Chapter 10: Inheritance

The lottery interface retained the same straightforward design as the previous ones, showcasing only two words: **Lottery**.

Ash raised an eyebrow at the seemingly simplistic interface.

"It looks a bit unreliable," he muttered, feeling a twinge of skepticism.

Deep down, he wondered if the prizes would be as underwhelming as they appeared.

"Still," he thought, shaking his head slightly.

"I shouldn't judge by appearances. Maybe there's something good hidden in there. Anything that doesn't cost me anything is worth a shot."

His thoughts drifted to the expenses of his journey and how a little extra cash could improve things back home, making life easier for Delia. 

"Alright, let's see what we can draw."

With that resolve, Ash tapped the button labeled **Lottery**.

In an instant, the interface transformed, morphing into a display reminiscent of a slot machine.

Instead of three spinning grids, a list of nouns scrolled across the screen. The first item caught Ash's eye: **Big Pearl**.

"Big Pearl?!" he exclaimed, excitement bubbling up within him. In the Pokémon world, a Big Pearl was valuable, worth around 3,700 pokes!

"If I can get a Big Pearl, that's basically free money!"

However, as the interface continued to scroll, Ash's enthusiasm began to fade.

The screen rolled over to reveal **Sitrus Berry**, and then the names began to fly by at an alarming pace. 

"My eyes are going to be dazzled..." he groaned, quickly reaching for the stop button.

"No point in getting overwhelmed. Let's see what we actually get."

After pressing the stop button, the interface slowed, finally revealing a series of items that made Ash's heart race. 

"Icy Rock... Razor Claw... Sun Stone... and even... Z Pure Crystal?!"

Ash stared in disbelief. These items were all crucial in the Pokémon world, especially the Z Pure Crystal, essential for activating Z Moves.

He felt a surge of anticipation—this could save him countless hours of grinding!

Just then, the interface came to a halt, and the word **Inheritance** appeared prominently in front of him.


Ash frowned, puzzled. The concept was unfamiliar; he had never heard of anything like it in the Pokémon world.

"Could it be a genetic move?"

Before he could ponder further, the lottery interface vanished, replaced by a vivid red light hovering in front of him.

The sudden appearance startled Pikachu, whose fur bristled with electricity, sensing something divine emanating from the light. 

"Pika—!" Pikachu exclaimed, alarmed by the power it felt radiating from the light.

"Hey, it's okay, Pikachu,"

Ash said soothingly, trying to calm his partner while observing the light closely.

It pulsed with a crimson glow, strands of lightning dancing within, hinting at the potential power it contained.

"Do you want to use inheritance? Currently available targets: Pikachu..."

The system's voice echoed in Ash's mind, leaving him bewildered.


Ash blinked in surprise, but the voice only repeated its query.

He hesitated, a knot forming in his stomach. Before understanding what this inheritance entailed, he couldn't let Pikachu accept it blindly. What if it caused harm? 

"What exactly is this?"

Ash muttered to himself, feeling a mix of intrigue and caution. Pikachu, sensing his unease, clutched his shoulder, seeking reassurance.

With a deep breath, Ash reopened the system to check the attributes of the light sphere.

The information that materialized before him was astonishing.

**Legacy: Soaring in the Sky Dragon of Osiris**

Using this inheritance on Pokémon will significantly enhance their quality while granting them the abilities of the Soaring in the Sky Dragon of Osiris.

**Ability 1:** Summon Thunderbolt 

**Ability 2:** Superconducting Wave

"What?! The abilities of Osiris' Soaring in the Sky Dragon?!" Ash gasped, recognizing the legendary creature from the *Yu-Gi-Oh!* series, known for its immense power.

"This... can't be real!" He was awestruck. "If Pikachu accepts this inheritance, he could wield the powers of a god!"

Ash's mind raced with possibilities. With such an incredible power, he could rise to the top of the Pokémon world alongside Pikachu, becoming an unstoppable force.

But as the excitement surged, a thought lingered in the back of his mind: "Is this really the way I want to go?"

It was an extraordinary opportunity, but Ash understood that true strength came from growth, experience, and the bonds forged along the way. 

"Let's think this through, Ash," he reminded himself, looking down at Pikachu, who met his gaze with unwavering trust.

"Whatever we choose, we'll face it together."

With a heart full of determination and friendship, Ash stood at the precipice of a monumental decision, one that would shape their journey and define their legacy.

