Chapter 94: Awakening

"I wonder how Charmander is doing…" Ash murmured as he, Misty, and Brock waited anxiously in the Pokémon Center's hall.

Two hours had passed, and the storm outside showed no signs of stopping. Rain pelted the windows relentlessly.

Just as Ash finished speaking, the red light above the emergency room door flicked off. Moments later, Nurse Joy emerged, looking tired but relieved. The trio immediately rushed to her.

"Nurse Joy, is Charmander okay?" Ash asked, his voice full of concern.

Nurse Joy smiled softly, though her fatigue was evident. "Charmander will be fine. It'll need some rest, but by tomorrow morning, it should be back to full health," she assured them.

Before Ash or Misty could respond, Brock darted forward, grabbing Nurse Joy's hands dramatically. "Oh, Nurse Joy, you're a miracle worker! Please allow me to introduce myself…"

Before Brock could finish his introduction, Ash's Poké Ball burst open on its own. In a flash of light, Bulbasaur appeared.

Without hesitation, it used its Vine Whip to whack Brock on the head, rendering him temporarily unconscious. It then dragged him away from Nurse Joy.

"Looks like even Bulbasaur can't handle Brock's antics…" Ash sighed as he and Misty watched the scene with exasperation.

Nurse Joy, momentarily stunned, quickly recovered and smiled awkwardly. "Is… is he okay?"

"Don't worry about him," Misty reassured her. "He's always like that."

After a brief pause, Nurse Joy stepped aside, and Chansey appeared, pushing a small stretcher with Charmander lying on it.

The little fire Pokémon still looked weak, but the flame on its tail had regained some of its strength. It was no longer on the verge of extinguishing.

"Thank goodness…" Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Nurse Joy," Misty began, her expression hardening as she remembered the earlier incident.

She quickly recounted the confrontation with the Trainer suspected of abandoning Charmander. The staff corroborated her story, sharing their own observations.

Nurse Joy's expression darkened as she listened. "I can't believe this happened. If what you say is true, this is a serious violation.

The League has been cracking down on Pokémon abandonment recently, and if this Trainer is guilty, he'll face severe consequences."

Ash nodded gravely. "Charmander will need to identify its Trainer. Once it wakes up, we can find out the truth."

Nurse Joy agreed. "But be careful. If it turns out this is a misunderstanding, there could be legal repercussions."

"I understand," Ash said firmly.

Satisfied, Nurse Joy made arrangements for Chansey to watch over Charmander in shifts, ensuring it wouldn't slip away or run off once it woke up.

The group felt a sense of relief knowing the Pokémon was in good hands.


Later that evening, at around seven o'clock, Charmander slowly opened its eyes in the nursing room.

Its vision was blurry at first, and it felt weak, but as it sniffed the air and regained consciousness, it began to remember what had happened.

It glanced around, confused, trying to understand where it was and why it wasn't outside in the rain anymore.

"Chann!" Chansey, who had been keeping watch, noticed Charmander waking up and immediately pressed the notification button to alert Nurse Joy.

"Char… Charmander…" Charmander murmured softly, looking at Chansey with a confused expression.

It vaguely remembered being picked up and cared for by someone before passing out. That person… that warmth... was it its Trainer?

Thinking about its Trainer made Charmander smile, convinced that its long wait had finally paid off. Its Trainer had come back for it after all, even though it had taken a while.

Chansey hesitated but felt compelled to tell Charmander the truth. In a gentle voice, it explained everything that had happened — how Charmander had been abandoned, the rain, the rescue by Ash and his friends, and the confrontation in the hall.

Charmander's smile faded as Chansey spoke. It stared at the nurse Pokémon in disbelief.

"Abandoned?" It shook its head, refusing to believe it. "No, its Trainer wouldn't leave it. Its Trainer cared about it!"

The more Chansey explained, the angrier Charmander became. "Charrr—!" Charmander growled, flames flaring on its tail as it struggled to get out of the bed.

It refused to accept what Chansey was saying. It had to find its Trainer and hear it directly from him.

Seeing Charmander so agitated, Chansey tried to calm it down, but Charmander wasn't listening. It bolted for the door, determined to find the truth for itself.

As it reached the door, it swung open, revealing Nurse Joy, Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu.

They were surprised to see Charmander on its feet, but Chansey quickly rushed out behind it, explaining what had just happened.

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped down from Ash's shoulder, standing in front of Charmander, blocking its path.

"Charr—!" Charmander growled, clearly agitated, and flames erupted even higher on its tail. It threatened Pikachu, warning it to get out of the way.

The situation grew tense as the two Pokémon stared each other down, ready to fight.

"Both of you, calm down!" Ash stepped between them, placing his hand on Pikachu's head to calm it. He knelt down and looked directly at Charmander.

"What Chansey told you is the truth. Your Trainer… he abandoned you."

"Charrr—!" Charmander roared in defiance, unable to believe it. It wanted to see its Trainer with its own eyes.

Ash hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside. "If you don't believe me, then go. Find him."

The others didn't stop Charmander either. They knew the Trainer had already been detained by the League patrol, so Charmander's confrontation with him would reveal the truth.

With a fiery determination in its eyes, Charmander dashed down the hall, running as fast as its small legs could carry it.

It didn't know exactly where its Trainer was, but it was certain it would find him here in the Pokémon Center.

And when it did, it would finally know the truth.

