I actually got someone to tutor you, it's best if we try to indoctrinate you into human society so you can live normally.

Cori: Oh great… Who is it?

Maid Bella: Can't believe I agreed to this…

This was going to be a fun lesson… That snarky short brat will be my teacher? Isn't she 2 years old?

Elf (Edda): Come on, we can't treat this sinner like a pet forever.

Maid Bella: Alright… Cori, that's your name, right?

Cori: Uh, yes?

Maid Bella: Follow me, I'll support you, we have a study room for you, you have much to learn.

Elf (Edda): My name is Edda by the way, what is your name?

Cori: You already know it don't you, why should I tell you now?

Edda frowns, but keeps her composure, she tells Bella to lead Cori to the study room.

She was strangely strong, she led me through the hallway, walking wasn't as painful anymore but I still had trouble, when would I ever recover?

Cori: Your grip is killing me… Can you loosen up a bit?

Maid Bella: You really expect me to do that when I am being used as a leaning pedestal for a sinner? How about you walk a couple of paces of your own without limping on me.

Cori: You really expect me to walk in this condition? Why are you all so desperate to teach me stuff I already know?

Maid Bella: Altair has observed that you need to know more about society, he wants to be a regular citizen in this world instead of a wanted person.

Cori: I bet it's for political stuff, it would be something like: "I just fixed a demon! Look here!"

Maid Bella: You're not wrong, he could use this in the hero selection for political power and support. I suggest you be cooperative, it would be a win - win, you are no longer a wanted person and Altair gets rewarded for his work.

I mind as well try, after all, I would do anything to not be consistently hunted down like an animal. This manor would be my best bet. The hallways we were walking down seemed strangely empty, you would expect to see the occasional maid but it was vacant. Whatever this place was, it was massive. We eventually reached a room with a large door, upon opening it, we were greeted by a study room. Sitting on one of the chairs was a butler, he looked to be the same age as Bella, he also had the same hair color with the same eyes. He had a black suit, typical of a butler, he had a monocle that was hanging from his ear, he was fast asleep.

Maid Bella: BRIGG! WAKE UP!

Bella kicks the chair Brigg was sitting on, he had no reaction.

Maid Bella: Hmph… Typical.

Cori: Who is he?

Maid Bella: It's a bit complicated. For now, consider him my brother.

Cori: Has this place been checked for child labour violations? The owner of this place must really like hiring children… Creepy.

Maid Bella: It's best to keep these types of thoughts to yourself, the manor has other maids much older than us, we just run this section of the manor, and it is perfectly legal to hire people like me and Brigg.

Cori: So no child labor stuff?

Maid Bella: I am two years old, but the law of the land only says people 13 and up can work. If you're wondering, people are considered adults at that age, you are extremely old, at the age of 24. We got that information off the document.

Cori: Damn stalkers… Who even wrote that?

Maid Bella: A not so respected royal, he hunts demons and may be a large threat to you if you randomly run off.

I didn't want to ask more questions, I didn't want to know more about crazed royals that wanted my head, I was sure I was safe in the walls of this manor.


For the next hour, Cori listened closely to the lessons Bella taught, it was mostly about history and culture. She tuned most of the lesson out, and was starting to look like Brigg for a moment. It was more boring than expected but some important details slipped in Cori's mind.

Bella: Alright, in this country, names hold a lot of value, usually before a greeting or battle, you give out your name. Not saying your name can be a sign of disrespect or a form of looking down upon someone. We can practice this later.

Bella looks up from the book she was reading, Cori was sleeping, she couldn't withstand the boring nature of the lectures.


Brigg: HUH? Was I asleep?

Bella woke the wrong person up. The butler who had been snoozing for the past hour woke up, his eyes were wide with terror.

Bella: You're extremely late.

Bella points toward a clock with a demeaning expression, she was clearly disappointed.

Brigg: Oh dear… And you say you're the inferior half, it's as if all the energy from us goes to you.

Bella: We have a lecture to complete, wake that bothersome sinner up.

Brigg: We have a sinner? What? Is this even legal?

Bella: If you pay the officials enough, Altair did plenty of work for us to keep her for some time. I don't see why he should bother, having the demon slayer title would benefit him more in the election, I don't see how it is possible to rehabilitate a demon. It's like teaching a predator not to eat its main prey and find alternatives.

Brigg: I believe in Altair's judgement, the elf was babbling on how strange the sinner was, she seems different from the rest at least.

Bella: We're getting distracted with ourselves, wake her up for me.

Brigg puts his hand on Cori's shoulder and gives a big shake, Cori's head rattles back and forth, it instantly wakes her up.

Cori: What the hell? Can you at least find a better way to wake me up? Just tell me to wake up and I will.

Bella lets out a sigh, she was clearly not amused with the sinner.

Bella: Maybe don't fall asleep during a lecture? It's considered rude.

Cori: I wouldn't call it a lecture, it's more like preaching, maybe don't make it boring in the first place?

Bella: Typical line of thought for a sinner…

Cori: What? Just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I do everything wrong?

Brigg: Well, technically, you do.

Cori: Great, you're awake? Two times boring.

Brigg: Bella, lemme take the lecture from here, I can handle this sinner.

Bella: Whatever, I'll stay here to watch over.

Bella sits herself on a nearby chair, she crosses her arms and hands to book Brigg, he takes it and scans over it.

Brigg: Alright, are you ready?

Cori: Sure, do I have any other choice?

Brigg: No, I don't have a choice either, but we got to put some knowledge in your noggin.

The lecture continues, Brigg starts to talk about the world around them. Time passes as the lecture continues, it all seemed really fast. Brigg explained the continents of the world, the world was a flat plane, the world around them was separated into four different archipelagos, all massive sprawls of islands and nations, they were all surrounding a place called the void, a massive hole that spanned the length of multiply galaxies, the mysteries of what was in the void was unknown to the north. Separating the islands were massive oceans called void seas, seas that were devoid of land. It was easy to get lost in these vast oceans, few have ever made it to the other side of a void sea. Brigg tells stories about the other archipelagos, the eastern land was said to be a massive continent with a city the size of multiply planets spanning across the whole thing, the southern one was the most mysterious, but it is said that their industries were unrivaled, the western archipelago was the land of the gods, where massive citadels and chapels were built. Continuing on with the lecture, Briggs explains the Northern archipelago, where they were located.

Brigg: Now, For the one we live in, it is according to legend that the Northern archipelago represents winter, unlike the other ones, there were great sages that came up with the ideas of the seasons and the archipelagos. 

Cori: I have a question, it doesn't seem to be snowing that often. Why would we represent winter?

Brigg: The story goes that Eden, now the northern archipelago used to be a thriving land, but after the void surge, it was shattered into many parts, which creates many continents out of that massive supercontinent, each island is hundreds of thousands of miles long, just imagine how large the old Eden was! Our kingdom lies in the continent of New Eden, it is a fairly large land mass. 

Brigg points toward the location on the map, Cori inches closer to take a look.

Brigg: It's a pretty small island on the map but it still is massive!

It looked like one of many islands of the parts of Eden, the islands ranged from many sizes, a large spot on the map, clearly standing out, was marked with the words "impact zone".

Cori: I bet that's the place Eden used to be, seeing how all the islands diverge from that point.

Brigg: Great observation, a powerful entity went out with a bang during the last void surge, it caused this huge crater of obsidian and other rare minerals to form there, it is said that the epicenter has huge piles and towering pillars of these rare ores, some are undiscovered.

Cori: You seem really good at geography, how old are you?

Brigg: The same as Bella, we're twins.

Cori: I would be playing with toys and drinking milk at two years old… Not teaching lessons and working at a manor.

Brigg: We di-

Bella suddenly hushes Brigg with a finger, they seem to be hiding something.

Brigg: Ah, well, I think we're getting off task, back to the map of Eden.

Another hour passes as Cori and Brigg discuss the map, Cori seemed to be extremely interested in Brigg's lessons, her eyes sparkled at hearing the tales of recent journeys to the epicenter of the impact zone.

Brigg: What they saw was massive mountains of sparkling jewels, likely created from the intense magic crystalizing into valuable magic crystals. 

Cori: Sorry to interrupt, but what do magic crystals even do? Do they make wands out of them? Are they a power source?

Brigg: Glad you ask, it is a lesson for another day, a large known fact is that the north is considered to be the land of magic considering how much magic we have. Wands have been outclassed by magic weapons and channeling. Only legendary staffs are in use that put special effects on magic.

Cori: I wonder if I have any magic.

Brigg: You can figure that out tomorrow, today's lessons conclude, how were they?

Cori: I would prefer you to teach me, if I'm being honest. They weren't as bad as I thought.

Bella lets out a sigh, she seemed to be more depressed than annoyed. 

Cori: I'm going back to my room, my injuries haven't healed and I want to sleep through it.

Bella and Brigg look at eachother, Bella takes out a compass with no markings for the cardinal directions, and gives it to Cori.

Bella: This watch tells you the location of the room.

A smile was seen on Bella's face as Cori took the compass and walked out the room, Brigg looked at Bella disappointingly. 

[Bella / Brigg]

Bella: Brigg, you did so much better than me, you kept her engaged all that time?

Brigg: I have experience dealing with children, they always like stories, I really didn't expect my method to work.

Bella: There is no way in hell I could replicate that, maybe I should just have you one on one the sinner next time.

Brigg: I will be busy tomorrow, we have to go to the capital for the hero election meeting, it's the opening ceremony. Each candidate will introduce themselves there, I'm so excited to meet new people!

Bella: I bet I'm the one to stay and teach the sinner…

Brigg: Unfortunately, yes.

Bella seemed to frown, she had an upset look on her face.

Bella: You always seem to be better than me in every way, I feel like I'm being left behind.

Brigg: I can't help it really, some of your qualities are better than mine.

Bella: Like what? The fact that I can stay awake an hour longer?

Brigg: You are much better at discipline and dedication, once you have your mind on something, you just can't take it off. You are also better at torturing.

Bella: Look, waterboarding with human blood just so happened to work on those cultists, I knew they were insane but not insane enough to endure that.

Brigg: I believe you can teach the sinner something, just act friendly or something.

Bella: I would have no luck with that… I can't ever seem to replicate what you do despite us being the same.

Brigg: I'll be back by the end of the month, just hold out until then, alright? Altair said we just had to teach her for two months and he would judge the results, we don't even need to successfully teach her, if she doesn't cooperate, she will be executed, if she shows signs of change, she gets to live.

Bella: Why try then? We can just have her executed at the end of the two months.

Brigg: I believe that she is a good person if we work toward it, she's a living thing with her own thoughts, it's kind of cruel to throw away a life that depends on us.

Bella: Such a kind was for a sinner… Have you gotten attracted to her beauty? THey say she's a succubus after all.

Brigg: Probably, but still, I want to do the moral thing, she's the last demon out there so we should at least give her special privileges.

Bella: I'll try my best… Fine… 

Brigg: I will be at the hero selection opening, Altair isn't a really good talker so I'm there to help out tomorrow. I wish you luck.

Bella: I wish I could come and see the opening ceremony… 

Brigg: Don't be bitter, we're still young, we can go to the other meetings they have soon enough.

Bella simply frowns, she was upset that the demon was holding her back from fun, even though Brigg was more fit to teach her, but he was also more fit to help Altair out at the hero election ceremony, he seemed to be better in every way.

Brigg: I'll be off to find the sinner, that sneaky prank you pulled went undetected. Talk about tricking the trickster.

Bella: I'll see you off, I will do my chores for the day.


That damn maid brat… She gave me a compass, just without the letters on it. I have been walking aimlessly around, or endlessly limping around. I should have known this was a trick from the beginning since she didn't even suggest giving me support, I was now in an unknown part of the manor, it was a large room that had tables and chairs around. It seemed to be the typical party room that nobles and kings have. I suddenly heard a movement around me, it was distorted footsteps.

Cori: Huh? What was that sound? Who's there?

Two hands suddenly picked me up by the arms, considering how short I was, I was a decent height from the ground, the position I was picked up in made me look like a cat that was being carried around by its owner. 

Person: Oh, you must be the new guest here, did Bella prank you? I was hearing her complain all day about you.

Cori: Agh… Who are you? Put me down!

The person put me down on the floor, she was a tall woman wearing a full black maid outfit, she didn't have a headband like Bella did. She instead had a long braid at the back of her head which had a ring at the end of it. She looked like the type of person to strangle someone to death with her braid.

Maid: You're shorter than I imagined, I knew Bella was small for her type but you? I've seen demons your age leagues taller!

She let out a laugh, she didn't seem to laugh at me, it was more of a laugh of either insanity or laughing at oneself. 

Maid: My apologies, your name is Cori, right?

Cori: Yes, what are you doing here?

Maid: Just cleaning this room, boss wants me to keep this place nice and clean if you couldn't tell.

Cori: How do you even do that? This room is pretty large.

Maid: It's pretty easy actually, I have my own skill set for this, after all, the lord of this place hired me for a reason.

Cori: How do you do it then? Are you a skilled cleaner or what?

Maid: I am both fast and skilled, but do you wanna join us? I heard your kind likes money, this job pays a decent amount.

Cori: tempting but no thanks, I'm pretty hurt right now.

I pointed down at my bandages which still cover my body, I was still embarrassed at the fact I had no shirt on, I didn't bother to ask for one, I didn't really realize that until now since the thick bandages on my chest were similar enough to a shirt.

Maid: Want me to bring you back to Bella? You seem a bit lost.

Cori: Yes, that brat gave me this fake compass or whatever and made me walk all this way.

Maid: Here we go!

She picks me up in the same manner again, it was kind of hard to breath in this position, her arms were extremely strong, pressing against my ribs from under my arms, I try to struggle my way out but she didn't even notice I was trying to get out, she simply hummed as she carried me down the hallway back toward Bella. We eventually see Brigg walking down the hall, he waves toward the maid.

Brigg: Oh, looks like someone else found her before me.

The maid drops me and I gasp for breath, I had no intention of complaining, if you saw her, you'd think she would strangle small animals to death for fun, or small demons. 

Maid: Ah! Bella, there you are!

Brigg: They call me Brigg now, It's to differentiate us, you seem to have a bad memory?

The maid lets out a hard laugh again. She definitely has insanity or something…

Maid: You have to understand, I'm getting old! Almost at the age of 40!

Brigg: People lose their memory around 80 years old, you still have time.

Maid: Still, I'm considered an elder, am I not?

Brigg: Yes, but your memory won't go away yet.

The maid turns around and leaves, she lets out a little wave as she dashes around the corner.

Cori: Your name is Bella? Same as that other maid?

Brigg: Technically yes, I took the name Brigg a month ago so that the masters can tell the difference.

Cori: You two seem different enough, after all, you're a man and Bella is a girl. Can they not tell the difference?

Brigg: It's kind of complicated, we only need differentiating in specific situations.

Cori: Where is my room… I'm gonna pass out.

The carrying posture of the maid had knocked the wind out my lungs, I was seeing small black dots in the corner of my vision, I would make sure I would never go near her again. I also didn't imagine that the maid would be considered elder at the age of 40, I feel decently young being 24 years old. Brigg decided to give me a piggyback ride back to my room, my face turned red from embarrassment when I realized I walked past the room during my journey, I really had no sense of direction.

Brigg: Alright! You're back at home! Cya!

He suddenly drops me to the floor in front of my door, what was that for? When I got up and looked around, Brig was where to be found, the hallway I was in was decently long so how did he slip away? I shouldn't really mind that, getting rest was more important than where the butler went. I opened the door to my room and was greeted with the luxurious "guest room" I was apparently staying in. I collapse on the bed and fall asleep, I didn't even bother covering myself with a blanket. Staying in this manor really takes a toll on you…


Cori only got to sleep for a couple of hours before the door sprang wide open. Bella was the perpetrator of the noise. She immediately dashed to Cori's bedside and shook her awake.

Cori: aauUUUuughh…

Cori groans loudly, clearly not interested in Bella.

Bella: It's time to go eat, lazy sinner. Master says you got to keep your body well fed so go eat your dinner.

Cori: Do I really have to… I wanna sleep for now.

Bella: Your sleep schedule will get messed up if you sleep any longer, just go and eat, you look like a dead tree with how drained and skinny you look.

Cori: I'll just eat a bigger breakfast…

Bella takes extreme measures, she picks up Cori from her bed with two hands and carries her around the hall like a princess, this causes Cori to immediately wake up from her groggy state.

Cori: Wait, what the hell? What's going on?

Bella: I also forgot to get you changed, you need a shirt if you're going to be dining with the master.

Cori begins to scream, the speed Bella was gaining made her hair fly back. Bella dashes around the hall into a parlor, on one of the chairs, there was a shirt, it was a plain one that was completely white, fitting for some sort of hospital patient. She throws it over Cori's face covering it completely, her screams turn into inaudible mumblings under the cloth, Bella jams the shirt over Cori's head while running and puts it on Cori, it was very oversized for Cori's body and waved like a sail while Bella was running, they eventually reach a doorway, in it, the smell of fresh food was present.

Bella: Here we go, you may enter the dining hall, I will go prepare some other things.

Bella dashes off at amazing speed, Cori was left dumbfounded in front of the dining hall, she stared blankly into the doorway. Cori eventually comes to her senses and decides to enter.

Cori: Mind as well go in, there's no point in going back… I'd get lost.

Altair suddenly comes through the doorway, he had a nervous expression on his face, he was wearing fancy aristocratic clothing which clearly made him uncomfortable, he seemed to be trying his best to smile for the moment, a contrast to his demeaning and authoritative expression he had toward me at first.

Altair: Hey, Cori!

Cori: What is with this greeting? You don't usually look like this, something wrong?

Altair: Oh, uh, my father has come to this dinner.

Cori: Isn't that normal? Humans do that all the time don't they?

Altair: You see, I barely get to see him… He also is really strict and has high expectations.

Cori: I don't really see why you should be scared, I wouldn't really care for expectations for all I know.

Altair: Can you not embarrass me in front of him? The only reason he came was because he was interested in you, hopefully the lessons you learned will help you be well mannered around him.

Cori: I will try.

In reality, Cori had no sense of what was right or wrong, she doesn't really know what embarrassment is but she has an idea of it. This is slightly a result of her being a demon. Demons are not experienced with more human emotions, Altair forgot to account for this. Unfortunately for him, Cori did not pay attention at all for the first half of the lessons, the one he had hoped Cori would remember at least a fraction of.

Altair: So, how were the lessons? Learned anything?

Cori forgot most of what she learned except for some geography. Even though Brigg did a better job at teaching, Cori isn't the type to learn things well from teachers.

Cori: I uhm…

Altair: It's your first lesson, it's alright if you haven't warmed up yet.

Cori: Never mind what I learned, what's the big deal with your dad not seeing you, aren't fathers supposed to care for their sons? Where is your mom?

Altair: The elf is a friend of mine, she is a mentor to me, as for my mom, it's complicated. I would rather talk about something else.

Cori: Despite being so shiny, I bet your family situation has some dirt in it.

Cori sneers, she tries to hide her smile with her shirt, making an excuse to wipe something from her eye.

Altair: Whatever, just don't make yourself look dumb, she's a man with a lot of status, please don't make him mad…

Altair and Cori both reach the dining area, a large table with many chairs was in the middle of the room, the floors were made of wood, it was so shiny that it almost blinded Cori who had spent the past hours sleeping. There was a chandelier above which held many crystals which radiated light. The whole place looked like a festival, the table had plates but no food on them, clearly it was to be set up, at least Cori wasn't late to the meal.

Altair: He requests we sit next to each other, I know it's kind of weird but it's my dad's orders.

Cori: What is he, some sort of weirdo?

Cori glanced around the table, the elf in her pink nightgown and bunny slippers was seated at one of the chairs, she looked extremely tired from something. A fat man was seated on another chair, he had loose aristocratic attire on, he wore what clearly seemed to be a wig which was green colored. His suit was also green with a white tie. He seemed to be talking to someone through a pocket watch, a magical communication device. In one of the corners of the room, Brigg was standing, he was like a statue, he didn't even blink. The whole vibe of the room was formal and solemn, but Cori unsuccessfully read the room.

Cori: Hey Altair, your dad is kind of obese.

She points to the pudgy man sitting at one of the chairs, it was not loud enough that he could hear her but the elf's great hearing picked up the comment and she snickered.

Altair: No, that's Alshin, he's second in command of this manor, he manages most of the place since my dad is always locked up in his office area.

Cori: What position are you? You have people around here calling you master.

Altair: I'm third in command, sometimes Alshin has to leave for parties or business so I take over, but my dad watches over everything and makes sure there is order in the manor.

Cori sits next to Altair, she stares deeply at the blank plate, her reflection shows up in the porcelain, ever since she saw herself in the mirror, she was charmed by herself, she couldn't help but stare into her own eyes, the body of Cori didn't even feel like her own. She was surprised the others haven't made a comment about her, but that may just be her ego.

Cori: How long do we have to wait? This is taking forever… 

Altair: Just a moment longer, try not to move around as much, stay still when he arrives until he sits down. Just try to be still and stay silent.

Cori: Mhm. When will he arrive? How slow is he?

Altair: Be patient, he didn't announce his presence for nothing, this has got to be important.

Altair was repeatedly hyping up his dad's presence at the dinner, he seemed to be trying to make sure everything was fine, despite the two other guests seeming uninterested. He focused on Cori, making sure she would do everything right when the time came. Cori on the other hand was getting annoyed at Altair.

Cori: Would you shut up for once? Wherever your dad is, he can probably hear your yelling.

Altair: There is no way he can hear me, I'm not even talking that loud, he probably won't arrive just yet anyways. We have more guests coming.

Cori: So much for your dad, he is pretty late isn't he, is he some type of fat guy?

Cori side-eyes Alshin, despite saying it out loud, the fat man pays no attention, continuing to talk through his magic mirror, it was something about a party. Unfortunately for Cori, it was loud enough for a man walking in to hear, he covers his mouth, seemingly disappointed at Cori's insult toward Altair's dad.

Altair: Cori, shut up for a second! I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the guests, especially my dad! These are some holy knights he invited, the same ones that helped us in the battle.

The knight was dressed in casual clothing despite attending a lavish and formal banquet, he had grey pants on with a brown shirt, at least his shoes were polished and fancy enough for the occasion. He sat at the far end of the table, away from Altair and Cori's position, and the table was long enough to fit at least 50 people around it. Two more of the knights came in, one was a woman and the other a man, both were dressed in more formal clothing, the woman had a dress on and the man had a black coat with a white clothing underneath. The woman seemed to smile at Cori as she walked in while the man frowned.

Altair: That's it for the guests, I think. I don't know if he invited more, but these are the people I know are coming… Now we just wait.

The table was pretty boring except for the chatter from Alshin, everyone didn't want to risk disappointing whoever Altair's father was, they sat quietly occasionally fidgeting, Cori was the first to make a complaint.

Cori: How long is this going to take? Why invite me early when the big man is going to be late? I'll find him myself, he's probably lost.

Altair: Cori, wait! Please, he will be here any moment.

Cori: I have a good sense of direction! I'll find that man myself!

As Cori reaches the doorway, she suddenly bumps into something, her face smashed into a man's crotch.

Cori: Awh! What the hell! Don't be in my way! 

Everyone was looking with a nervous face, even Alshin who had been on his mirror device closed it, the room was awfully silent, everyone had sweat dripping on their faces, even Brigg who had been standing quietly in the corner began to shiver.

Cori: Ugh, I have important stuff to do, what are you doing blocking the doorway!

Person: Oh, I didn't see you, you were a bit short, you know.

An angry face formed on Cori was she looked up, the man was obviously much taller than Cori, but her anger dissipated into shock, the man had some kind of makeup on, almost like a clown, he had a blue suit with a blue tophat on, he almost looked like a magician, he had stockings up to his shins with shoes on that were seemingly made of silver. His suit had a cape that went down to his hip with a medallion that connected the cape to the neck and collar of the man.


Cori immediately sprints back to the table terrified, she sits next to Altair and hides behind him. Altair's face was red like a tomato at this point, he seemed to have lost his soul.

Altair: Cori… That… Is… My… Father…

Cori: Why the hell is he dressed like a clown? Does he run a circus or something? As the ringleader?

All the other guest's faces turned from nervousness to smiles, they were trying to hold back their laughter in the presence of Altair's father, a snicker could be heard, all directed toward Cori. Altair's father walks toward Cori, despite the insults, he had a smile on his face, one that creeped Cori out.

Father: It's a pleasure to meet Altair's little friend, I am Aquilla, lord of this manor and the land. What is your name?

Altair's father leaned past Altair's chair, looming over his head as he looked at Cori, Altair being this close to his father left him in a state of panic, he looked like he was going to pass out any moment.

Cori: Why should I tell you? You can ask Altair, you know that? 

Aquilla: Ha ha! Interesting friend! Altair, are you seeing this?

Altair was soulless, he slumped in his chair in defeat, despite trying his best, Cori ruined his plans for a formal entrance, embarrassed him in front of his father, and insulted him. 

Aquilla: Altair, she is in your care, correct? Heard it from Alshin.

Altair: Y-Yes…

He answered in a quiet voice, seemingly timid in his father's presence.

Aquilla: This is something different for once, you always interest me in how formal you usually prepare these things, now it's more messy and informal, interesting indeed!

Altair: Agreed…

Aquilla walks past Cori, she secretly makes a face that Altair manages to catch a glance at.

Aquilla: A change in plans means a change in rules, is that right?

He pulls out a chair next to Cori and sits next to her.

Aquilla: Altair, your little friend here is interesting, most notably, she is missing a few parts.

Altair: Father, hold on! You don't usually sit there!

Altair pointed toward a chair located on the side of the table, it was larger than the rest.

Aquila: Don't question my decisions. I do what I want in MY house.

Altair: Y-Yes…

Aquilla: Not everything has got to be perfect, alright?

Altair nods slightly, Cori shrinks down in her chair, why was the clown sitting next to her?

Aquilla: Anyway, let us start! I bet everyone here is starving!

The feast begins, despite the table's size, there were only five maids to serve them for some strange reason. You would expect someone who is this rich and famous to have more servants, they bring out a multitude of dishes that were too much for the guests who were around.

Aquilla: So, my friend, how's it been? You say a lot of big words toward someone like me, If you were anyone else, I would have you executed! You're a demon after all, am I right?

Cori: I don't feel like eating…

Cori was extremely nervous, what if Altair's father was some sort of maniac who was going to kill her? He seemed "interested" in her for now.