Chapter 60: Brock Joins

"Wow!" Ash jolted awake as the alarm clock blared, its persistent ringing pulling him from his dreams. He stretched his muscles, feeling the refreshment of a new day.

"Good morning... Ash…" Misty mumbled, her voice still heavy with sleep.

In her pink pajamas, she looked adorable, prompting Ash to steal a few discreet glances before he turned to tackle his morning routine.

"Good morning, Misty!" he replied brightly, before hopping out of bed and heading to the bathroom, with Pikachu following closely behind.

After a short while, Misty joined him, slowly shaking off her sleepiness. Ash had already finished grooming, so he left the bathroom for her.

Once she was done, they gathered their belongings, ready to embark on their day's adventure.

"I'm heading to Mt. Moon today. I already prepared everything I need yesterday," Ash mentioned, excitement evident in his voice.

"Thank you!" Misty responded, her earlier disappointment overshadowed by a newfound cheerfulness. "I'm ready for this!"

"What's so hard about it?" Ash shrugged, beaming as they approached the Hall to grab breakfast.

Just then, Pikachu's ears perked up, and he turned his head toward the left. Ash halted mid-sentence, looking where Pikachu was focused.

"Brock?" he blurted out, surprised to see his friend standing there.

"Hello, Ash, Pikachu, and…" Brock greeted, smiling as he turned to Misty. "And you are…?"

"Hi! I'm Misty from Cerulean City!" she quickly introduced herself, sensing the camaraderie growing among them.

"Cerulean City… Misty…" Brock repeated, trying to place her. In the back of his mind, he recalled the reputation of Cerulean City and its gym but chose not to dwell on it. "Hello, Misty."

"Brock, why are you here? Isn't it time for your gym challenges?" Ash asked, confusion crossing his features.

Brock hesitated for a moment, deciding how best to explain his presence. "Well, I… I wanted to travel and learn more, and… I was wondering if I could join you on your journey."

"Of course, I have no problem with that!" Ash exclaimed, excitement bubbling over. He turned to Misty, gauging her reaction.

Brock wasn't just a good friend; he was a fantastic cook and knowledgeable about Pokémon, which would undoubtedly ease their journey.

"I don't mind either," Misty agreed. After all, with Brock's experience as a gym leader, he could offer invaluable advice along the way.

"Then welcome aboard, Brock!" Ash grinned, extending his hand palm up in a gesture of friendship, a broad smile plastered on his face.

"Thank you!" Brock accepted Ash's hand, their palms clasping firmly together as the three friends exchanged friendly nudges, solidifying their newly formed trio.

With bellies full of breakfast, the trio set off toward Mt. Moon. "Hmm… Ash, the route you chose is indeed more convenient," Brock noted as they walked and discussed their path.

"By the way, I prepared everything you suggested yesterday. Should we head out straightaway?" Ash asked, adjusting the straps of his backpack.

Brock took a glance at Ash's gear. "I still need to add some things," he replied. While Ash had packed well for two, Brock knew he needed provisions for their larger group.

Misty, observing Brock's organized demeanor, couldn't help but appreciate having such a dependable teammate. 

Brock led Ash and Misty to the commercial street, where they began to gather supplies. They stocked up on ingredients and seasonings, filling their bags with essentials for sustenance.

"Do we really need so many?" Ash asked, staring bemusedly at the multitude of seasonings. Several jars were labeled with names he couldn't decipher, and Misty looked equally perplexed.

"Let me show you my skills at noon!" Brock declared confidently, stuffing the ingredients into his backpack.

"Then I'll wait and see!" Ash chuckled, recalling Brock's culinary prowess from the anime, excitement bubbling over for the meal to come.

After gathering numerous berries and cooking supplies, Brock explained he preferred to be prepared for any situation, drawing on the experiences they had faced in places like Viridian Forest where supplies had run low.

With their bags now fully stocked, the trio headed toward the eastern exit of Pewter City, the path leading them toward Mt. Moon.

"By the way, Brock, what's your dream?" Ash asked, genuinely curious and looking at Brock expectantly. Misty's eyes were equally alight with interest.

Brock slowed his pace, considering the question as a warm smile spread across his face. "I prefer the feel of nurturing Pokémon rather than becoming a Trainer. My dream is to become a top breeder!"

"I see, my dream is more straightforward: I want to be the world's mightiest Trainer!" Ash replied, his enthusiasm palpable.

"And mine! I want to be the world's number one Water Type Pokémon Master!" Misty added, her spirit rising with the conversation.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu interjected, nodding emphatically. His aspirations yet unspoken echoed the desire for strength—strong enough to protect those he loved.

"Someday, we'll definitely achieve our dreams!" Ash declared, stopping to face his teammates. He extended a hand, a gesture of unity and shared ambition.

Brock and Misty exchanged glances, each feeling a touch of self-consciousness at the action. But camaraderie fueled their spirits. They all reached out, placing their hands on top of one another in solidarity.

As they raised their hands high, a surge of determination flowed through them, drawing smiles from passing pedestrians who couldn't help but be inspired by the trio's youthful spirit.

"Target! World's Mightiest!" they all shouted in unison, voices ringing with hope and ambition, a promise to each other and themselves as they ventured toward their dreams together.

