Chapter 40: Rest and Reorganization

"Pidgeotto, use Wing Attack!" Ash commanded with confidence. There was only one Beedrill left, and he figured this was a good time to test Pidgeotto's newfound strength after its evolution.

"Than—!" Pidgeotto let out a high-pitched cry, spreading its wings wide.

The Flying-type energy gathered quickly, and with a swift movement, it rushed towards the Beedrill, wings gleaming in the air.

"Big needle—!" Beedrill, though afraid, didn't back down. It braced itself, activating its Normal-type energy and launching a rapid Fury Attack, thrusting its twin needles wildly in an attempt to fend off Pidgeotto's attack.

But Pidgeotto, remembering Ash's previous teachings, stayed calm. Its sharp eyes focused on Beedrill, showing no arrogance despite its evolution.

As Beedrill's attack neared, Pidgeotto swiftly veered to the side, dodging the stinger by a hair's breadth.

Beedrill, missing its target, was caught off guard. It glanced back just in time to see Pidgeotto closing in fast.

"Bang!" Pidgeotto's wings struck Beedrill square in the back. The force of the blow dispersed the air briefly, creating a small shockwave. Beedrill was flung nearly ten meters away, crashing to the ground.

Overwhelmed by the super-effective attack, it fainted, unable to continue the fight.

"Great job, Pidgeotto!" Ash cheered, raising his fist in celebration. Pikachu joined him, beaming with pride for their teammate.

"Bi—!" Pidgeotto chirped happily, landing gracefully on Ash's outstretched arm, lifting its head proudly to accept Ash's praise.

"I'm sorry... Ash," came a soft voice. Misty emerged from the bushes, a look of guilt on her face. "I didn't help at all during that battle, and I feel terrible."

"No, I should be the one apologizing," Ash responded sincerely. He let Pidgeotto take off and turned to Misty.

"If I hadn't captured Weedle, we wouldn't have attracted Beedrill and put you in danger."

"No, it's my fault. We're companions, and I didn't help at all." Misty shook her head repeatedly, guilt evident in her eyes.

Ash wanted to reassure her, but seeing how determined she was to blame herself, he simply reached out and patted her head gently.

"If you feel that bad, then work on overcoming your fear. Next time something like this happens, I'll count on you to protect us!"

Ash suggested with a warm smile, hoping to encourage her.

Misty, however, seemed flustered. Her face turned slightly red, and she stared at Ash, feeling the warmth of his hand on her head. She nodded quietly without saying a word.


Later that afternoon, Ash and Misty found a quiet spot to set up camp.

After the intense morning battle with the Beedrill swarm, Ash decided not to push Pidgeotto and Pikachu into more training. Instead, they reviewed the morning's events to learn from the experience.

"Pidgeotto, is something wrong?" Ash asked, noticing that his partner seemed restless, fidgeting as it moved around.

"Be—!" Pidgeotto responded with a flap of its wings, expressing its discomfort.

Misty looked confused, unsure of what Pidgeotto was trying to convey. But Ash seemed to understand. He smiled and said,

"I see. Go ahead and give it a try, but don't push yourself too hard. You haven't fully recovered yet."

"Bi—!" With Ash's approval, Pidgeotto took off joyfully, flying swiftly through the trees and practicing Quick Attack, weaving between the trunks with increasing speed and agility.

"You understood what Pidgeotto said?!" Misty asked, her eyes wide with amazement. She had been suspecting it for a while, but now she was certain.

"Well... sort of," Ash replied, thinking carefully. "I wouldn't say I fully understand them, but I can usually get the gist of what they mean."

"That's incredible!" Misty exclaimed, full of admiration.

The ability to understand Pokémon was something only top breeders or trainers possessed. She was impressed that Ash had such a rare talent.

Many experienced trainers could understand their own Pokémon through years of bonding, but Ash seemed to have a unique connection that allowed him to understand even unfamiliar Pokémon.

This ability, often used by expert breeders to help care for and train Pokémon, was a rare gift.

"You can learn it too!" Ash said modestly. He didn't think much of it, not realizing how rare and valuable this ability was among trainers and breeders.

In his mind, it was just a way to communicate better with Pokémon and provide them with the care they needed.

Misty sighed softly, watching Ash who was completely unaware of the blessing he had.

Inspired by the morning's events, she resolved to work on her fear of Bug-type Pokémon and seek out a Bug-type to battle on her own.

Ash offered to go with her, but Misty declined. She believed that facing her fear alone would be the only way to truly overcome it.

If someone else was with her, she'd always feel dependent, and that wouldn't help her grow.

Left alone at the camp, Ash began organizing their supplies and taking a much-needed rest.

Pidgeotto continued to practice Quick Attack in the forest, and Pikachu, worn out from the day's exertion, had fallen asleep.

"Now, about Weedle..." Ash murmured to himself. He pulled out the Poké Ball containing the Weedle he had rescued earlier. "I went through a lot today because of you."

Releasing Weedle, Ash noticed that it had recovered some of its strength. The small Pokémon blinked in confusion as it emerged from the ball.

"We'll be working together from now on, Weedle," Ash said kindly, offering an Oran Berry. The berry, known for its restorative properties, was just what Weedle needed to regain its energy.

"Only..." Weedle hesitated briefly, looking at Ash before being unable to resist the tempting berry.

Its stomach growled, and it eagerly began munching on the berry, which was nearly as big as its head.

