Chapter 97: The Cerulean Strait

Early the next morning, Ash and his team woke up bright and early. While Ash was busy with his morning exercises, Brock and Misty were preparing for the day's journey.

"Everyone, meet our new partner, Charmander!" Ash announced proudly, standing in an open area outside the Pokémon Center and introducing Charmander to the rest of his Pokémon.

"Pika, pika, pika!" Pikachu happily pulled Charmander along, introducing it to the group.

"Seed!" Bulbasaur was the first to greet Charmander. Despite being a Grass-type, Bulbasaur didn't show any hostility toward the Fire-type.

"Char..." Charmander shyly nodded at Bulbasaur, and soon, Beedrill and Pidgeotto also came forward to get acquainted. Although they weren't closely bonded yet, they were open to accepting Charmander into the team.


Type: Fire 

Category: Lizard Pokémon 

Ability: Blaze;

Hidden Ability: Solar Power 

Blaze: When this Pokémon's HP falls below one-third, its Fire-type moves are boosted by 1.5x. 

Strength: Ordinary level

Though Charmander's current strength was only ordinary, Ash had closely observed its potential. It seemed Charmander was on the verge of evolving.

Once it evolved, it would break through its current limits and reach Bronze-level strength.

Ash also believed that, unlike the original Ash, he had the ability to gain Charmander's complete trust, ensuring its loyalty even after evolving.

After the introductions, Ash put his Pokémon through their morning exercises.

Watching them, Charmander was in awe—these Pokémon were incredibly strong, and only Bulbasaur seemed close to its level.

Far from discouraging Charmander, this sight fueled its determination. It vowed to become the strongest Pokémon on Ash's team.

The night before, Ash had carefully planned out Charmander's training regimen. It already knew the moves Scratch, Ember, Smokescreen, and Flamethrower—giving it a solid set of offensive options.

However, Ash wanted to focus on moves that would make Charmander more versatile in battle.

He planned for Charmander to learn Dragon Breath, Dragon Rage, and Fire Fang, which would also help balance its physical attack options. 

After their morning workout, the group enjoyed breakfast. Once Ms. Joy and a few Trainers saw them off, Ash, Brock, and Misty set off for the Cerulean Strait, expecting to reach it by afternoon.

The Cerulean Strait was located on the northeastern edge of the Kanto Region, boasting a stunning beach with white sand—often referred to as the White Strait.

The scenery was breathtaking. The beach, bordered by a lush forest, was isolated due to its distance from any major city, which had prevented any development there.

The League had paved a road leading through the dense forest, but further development required significant funding.

"If we keep going this way, we should spot the lighthouse soon,"

Brock said, glancing at the map. Though the forest blocked their view, he felt confident they were on the right track, following the League's trail.

"I can smell the sea! And I hear the waves!" Misty exclaimed, her excitement rising as they neared the beach.

She hadn't been to the seaside in a long time, and the thought of the beautiful view made her giddy with anticipation.

Ash, meanwhile, was deep in thought. In the original story, this was where Ash encountered a Krabby.

That seemingly weak Krabby later evolved and performed brilliantly at the Indigo Plateau Conference, helping Ash secure several victories.

It was an overlooked Pokémon that proved its strength in the end. Ash wasn't sure if he would meet that same Krabby here.

"Whatever happens, happens. If I meet it, great. If not, that's fine too," Ash thought to himself, reminding himself that he was his own person, not the Ash from the anime.

Soon, the group emerged from the forest and found themselves on a vast, empty beach. A few wild Pokémon were either playing in the sand or resting near the water, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

"It's beautiful! No wonder it's called the White Strait," Misty's eyes sparkled as she raced ahead, eager to feel the cool ocean breeze on her face.

"Is that Bill's lighthouse?" Ash asked, pointing toward a towering structure on a cliff in the distance.

"Yeah, that should be it," Brock confirmed.

"Misty, let's check out the lighthouse first. We can explore the beach after we're done," Ash called to her, noticing how far ahead she had run.

"Okay!" Misty replied, suppressing her excitement for now as she followed Ash and Brock toward the cliff where the lighthouse stood.

After a short walk of about ten minutes, they arrived at the base of the lighthouse. Up close, it was even more impressive—standing between 30 to 40 meters tall, it loomed over them, making them feel small in comparison.

Attached to the lighthouse was a house, its entrance marked by a stone gate carved with intricate Pokémon murals. A crack ran through the middle of the gate, indicating it opened from there, though it wasn't clear if it swung inward or outward.

"These carvings are amazing..." Brock marveled at the detailed work, his eyes drawn to a particularly eerie Gengar carving.

"I didn't expect there to be a house here—I thought it was just a lighthouse. There must be some kind of doorbell," Ash muttered, scanning the area. Spotting a visitor access panel on the side wall, he pointed it out to Misty.

Misty immediately pressed the red button, and a series of "ding-dong" chimes sounded from inside.

"Who's there?" A calm, youthful voice soon responded through the intercom.

"Hello, are you Bill? We've been sent by Professor Oak to deliver some materials," Ash explained into the speaker.

"Oh! Ash and his friends! I've been expecting you for a while!"

The voice on the other end replied, sounding pleasantly surprised. As the words faded, the large stone gate creaked open, revealing the entrance to Bill's lighthouse.



what are u expecting next, stay tuned