Chapter 33: The Samurai Boy in the Forest

"The effect of this TM is amazing... you can learn the move without any training," Ash thought after his initial surprise.

But he quickly calmed down. The power of the learner was incredible, but it was also easy to become dependent on such tools.


"Relying too much on something that makes things easy could make me lazy," Ash reasoned. He knew that becoming the strongest Trainer meant hard work, not shortcuts.

"I'll save this TM for the right moment."

He decided not to use it immediately, especially since Pidgey was still focused on learning "Quick Attack".


With the TM stored away, Ash drew once more in the lottery. Without high expectations, he pressed the button again. The result? A "Rare Candy".


"Rare Candy: increases a Pokémon's strength instantly," Ash read aloud. Rare Candies were highly valuable in the Pokémon world, and their effects in games increased a Pokémon's level.

Though there wasn't an explicit explanation, Ash assumed it worked similarly here.


Still, Ash wasn't in a hurry to use the Rare Candy either.

"I'll save it for when the timing is right." Using it now would be wasteful; it could be more beneficial after his Pokémon gained more strength naturally.


The rest of the afternoon passed in training. Some wild Pokémon came to drink from the nearby pond, but none disturbed Ash or Misty.

Pikachu, having been empowered by the inheritance of Osiris's Soaring Dragon, didn't quite master "Thunderbolt" yet, but its "Thunder Shock" had improved significantly, both in power and speed.


Pidgey had made substantial progress as well. It was now on the verge of mastering "Quick Attack", thanks to its natural talent and Ash's guidance.


Misty, though quiet about her own progress, seemed pleased, smiling throughout their training. Ash didn't ask, but it was clear she was satisfied with her work with "Staryu" and "Starmie".


That evening, Ash once again cooked dinner for everyone. As he prepared the meal for himself and Misty, he made extra food for the Pokémon, ensuring they were all set for the next day's training.


After dinner, the two sat around a small fire. The pond in front of them reflected the quiet night sky as they chatted, exchanging stories and training tips.

Misty shared tales of her travels, things she had seen and experienced before meeting Ash. Their conversation continued until it was time to prepare for bed.


Camping in the wild had its challenges, and washing up was one of them. Without the luxury of heated water, Misty had to make do with boiling some water for her bath.

Ash, not as picky, stripped down to his pants and jumped straight into the pond, with Pikachu following suit. Pidgey, however, wasn't as keen and chose to stay dry.


Misty, meanwhile, used some simple tools to build a small, makeshift bath with boiled water.

While she had grown more comfortable around Ash, she still sought some privacy when bathing, hiding behind a veil of trees while Ash stayed near the pond.


That night, as they prepared for bed, Pidgey returned to its Poké Ball, while Pikachu snuggled inside Ash's sleeping bag.

The tent was small, just big enough for two people. Misty, inside her own sleeping bag, was close enough to feel Ash's breathing whenever he shifted.


Misty felt shy in such close quarters, but Ash didn't seem to mind. He was fast asleep before Misty could even say goodnight.


"Seriously..." Misty murmured, both nervous and amused by how quickly Ash had dozed off. Despite her initial shyness, she smiled and soon fell asleep too.




The next morning, Ash and Misty packed up and continued their journey through "Viridian Forest" toward "Pewter City".

Despite the thick canopy above, the blue sky peeked through, promising a day free from rain.


"The weather's good today!" Ash noted, stretching as they set off.


"Let's pick up the pace," Misty urged. Though there hadn't been any bug-type Pokémon crawling into the tent, she still felt uneasy surrounded by so many trees.

Her fear of bug Pokémon lingered, but she had improved since their first steps into the forest. At least now, she didn't scream at the sight of every Caterpie or Weedle.


"Rushing won't help. I've already calculated that it'll take us at least five days to get through Viridian Forest," Ash said casually.


Their training schedule had cut their travel time in half. Instead of two days, it would now take more than double that time to reach the exit of the forest.


Misty sighed in resignation. She had promised Delia, Ash's mother, to look after him, and though the journey was proving longer than expected, she was determined to see it through.

The thought of Delia's knowing smile made Misty's cheeks turn a faint pink. Wasn't it too soon to be thinking about things like that? They were still just kids!


As Misty was lost in thought, a sudden voice rang out from the nearby woods, startling her and Ash alike.


"Hey! Stop right there!"


A figure emerged from the trees. He was a young boy, dressed in a samurai outfit complete with a helmet and armor.

A sword hung at his waist, though the bug-catching net slung over his shoulder looked somewhat out of place.


Misty blinked in surprise, still shaken from the loud voice. "W-what's going on?"


The boy narrowed his eyes at them, hand on the hilt of his sword as if ready to draw it at any moment. "I need to know… are you Trainers from Pallet Town?!"

