Get Married Again

Odelia looked hesitant to say what she wanted, but she knew it was all for the good of her husband.

"I want you to get married again, Vin," she replied as she looked into his black color eyes. Her blue eyes looked pleading, as if she wanted Vincent to grant her request.

"What? What do you mean you want me to get married again? Are you out of your mind?" he asked, startled.

She turned her face away when he said that, knowing it was a stupid thing to say. But they couldn't go on like that.

"Odelia, you know I love you very much, right? How could I marry another woman? Besides... Why would you want me to marry another woman?" he asked while holding his wife's shoulder.

"So that you can have children soon, Vin. I can't give you the child you want, the grandchild she want. If you remarry, another woman can definitely give you children," Odelia replied.

However, Vincent was angry when he heard this. He didn't want to marry another woman, he just wanted to be with Odelia. He didn't want to remarry just for the sake of a child, he considered it tantamount to cheating and would hurt the feelings of the woman he loved.

"But Vin..."

"Enough Odelia!" He said firmly and raised his voice slightly. "I don't want you to talk about this anymore, I will never marry another woman. Even if we don't have children, I will remain faithful to you, do you understand?"

She nodded her head and went back to eating their dinner, as did Vincent. She noticed that he was eating a larger portion than usual.

"You eat a lot, are you feeling stressed? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel pressured by what I said," asked Odelia, who knew her husband's habit of eating a lot meant he was feeling a bit stressed.

"No, it's not about that, but our rival company is releasing a new product that is skyrocketing. Even our company's product, which was released first, is losing out because they have much better features," Vincent explained with a sigh.

"Really? Hmn... That means we should be able to make more products than our rival company."

The brunette nodded his head, saying that their rival company had some of the same products as his company, Yozara. But far superior and higher quality than theirs.

He nodded in understanding, Vincent was always going on about his rival company TechnOzone being much better than Yozara in the field of technology.

"I wish I could help you, Vincent. But I can't."

He smiled and gently rubbed his wife's head. "Having you by my side already makes me feel better, love."

"I will always be by your side, dear. I will always support you, no matter what happens. You don't need to doubt my feelings," she said, returning his smile.


For a week now, Samantha and Alice have been at Vincent's house. They always did as they pleased, not even wanting to touch any of the housework. Odelia had to work harder to do the housework.

She usually had a break during the day, but ever since the two women had been in her house, it was like she wasn't even given a break.

To make matters worse, Vincent was away on a business trip out of town for four days, leaving Odelia stuck with the two women.

"Odelia! Hurry up and wash my clothes and iron them! I want to wear them tomorrow morning! And make sure everything is ready before tonight!" Alice shouted.

"B-but I have to make dinner," Odelia replied.

"So you won't wash my clothes?! You're useless!" She pushed Odelia's forehead rather hard. "You've been given a good life by my brother! Your job is to do the housework, don't protest so much!"

Alice's screams were heard by Samantha who was watching television, she then walked over to her daughter.

"What's going on? Why are you yelling like that, Alice?"

"This bitch, mom! She won't wash my clothes! I need them for tomorrow!"

The middle-aged woman turned to Odelia with an angry look.

"Hey, why won't you do it?! You dare to resist?!" he snapped while pointing at her.

"I-it's not like that, it's just that I have to make dinner, if I wash now, dinner will be late..."

"That's your business! The point is I want Alice's clothes and dinner ready quickly! If you don't, I'll make you sleep outside!" said Samantha, cutting Odelia off.

"Heh, hear that! Never mind mom, let's get ready because she's coming soon!"

"She is? Oh! She's coming today? That means she just got back from Dormania?"

Alice nodded and the two women were very excited, while Odelia was confused. Who was this 'she' they were referring to?

'Vincent isn't going abroad, he's just going to West Zondalia. Then who are they referring to?' she thought in confusion.

She then took Alice's dirty clothes and went to wash them. After washing and drying the clothes, Odelia prepared dinner for them.

Unfortunately, she had run out of spring onions and eggs. She needed those two ingredients to make dinner.

"There's still an hour and a half until dinner, I'd better buy the ingredients I ran out of right away and then make dinner," she muttered as she checked the clock on her phone.

She picked up her bag and walked towards the living room. "Mother, I'm going to go shop for the missing ingredients," she said.

But Samantha and Alice didn't care at all. Instead, they were busy watching television. Odelia then left the house in her car.

She went to the shopping center and bought all the groceries she needed and then returned home.

"Mother, I'm home," she said and walked into the house.

However, as she approached the living room, she could faintly hear Alice and Samantha laughing. As soon as he peeked in, he saw them together with a beautiful and sexy woman, chatting intimately.

'Who is she? It feels like I'm familiar with her.' Odelia felt that she had seen that woman somewhere, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her.

Noticing the woman's presence, Samantha turned to her. "Oh she's finally home too. It took so long, we've ordered food delivery because you're a sloth!"

"I'm sorry, mother. It was quite a traffic jam on the way. Mother... Who is that woman?"

But the question was ignored completely, Alice stood up from her chair and threw a folder in front of Odelia's face.

"Sign the letter!" she said.

Reflexively the ginger-haired woman caught the document folder and looked at the writing on it.

Her eyes widened as she read it.

"Divorce papers?"