Chapter 15: And Shigure

The boy pedaled furiously on the bike, pushing himself to the limit as he steered them away from the encroaching Spearow.

He couldn't afford to slow down; if he did, the flock would catch up in an instant. Meanwhile,

Pikachu continued to unleash Thunder Shock attacks at the relentless birds behind them.

Misty held tightly onto the boy's shoulders, her heart racing with anxiety. She longed to send out her own Pokémon to help, but the chaos of the moment left her feeling helpless.

"Pika… Chu—!" With another crack of electricity, Pikachu sent a Spearow tumbling from the sky. However, the swarm was still considerable, with over thirty still hot on their trail.

"Ugh… how far is Viridian City?" the boy gasped, his breath coming in heavy pants as sweat streamed down his face.

"It's about 20 kilometers!" Stephanie replied, trying to gauge their distance. The fishing spot had been at least 30 kilometers away, so they still had quite a journey ahead.

"I'm dying here…" The boy was out of breath, the combination of swimming and pedaling draining his energy. Carrying girl on the bike only added to his exhaustion.

Misty felt a wave of panic wash over her; this was the first time she had ever faced a situation like this.

"Pikapi…" Pikachu, too, was feeling the strain. Although it had received a power boost from its inheritance, it was still at the Earl Dervish level and couldn't keep up this pace forever.

"Do you have any Pokémon?"

the boy asked, still pushing the bike forward.

He realized they might not reach the outskirts of Viridian City before the Spearow caught up, and he needed to think of alternatives.

"Yes, but…" She bit her lip. Her Pokémon weren't much stronger than Pikachu, and she felt a twinge of doubt.

Suddenly, a rumble of thunder echoed overhead as dark clouds rolled in, signaling an impending rainstorm. The boy and Stephanie exchanged worried glances.

In the blink of an eye, a torrential downpour began, drenching them instantly. The heavy raindrops stung their skin like tiny bullets.

"They're getting closer!" She shouted as she turned to see the Spearow narrowing the gap, now less than twenty meters away.

"I can't keep this up!" the boy shouted, making a quick decision. "Get ready! I'm going to stop! Once we do, you need to release your Pokémon and fight back!"

"What—" Before she could finish, the boy slammed on the brakes. The sudden stop threw her forward, and she landed against his back as the bike skidded to a halt.

"Pikachu, use your most powerful Thunder Shock!" he ordered urgently.

"Pikapika—!" Without hesitation, Pikachu leaped off the boy's shoulder.

Electricity crackled around him as he charged up, and in a dazzling display, he unleashed a bolt of lightning that arced straight toward the chasing Spearow.

The thunderous energy struck one Spearow directly, causing it to explode in a shower of feathers, the shockwave cascading to nearby Spearow.

The combination of rain and Pikachu's electrical prowess left five more incapacitated!

Both the boy and Pikachu cheered at their unexpected success, but Stephanie quickly sprang into action.

With two Poké Balls in her hand, she called out, "Staryu, Starmie, go!"

As the Poké Balls opened, two star-shaped Pokémon emerged in bursts of white light. One was Staryu, the other its evolved form, Starmie—each shimmering with their distinct colors.


*Type:* Water 

*Category:* Star Pokémon 

*Ability:* Illuminate (or Natural Cure; Hidden Ability: Analytic) 

*Strength:* Earl Dervish level 


*Type:* Water 

*Category:* Mysterious Pokémon 

*Ability:* Illuminate (or Natural Cure; Hidden Ability: Analytic) 

*Strength:* Ordinary level 

"Staryu, Starmie, attack with Water Gun!" Stephanie commanded, hoping the rain would bolster their strength.

Both Pokémon gathered Water-type energy quickly, the downpour enhancing their abilities. Moments later, two jets of water surged forth, striking two Spearow in rapid succession.

Staryu's Water Gun, though less powerful, was reinforced by the rain, sending a Spearow tumbling through the air. Starmie's attack was even stronger, hitting another Spearow with such force that it fell from the sky, unable to battle.

"Great job!" Stephanie felt a rush of relief, watching her Pokémon make an impact. However, she couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy when compared to the boy and Pikachu's earlier display of power.

"Thank goodness for the rain…" the boy remarked, observing the Spearow falling one by one. The downpour weighed down their feathers, making them less agile and amplifying the power of Pikachu's attacks.

As the number of Spearow dwindled, even the few that managed to reach the duo were swiftly intercepted by Staryu and Starmie. In no time, fewer than ten Spearow remained, hovering uncertainly in the air.

Finally, the remaining Spearow hesitated, their confidence shaken. They circled in the sky, wary of launching another assault.

"Are they… backing down?" the boy wondered aloud, observing the Spearow's retreat.

"Is this a truce?" Stephanie asked, both amazed and relieved. It seemed the fearsome flock had decided they had had enough.

The rain poured around them, a reminder of the storm above, but for the moment, they were safe.

