Chapter 75: Recognition

"I think I may have spent all my money, so I came back," Violet said with a playful sigh, rubbing her chin dramatically as if solving a grand mystery.

Her mischievous gaze landed on Misty, but deep down, she harbored a genuine concern—she worried about Misty being out there on her own.

"Oh dear, is the money running out that quickly? Guess it's high time I start collecting from my younger sister."

Lily chimed in, moving toward Misty with a teasing glint in her eyes, mockingly reaching for Misty's pocket as if to extract some cash.

Despite their light-hearted banter, their underlying concern for Misty was palpable.

As the youngest sister, she was cherished, and they wouldn't admit it, but they worried for her well-being while she ventured out in the world.

"That's not it!" Misty protested, her face flushing with irritation. "That's why I didn't want to come back here…"

But before the conversation could delve deeper, Brock entered the scene, humorously kneeling in front of the three sisters.

He raised one hand dramatically across his chest and proclaimed, "May I be so lucky as to have lunch with three beauties?" 

"Uh…" The sisters exchanged perplexed glances, trying to process the situation. It was evident Brock was putting on a show, and they weren't quite sure how to respond.

"Misty, do you know this weirdo?" Sakura asked, feigning concern but unable to hide her teasing tone.

"Brock is just being... himself," Misty said, cheeks warming with embarrassment. She felt humiliated in front of her sisters, yet she couldn't entirely suppress a fondness for Brock's antics.

"He's the owner of Pewter Gym!"

"What?!" The sisters blinked in unison, astonished to learn that this boy, who seemed so foolish, was actually a gym leader like them.

They exchanged incredulous looks, skeptical of how he could be associated with such a title given his humorous demeanor.

"Yes, that's right!" Brock beamed, sensing their surprise. "Though I've handed the Gym over to my younger brother. Now I'm traveling to learn more and pursue my dreams…"

He nearly rambled on, eager to share his journey.

"Yeah, yeah, no one wants to hear about your dreams right now," Ash chimed in as he stepped behind Brock, pulling him away before he could say anything else embarrassing. 

Misty felt more embarrassment flood her veins at Brock's antics, especially in front of her sisters.

"Is this… the challenger?" Sakura asked, shifting her gaze to Ash, who stood at the ready beside Misty.

She scrutinized him closely, recognizing his determination and the calm confidence that radiated from him.

"Yes, it's nice to meet Misty's sisters! I'm Ash, from Pallet Town. Right now I'm traveling with Misty and Brock and aiming to challenge the Kanto League,"

Ash introduced himself, straightforward and polite.

Sakura's expression shifted slightly, a glimmer of interest lighting her eyes. Though young, Ash possessed a maturity that was impressive.

Misty felt a mix of pride and comfort knowing she traveled with someone as reliable as Ash.

"Speaking of which…" Lily edged closer, examining Ash with more scrutiny.

At first glance, he didn't seem particularly stunning, but the more she observed, the more she realized there was something attractive about him—perhaps it was the sincerity in his demeanor.

Misty felt her heart race and her palms grow sweaty as she watched Lily flirt with Ash, and her nervousness showed. 

"Are you Misty's boyfriend?" Lily asked playfully, throwing a grin over her shoulder.

"W-what?! Don't be ridiculous!" Misty flailed, flustered by the question and the implications. She quickly glanced at Ash, seeking some sort of support.

He simply pondered, then replied earnestly, "Not yet, but I do have a crush on Misty. Still, I think we're a bit young for that sort of relationship right now."

Misty's heart leaped. Ash's admission brought a flurry of warmth to her cheeks, fluttering between embarrassment and joy. 

Lily blinked in surprise—she had meant it as mere teasing, yet Ash's genuine response impressed her. "Wow! You're bold, Ash. This shows good character," she admitted, appreciation shining in her eyes.

The other two sisters shared surprised but approving glances, seeing how Ash had successfully handled the teasing without faltering, which indicated a maturity beyond his years. 

"Well then…" Sakura clapped her hands together, breaking the tension.

"It's time for the Gym Challenge! If you have anything more to discuss, let's wait until after the battle!"

Sakura's words snapped everyone back to reality, and the atmosphere shifted once again.

The referee stood by, ready to proceed, sensing that it was indeed not the right time for socializing.

"Even though you're the challenger, we will not hold back!" the sisters declared in sync, forming a united front.

"Just take care of yourselves out there," Misty muttered under her breath, knowing Ash's strength but still worried for her sisters.

"Oh? Helping your little boyfriend already?" Lily teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Misty's face burned, and she was speechless. Ash, meanwhile, opted to stay quiet, knowing it was best not to intervene at that moment.

With everyone positioned, the atmosphere shifted to one of crisp seriousness. The referee stepped forward and began announcing the rules. 

"The Gym Challenge between challenger Ash and the Cerulean Gym is about to begin!

Each side may use two Pokémon, and the challenger has the option to switch Pokémon during battle. The match concludes once one side loses two Pokémon!"

"It's time," Sakura said, her expression cool and focused. "I hope you're ready, Ash. We know you have potential!"

"I won't lose," Ash replied, a determined glint in his eye.

"Then… let's go, Seaking!" Sakura declared, throwing her Poké Ball forward. The splash of water erupted as Seaking appeared, ready to fight.

The tension built within the battle hall as spectators leaned in, eager to witness the showdown.

It was a moment of recognition—not just between Ash and the Cerulean Gym leaders, but among all of them who shared a bond shaped by their journeys.

As the battle commenced, this match would not only test Ash's skills but also pave a new era of understanding and recognition for the Cerulean Gym, as well as for Misty and her sisters, bringing them closer as they each pursued their dreams.