Chapter 66: Clefairy

Inside the depths of Mt. Moon, the absence of sunlight made it impossible to gauge the time of day. However, Ash, Misty, and Brock relied on their watches and Pokédexes to keep track.

At noon, they took a break from their exploration, pulling out the hearty bento Brock had prepared that morning.

Although the meal had cooled, it still filled their bellies with warmth and satisfaction.

"Once night falls, we should definitely find a spot to start a fire," Brock mused, scanning the cave's rocky surroundings.

Having never spent the night in Mt. Moon before, he was figuring things out as he went along.

After their meal, they continued deeper into the cave and encountered several trainers from Cerulean City.

Ash took the opportunity to battle a few of the trainers, securing easy victories that further boosted his growing confidence.

The trainers were novice-level, nowhere near the challenge Ash had faced during his Gym Challenge with Brock.

The time passed quickly, and by six o'clock they had set up camp in a flat clearing. The area showed no signs of nearby Pokémon activity, making it a perfect spot to settle for the night.

"It looks like we have the place to ourselves," Brock announced, gathering wood to set up a fire. He had come prepared with supplies stashed in his backpack to last through the night.

Meanwhile, Ash and Misty busied themselves pitching the tent while their Pokémon munched on their dinner, recharging after a busy day of battles.

Once the tents were up, they couldn't help but indulge in Brock's delicious cooking that filled the cave with a delightful aroma.

As they settled around the fire, Ash suddenly put down his chopsticks. "I've loved today, but I just realized… I haven't seen a single Clefairy yet!"

His lament echoed with Misty. "I know! Clefairy is so adorable! I had hoped to see one while we were out here."

She had always had a soft spot for cute Pokémon, and Clefairy was among her favorites.

Just then, Pikachu seemed to hear a sound. He perked up, his ears twitching as he turned to look toward a cluster of rocks nearby.

Seconds later, a small, pink figure peeked out nervously, its big eyes filled with curiosity.

"Pika, pika—!" Pikachu squeaked joyfully, waving to the figure, which turned out to be a timid Clefairy hiding behind a rock.

Its appearance was just as charming as Ash had hoped—its round face and dexterous ears made it irresistibly cute.

"Oh my gosh! It's a Clefairy!" Ash shouted, eyes wide with excitement.

The little Clefairy recoiled slightly, clearly frightened by the sudden attention but still peering curiously at the group.

It seemed to shrink back behind its rocky cover, displaying a blend of shyness and intrigue.

"Don't scare it, Misty!" Ash urged as his friend instinctively rose to approach Clefairy. "Look at how it's acting! Let's not rush in; we need to let it get comfortable first."

Misty nodded sheepishly, realizing Ash was right. Watching Clefairy now, she noted how it only showed one curious eye while hiding behind the rock. 

Brock leaned in closer. "This Clefairy must be quite young... It probably hasn't had much experience with humans or other Pokémon.

It's naturally curious but also cautious."

"Good observation, Brock," Ash said, taking mental notes of the situation. "What should we do?"

After a moment's thought, Ash pulled out some Pokémon food from his bag, specifically meant for occasions just like this.

"Pikachu, why don't you take this to Clefairy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed enthusiastically, scampering toward the frightened Clefairy while holding the food close. 

As Pikachu approached, Clefairy flinched again, but it didn't bolt away; instead, its eyes were glued to the food that Pikachu was playfully waving.

Pikachu stopped about a meter away, setting the food on the ground and waiting patiently.

"Look, it's okay!" Ash encouraged, trying to maintain a calm atmosphere. 

Emboldened by Pikachu's gentle demeanor, Clefairy hesitantly stepped out from behind the rock.

Its arms clutched a gray stone half its size, which it examined closely as it inched closer to the offered food.

"Is that... a Moon Stone?!" Ash and Misty exclaimed simultaneously, their eyes widening in surprise.

Brock, more knowledgeable about such things, stepped forward and confirmed, "Yes, that's definitely a Moon Stone.

However, it seems unusual that Clefairy is holding one but hasn't evolved into Clefable yet."

"What do you mean?" Misty asked, intrigued.

"Well, a standard Clefairy would evolve when exposed to a Moon Stone," Brock explained slowly, observing the young Pokémon.

"Yet this one hasn't evolved even with the stone in its possession. That suggests it may have a special bond with it or simply not be ready for evolution."

The Moon Stone itself seemed plain, looking more like an ordinary rock than a dazzling gem like the Thunder Stone or Fire Stone.

"This stone must be precious to Clefairy; perhaps it's still deciding whether to evolve or not," Ash suggested. 

While Pikachu maintained the connection with Clefairy, Ash and Misty watched the scene unfold, a genuine warmth spreading through them at their first encounter with such an iconic Pokémon.

It was a moment filled with joy and wonder, one they would cherish long after they had left Mt. Moon.

"Let's give it some time," Misty whispered, her heart melted by the Clefairy's timid bravery as it began taking small bites of the Pokémon food.

They all hoped this would encourage Clefairy to feel bolder.

As darkness enveloped the cave, the fire crackled brightly, casting warm light on the unlikely friendship forming before them.

Ash couldn't help but smile, filled with hope for more exciting adventures as they continued their journey through the enchanting world of Pokémon.