Chapter 49: The Pewter Gym

Pewter Gym is located in Pewter City, a structure established by the Kanto League.

Originally intended as a means of protection for the area, the gym has evolved over time, reflecting the growing harmony between Pokémon and humans.

While it still serves a protective function, its primary purpose now is to provide a venue for trainers to challenge the League and earn eight badges.

This initiative is not a fleeting notion from the League; rather, it aims to identify capable or promising trainers and bring them together through this competitive framework.

The ultimate goal is not merely to determine the League Champion, but rather to cultivate and recruit new talent to strengthen the League.

Powerful gyms even accept some trainers as Gym Trainers, allowing them to learn and grow within the gym. Of course, this arrangement necessitates a payment of tuition fees.

In contrast, weaker gyms often lack the resources to offer such opportunities. Currently, Pewter Gym and Cerulean Gym are two prime examples of underperforming gyms.

They struggle to attract trainers and, apart from the personnel assigned by the League for day-to-day operations, few trainers choose these locations for their training.

This is why Brock's family and Misty's family face greater financial challenges compared to other gym leaders.

Particularly for Brock's family, which includes him, his brother Forrest, and eight younger siblings, providing for a total of ten members is nearly impossible with the League's subsidies alone.

Despite these hardships, Brock manages the gym effectively, ensuring that his siblings receive a good education.

His capabilities are admirable, but the weight of responsibility has forced him into a demanding position.

After a restful night, Ash's Pokémon were brimming with energy. Following breakfast, Ash and Pikachu set off for Pewter Gym.

The gym's distinctive exterior resembles a series of rocks piled together, reflecting its affiliation with Rock-type Pokémon.

Many gyms feature architectural elements that echo the specialties of their leaders; for example, Grass-type gyms often incorporate themes of flowers and trees, while Electric-type gyms evoke lightning motifs, serving as notable landmarks in their cities.

"It's so big..." Ash marveled at the gym's size. In the anime, his impression of Pewter Gym had been relatively unimposing, but in reality, its footprint rivaled that of a Pokémon Center.

No wonder maintaining the daily operations of the gym requires considerable funding.

While a few trainers milled about outside, they were not Gym Trainers but challengers. 

"It's Ash!" Just as Ash and Misty approached the entrance, a group of trainers erupted in enthusiastic recognition.

"Huh?" Ash and Misty paused and spotted more than a dozen trainers coming toward them.

They looked familiar, and Ash quickly recognized the leader—Doni, whom they had met in the field yesterday.

"You really came to challenge the gym!" Doni exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice as he approached.

"Of course!" Ash replied, beaming. "Did all of you come to support me in the Gym Challenge?"

"Yes! We're all here to cheer for you!" Doni affirmed, and the other trainers echoed their encouragement.

The lively scene elicited surprised expressions from the staff at the entrance and nearby trainers.

"Thank you! I'll do my best!" Ash said, filled with determination. He couldn't help but think about the original storyline, where he had defeated Brock only after suffering an initial loss.

"We should hurry and register. It's still early. There aren't many trainers challenging in the morning, so if you register now, you might have the chance to battle soon!" Doni urged.

"Yeah!" Ash agreed, eager to begin. Upon entering the gym, he immediately noted the reception area. Challenging the gym was not as straightforward as it appeared in anime and games.

In most instances portrayed in the anime, challengers entered, easily initiating their contests.

However, in the games, the process involved defeating a few Gym Trainers before facing the Gym Leader. In reality, challengers must first register.

Approaching the front desk, Ash and Misty found no line, allowing them to engage directly with the staff.

"Excuse me, are you two here to challenge the gym?" the staff member asked with a smile.

"No, just me," Ash replied, retrieving his Pokédex. Registering for the challenge required it.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The staff member wasn't surprised; companions of challengers were quite common.

Ash leaned in curiously, watching as the staff member inserted the Pokédex into a slot, beginning to operate the computer in front of them. However, Ash could not view the screen from his angle.

The staff member, glancing at the data displayed on the screen, appeared slightly taken aback.

He noted the date Ash became a trainer and was astonished by Ash's trainer level—it was hard to believe that just a week after becoming a trainer, Ash's level had progressed beyond the beginner and intermediate stages, reaching the Poké Ball level!

This unusual scenario led the staff member to question if the computer was malfunctioning, but after a quick check, he confirmed there were no issues.

"A trainer at the Poké Ball level? That's extraordinary..." he muttered, almost to himself, as he continued typing.

"Because your level is Poké Ball level, when you challenge the gym, the gym leader will send out a Pokémon of equivalent strength to battle you," the staff member explained after returning the Pokédex to Ash.

"Additionally, our Pewter Gym enforces a two-on-two battle rule, so you meet the challenge conditions."

"I understand..." Ash replied, a bit dazed as he took the Pokédex.

"Please wait in the lobby for a moment. After the current battle in the Duel Hall concludes, we'll announce over the loudspeaker when it is your turn," the staff smiled and gestured for Ash to relax while he awaited his challenge.

With his Pokédex stowed away, Ash frowned slightly, making his way with Misty to the waiting area in the lobby. Three other trainers were there, all apparently anticipating their own challenges.

