Chapter 26: Quick Attack

"This Pikachu, why is it so powerful?!" Jessie exclaimed, astonished by Pikachu's performance. An ordinary, cute Pikachu had unleashed such tremendous power, wiping out all their Pokémon.

"It seems I'm not just any Pokémon... I actually got defeated by Pikachu," Meowth muttered weakly, sprawled on the ground, gazing at the yellow electric mouse.

"Should we retreat now?" James asked, sensing that retreat was the best course of action given their predicament.

"You're right, retreat!" Jessie decided swiftly. Although they were defeated by Pikachu, if they managed to steal the Pokémon, their mission wouldn't be a complete failure.

With that thought, Jessie pulled out a remote control and pressed a button.

"What are they trying to do?!" Nurse Joy, noticing Jessie's movement, tensed with worry.

"We can't let them get away!" Ash stood up, his gaze focused. He shouted, "Pikachu, use Thunder Shock again! Stop them!"

Pikachu unleashed Thunder Shock, golden sparks crackling through the air as they shot toward Team Rocket.

"It's too late, hahahaha!"

Jessie laughed maniacally. As her laughter echoed, a loud rumble filled the air.

The ceiling of the passage suddenly collapsed, rubble blocking Pikachu's Thunder Shock and shielding Team Rocket.

A rope dropped through the hole in the ceiling, landing in front of Jessie, James, and Meowth.

Meowth jumped up first, gripping the rope. Jessie and James quickly grabbed the bag of stolen Poké Balls with one hand and the rope with the other.

They didn't forget to retrieve Ekans and Koffing, calling them back into their Poké Balls before starting their ascent.

Ash and the others watched as the trio slowly rose, clearly preparing their escape.

"We can't let them steal those Pokémon!" Nurse Joy cried out anxiously.

"These Pokémon are here for treatment—the trainers who worked so hard to heal and train them can't lose them like this!"

"Staryu, Starmie, use Water Gun!"

Misty stepped forward, tossing two Poké Balls to release her Pokémon. They launched Water Gun attacks, combining into a powerful stream aimed directly at Team Rocket.

"That little twerp!"

Jessie snarled, her face twisted in frustration. They had no backup plan and no way to counter the incoming water attack.

"Meowth's not going down that easy!"

Meowth suddenly let go of the rope, using his momentum to meet the Water Gun head-on. With limbs outstretched, he attempted to block the water stream with his body.

"Meowth!" James gasped, shocked by Meowth's bold move. His heart swelled with admiration, and even Jessie was moved.

The Water Gun slammed into Meowth, its force knocking him back.

Despite the pain, Meowth gritted his teeth and shifted the water's trajectory just enough to avoid his teammates. As the impact hurled him backward, James caught him mid-air.

"We won't let you down, Meowth! We're getting these Pokémon!"

James held the now unconscious Meowth tightly, who had exhausted all his strength in the effort.

"What?!" Ash and the others were stunned. Even Ash, who knew Meowth had a strong spirit, hadn't expected such a selfless act.

"Are we just going to watch them leave?" Ash muttered, clenching his fists as Team Rocket rose higher and disappeared into the hole. Even Pikachu looked frustrated.

"Is there any way to catch them?" Ash asked Misty, but she shook her head—there was nothing more they could do.

"Pika! Pika!" Suddenly, Pikachu started sprinting, a white translucent glow surrounding his body. His speed increased rapidly, becoming almost like lightning!

"That's... Quick Attack?!" Ash's eyes widened in recognition. Pikachu had just learned Quick Attack!

With precision and speed, Pikachu leaped off the debris, using the force of his Quick Attack to propel himself up. He shot toward the rope, gripping it tightly.

"What?!" Jessie and James, who had thought their escape was assured, looked down in shock at the determined Pikachu hanging onto the rope.

"Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!" Ash called, not able to see Pikachu directly, but knowing he needed to act fast.

"Pika... Pika... CHU!" Pikachu cried out, summoning a massive surge of Electric energy. The golden lightning lit up the dark passageway, engulfing the rope and the hot air balloon above.

"Boom!" A massive explosion echoed as the hot air balloon burst, releasing a powerful gust that shook the entire rope violently.

By now, Ash had made it to the cave entrance. Seeing Pikachu falling, he didn't hesitate. He dashed forward, catching Pikachu safely in his arms.

"Wahh!" Jessie and James struggled to maintain their grip on the rope and the bag of stolen Poké Balls.

The violent shaking finally overcame them, and they accidentally let the bag slip from their hands. Moments later, the remaining airflow in the burst balloon carried them off into the sky.

"This is such a drag..." Jessie and James cried out as they soared away, defeated once again by a "pesky kid and his Pikachu."

"Are they going to be okay?" Misty asked, watching Team Rocket vanish into the distance, concern flickering in her eyes.

"They'll be fine," Ash reassured her with a slight smile. "People in this world are built differently. Besides, Team Rocket seems to have some weird kind of luck on their side. They always survive."

Misty nodded in agreement as Ash held Pikachu, who had saved the day once again.

