Chapter 38: Fight Beedrill

"Beedrill?!" Misty's face paled even more than Ash's. She was already afraid of Bug-type Pokémon, but the thought of facing a swarm of Beedrill made her heart race.

She knew how dangerous these Pokémon could be, especially in large numbers.

"We won't be able to outrun them. Our best bet is to find somewhere to hide,"

Ash said, his mind racing. Beedrill were fast, and trying to flee would only make them easier to spot and catch. The only option was to find cover and lay low.

Ash quickly scanned the area and spotted a dense thicket of grass, nearly a meter high.

"This will have to do," he thought. If they lay flat, they might be able to hide effectively. 

He wasn't sure if this would completely fool the Beedrill, but it was better than staying out in the open.

Grabbing Misty's hand and signaling Pikachu to follow, Ash dove into the grass, pulling Misty down beside him.

He motioned for her to lie flat, while he crouched down, barely raising his head to keep an eye on the approaching danger.

The ideal scenario would be for the Beedrill to miss them entirely and leave. The worst-case scenario, however, was a battle. 

Ash knew that if it came to a fight, he could rely on Pikachu and Pidgey to take on one or two Beedrill.

But Misty? She was too afraid of Bug-types to be of much help.

And if they were up against a full swarm, the situation would be far more dangerous than the Spearow flock they had faced earlier.

Next to him, Misty trembled with fear, clutching Ash's hand tightly. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her lips quivering as she silently prayed not to be discovered.

Soon, the ominous buzzing grew louder, and a swarm of Beedrill came into Ash's view. There were fifteen of them—each one as terrifying as the last.

Beedrill resembled oversized hornets, with their segmented bodies divided into three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen.

Their red, jewel-like eyes gleamed menacingly, and their thick, sharp stingers and massive Poison Barbs glinted dangerously in the light.


- Type: Bug/Poison

- Category: Poison Bee Pokémon

- Abilities: Swarm (common), Sniper (hidden)

- Strength: Ordinary level

Each of the Beedrill Ash observed had similar stats, none above or below the ordinary level, and all possessed the Swarm ability.

This was both good and bad. While none of the Beedrill were exceptionally strong, facing fifteen ordinary-level Beedrill was still a significant challenge.

What made Ash's heart sink was the fact that the Beedrill had clearly picked up on their trail.

The swarm was following the path he and Misty had left behind, leading straight to their hiding spot in the grass.

"We were too careless..." Ash realized. The trail was too obvious. If the Beedrill kept following it, they would find them soon enough.

"Misty, stay hidden and be careful," Ash whispered firmly. He knew their best chance was to strike first before the Beedrill discovered them.

Reducing their numbers quickly was the only way to survive.

"What...?" Misty barely had time to react before Ash leaped out of the grass, Pikachu by his side. Without hesitation, Ash shouted, "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!"

Pikachu sprang into action, launching a crackling bolt of electricity at one of the Beedrill. At the same time, Ash released Pidgey from its Poké Ball. "Pidgey, use Gust to scatter them!"

"Pika!" Pikachu's Thunder Shock struck true, hitting one of the Beedrill directly. The venomous bee Pokémon let out a shriek as the electric shock coursed through its body.

It collapsed to the ground, black smoke rising from its charred form. Pikachu had taken down an ordinary-level Beedrill with a single Thunder Shock!

Ash couldn't help but notice Pikachu's growing strength.

Though Pikachu was still technically at the beginner (Earl Dervish) level, its power was already nearing that of an ordinary-level Pokémon, especially after the influence of the Osiris Sky Dragon's inheritance.

Meanwhile, Pidgey was flapping its wings rapidly, whipping up a powerful Gust.

The Beedrill swarm was caught off guard, buffeted by the strong winds and forced to scatter before they could regroup.

Ash seized the opportunity. "Pikachu, another Thunder Shock!" he commanded.

Pikachu unleashed another jolt of electricity, hitting a second Beedrill and sending it crashing to the ground, unable to continue the fight.

Though they were still heavily outnumbered, Ash felt a glimmer of hope—they had managed to take out two Beedrill already.

In the grass, Misty trembled as she watched the battle unfold. She wanted to help Ash, but there were just too many Beedrill.

If it were only one or two, she might have been able to muster the courage. But this... the sight of so many Bug-type Pokémon swarming together triggered a deep, overwhelming fear. 

She hated this part of herself—the fear that paralyzed her. It gnawed at her as she cowered in the grass, helpless and afraid.

The gusts of wind died down, and the remaining Beedrill glared menacingly at Ash, Pidgey, and Pikachu.

Their jewel-like eyes flickered with rage, and in the next instant, they surged forward, launching an all-out attack.

"Pikachu, use Quick Attack to dodge their stingers and look for an opening to use Thunder Shock!" Ash called out. He turned to Pidgey.

"Pidgey, keep using Gust to disrupt their formation! If they get too close, switch to Wing Attack!"

With so many Beedrill, Ash couldn't guide both Pikachu and Pidgey perfectly. He had to give general orders and hope they could adapt during the fight.

"Pika—!" Pikachu darted forward with blinding speed, using Quick Attack to evade the Beedrill's stinger thrusts.

It weaved through the swarm, narrowly dodging each attack, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.

Pidgey flapped its wings again, summoning another Gust.

The wind disrupted the Beedrill's coordinated assault, throwing them off balance and giving Pikachu the opening it needed.

"Now, Pikachu! Use Thunder Shock!" Ash shouted.

"Picka... PICKAAA!" Pikachu cried, pouring everything into its Thunder Shock. The electric energy surged outward, crackling with power far greater than before.

Bright lightning bolts shot in all directions, striking not one, but four Beedrill at once!

The swarm buzzed in confusion and agony as the powerful electric attack took down multiple Beedrill in one blow.

