Chapter 19: Central Knowledge

"So, that's how it is…"

Ash nodded, finally grasping the process. His previous assumptions, shaped by anime logic, were clearly insufficient for the reality he was experiencing.

Misty led Ash to the treatment area, where a long line of trainers awaited their turn in front of Nurse Joy. 

"We should line up, too. Once Nurse Joy checks on Pikachu, we can head to our dormitory, wash up, and then get something to eat,"

Misty said, pulling Ash to the end of the line.

"Oh…" Ash replied, grateful for Misty's guidance.

He had no idea what the procedure was, and without her, he would have felt lost and overwhelmed.

While they waited, Ash observed Nurse Joy's efficient handling of the trainers' Pokémon.

Like Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy came from a renowned family in the Pokémon world, known for their dedication to healing Pokémon.

Every Pokémon Center featured a Nurse Joy, no matter its size.

Nurse Joy was adorable, with pink hair styled into two buns, dressed in a crisp white nurse's uniform that exuded warmth and professionalism.

Her movements were fluid and assured as she greeted trainers with a smile, taking their Poké Balls and inquiring about their Pokémon's conditions.

She would place the Poké Balls on a healing machine, where a monitor displayed the status of the Pokémon inside.

After assessing the situation, she would hand the Poké Ball to Chansey, her assistant, who would then take it to the treatment room.

Meanwhile, Nurse Joy would offer the trainer advice and let them know when to return for their Pokémon.

"It's so different from how it's portrayed in the anime and games…" Ash noted to himself, comparing Nurse Joy's work with what he had seen before.

In the anime, it seemed as if Nurse Joy treated all Pokémon personally, which wasn't feasible given the volume of trainers needing assistance.

It was clear that Chansey and other assistants played a crucial role in the process.

The game simplified the experience, requiring just a quick placement of the Poké Ball on a healing device for the Pokémon to be magically restored.

But reality, Ash realized, was far more complex.

Soon enough, it was their turn. Misty stepped up, handing over her two Poké Balls and briefly explaining the situation.

After a quick examination, Nurse Joy assured her,

"There's nothing serious. They're just a bit fatigued and will recover with some rest." She returned the Poké Balls to Misty, who felt relieved.

When it was Ash's turn, Nurse Joy smiled at Pikachu perched on Ash's head. Many Pokémon preferred not to stay in their Poké Balls, so Pikachu's presence was not surprising.

Nurse Joy gently picked up Pikachu, examining him closely.

"Your Pikachu looks healthy but has expended quite a bit of energy. Make sure to feed him something and let him rest tonight. He'll be back to his energetic self by tomorrow," she advised.

"Thank you, Miss Joy!" Ash said gratefully, taking Pikachu back.

"Pikapika—!" Pikachu waved its little paw, echoing Ash's gratitude.

"Anytime!" Nurse Joy beamed, her smile widening at Pikachu's adorable antics.

With that, Ash and Misty left the treatment area, heading toward the dormitory. With their Pokémon in good health, Misty felt a surge of happiness.

"Thanks so much for your help today, Misty!" Ash said sincerely. He appreciated everything she had done.

"Friends help each other out. No need for thanks," Misty replied, though her heart warmed at his gratitude. Helping others made her feel good.

"By the way, are our dormitories next to each other?" Ash asked, pulling out his Pokédex to check the assigned room numbers.

"What do you mean next to each other? We're in the same dormitory," Misty replied, surprised by his confusion.

"Same dormitory?!" Ash blinked in astonishment. He hadn't expected to be sharing living quarters with Misty. That meant they would be… living together?

"The Pokémon Center has limited dormitory space. Since we're both here together, we got assigned to the same room. In tight situations, trainers might even have to share with others," Misty explained, a little embarrassed herself.

Ash opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but words failed him. Before long, they arrived at their dormitory.

The room was cozy, featuring a simple balcony, a pair of bunk beds, a table, and a small bathroom. Though not extravagant, it had a delicate charm that made it inviting.

Once inside, Misty froze, suddenly realizing what it meant to be living in the same space as Ash.

"This… this means… I…" she stammered, flustered and at a loss for words. It was her first time sharing a space with a boy she had only known for a day.

"Uh… how about I step outside for a bit?" Ash suggested, noticing her discomfort. He pointed toward the door, understanding that Misty needed privacy, especially in a situation like this.

"Forget it! Just don't look over here!" Misty said, her face flushed. 

"Don't worry! I promise I won't peek!" Ash assured her, quickly setting down his backpack and taking Pikachu with him to the balcony.

Once Ash was outside, Misty hurriedly rummaged through her backpack for clothes.

She was anxious not to let Ash see anything she didn't want him to, and she dashed into the bathroom, heart racing.

