Chapter 30: The First Recovery

In the background, Misty breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't shake the mixed emotions in her heart.

She had mentally prepared herself to face "Bug-Type Pokémon" day and night, but now the situation had changed.

She wasn't sure whether she should feel grateful to this "Pidgey" for intervening or upset that her fate had shifted again.

 "Are you really going to catch it?" Misty asked, stepping closer to Ash.

 Ash hesitated for a moment, looking at the unconscious Pidgey. "I guess I have to. It seems like fate, after all, that it showed up at this moment."

 With that, Ash pulled out a "Poké Ball" from his belt. He enlarged it with a tap and then threw it at the unconscious Pidgey.

The ball hit Pidgey, opened up, and absorbed it in a red beam of light. The Poké Ball fell to the ground, shaking slightly as the Pidgey inside struggled.

 Within seconds, the ball emitted a soft click and flashed three golden stars above it. The capture was complete.


"Achievement unlocked: "First Pokémon Recovery".

Reward: 1 lottery draw.

Target mission completed: "Obtain second Pokémon".

Reward: 1 lottery draw," the voice of the system echoed in Ash's mind.

He had almost forgotten about the system's achievements.


Two rewards at once—Ash could draw twice now.

With some luck, he might even win something big, like an inheritance! But he brushed aside the system for the moment and picked up the Poké Ball, smiling.


Releasing Pidgey, Ash noticed it was still unconscious.

"Well, you're the first Pokémon I've caught besides Pikachu. From now on, we're companions!" Ash said softly, even though he knew Pidgey couldn't hear him.


Misty, already pulling out her backpack, said,

"Enough with the speeches, let's heal Pidgey first."

She produced a small bottle of "Potion", a basic healing spray for Pokémon. While Potions were costly and usually only used in emergencies, they couldn't afford to wait around for Pidgey to wake up naturally.


She sprayed the Potion on Pidgey, its body faintly glowing as it absorbed the medicine.


"Thanks, Misty," Ash said, recalling Pidgey back into the Poké Ball. "We should find a place to rest and let it recover fully."


Ash also grabbed a "Tamato Berry" from his bag, knowing that Pikachu loved the hot and spicy fruit. Pikachu lit up with joy, snatching the berry and munching on it happily.


"You know Pikachu's tastes so well," Misty commented, watching the scene with some curiosity.

She found it surprising that Ash already knew Pikachu's preferences, despite them not being together for long.


Ash smiled warmly. "Of course! Pikachu's my friend. I care about what it likes."


"And Misty," Ash added with a playful grin, "I also know what you like."


Misty blushed, her fingers brushing the "drop-shaped hair tie" Ash had gifted her. She had always loved that hair tie, but hearing Ash acknowledge that made her flustered.


As they continued through the forest, searching for a spot to rest, the two encountered a lot of Bug-Type Pokémon like "Caterpie" and "Weedle".

The "Viridian Forest" was teeming with these creatures. Although other types existed, Ash hadn't seen any yet.


Finally, after some wandering, Misty perked up. "I think I hear water nearby."


Ash was skeptical at first, but after walking two or three hundred meters in the direction she indicated, they found a stream. He couldn't help but be impressed.

"Wow, Misty! You really can hear the water from that far?"


Misty puffed out her chest proudly. "Of course! I've always had a knack for water. I've loved it since I was little."


Ash grinned, knowing exactly what to say. "Well, of course, you're the future "Water-Type Pokémon Master"! No wonder you're amazing!"


Misty beamed at the compliment, enjoying the moment.


"Alright, time to set up camp. You should rest while I handle the tent," Ash said, unloading his backpack and pulling out the foldable tent.


"Wait... we're staying here for the night?" Misty asked, her face falling slightly.


"Yeah, why not? We need to stop and rest, and this place is perfect for it," Ash replied, his tone matter-of-fact.


Misty, though uncertain, could only sigh and accept the decision as she watched Ash deftly set up the tent.


"Come on, Misty, set up your tent too!" Ash called over. She had bought her own tent back in "Tokiwa City" after all.


But Misty hesitated, fidgeting nervously. After a moment, she spoke softly, her cheeks flushed, "I... I'll just sleep in the same tent as you tonight."


Ash blinked, taken aback by her words. "Uh… what?"


