Chapter 102 Super Huge Draconite

"This... this... this..." On the edge of the cliff, the team of the Rockets, who were climbing the cliff, of course also saw the huge shadow.

From the moment they started, they felt a huge shock.

"In this world...does such a huge Pokémon really exist...?" James whispered in disbelief; the shadow of the huge Pokémon truly shocked him.

"If I can catch such a huge Pokémon and give it to the boss..." Although Jessie was also shocked by the size of the Pokémon, she wanted to catch this huge Pokémon even more.

"Meow..." Meowth couldn't speak. As a Pokémon, it could feel the threat from this huge Pokémon more clearly.

It looked at the launcher hanging on Jessie's shoulder, swallowing. There is no doubt that this thing that it invented may be able to capture Pikachu, but this giant Draconite, it feels... It is completely impossible.

It's just... Meowth glanced at Jessie quietly, and it still felt that compared with this huge Pokémon, Jessie was still more terrifying.

If he spoke up now, under such a steep wall, he might be thrown down by Jessie in the next moment, and then die in the sea.

Thinking of the consequences, Meowth shivered, and then he didn't dare to speak nonsense. "It's approaching, when should we take action?"

Jessie looked at James and Meowth, and asked. She was still very self-aware in this regard, so she let James and Meowth decide.

"That... Jessie, otherwise, let's give up," James said to Jessie cautiously, while Meowth's eyes lit up, and he secretly gave James a thumbs up in his heart.

"Give up?! You told me to give up?! If we give up now, wouldn't all the money we earned from working part-time be wasted?!"

Sure enough, just as Meowth thought, Jessie was furious after hearing what James said. "That's right! James, you're too cowardly, meow!"

Meowth immediately followed Jessie and accused James. "This.....Okay...." James could only sigh, who told them that they were a combination, and he could only risk his life to accompany his companions, trying to catch this huge Pokémon.

"Wait for it to get closer, it's too far away now, and the launcher also has a range!" Meowth suggested to Jessie with a charming smile.

"Hmm...That's right..." Jessie nodded slightly upon hearing this. After a while, the huge Pokémon was very close to the cliff, and the distance between the two was less than 50 meters.

This range was already within the range of the launcher! "Now, Jessie, attack, Meow!" Seeing this, Meowth immediately said to Jessie.

"Don't order me!" Although Jessie said so, she still untied the launcher on her back, put it on her shoulder, aimed at the huge Pokémon, and pulled the trigger!


The fire suddenly appeared, the shells were launched, and in a blink of an eye, they bombarded and exploded on the belly of the huge Pokémon, forming a strong impact!


The huge Pokémon let out a roar of rage; the shell did not cause any damage to it, but it was suddenly attacked, making it enraged!

In fact, it had already discovered that what responded to itself was not the companion it missed, but the audio produced by humans.

But it still came closer, because the sound of this audio was very similar to the voice of its companion in its memory, making it a little nostalgic.

It's just that it didn't expect that when it approached, it would be attacked by someone! The attacker, however, didn't realize it beforehand, so it angrily launched an attack in anger, regardless of how much damage its own attack would cause to the surrounding environment!

"Keep attacking! Keep attacking!"

Jessie was very excited, and she even imagined what rewards she would get after dedicating this Pokémon to the boss.

"Wu, Jessie..." James swallowed. He was more of a smelling salts kind of guy, and it was clear that the attack just now hadn't caused any damage to this huge Pokémon.

Meowth didn't dare to make a sound.

"What?!" Jessie turned her head to look at James, her brows furrowed with impatience. At this moment, the huge Draconite brazenly counterattacked.

With a simple flick of its tail, it split the air, unleashing a violent impact! "What happened?! Why would someone attack Draconite?!"

At the same time, Ash and the others on the lighthouse platform seemed panicked. They hurried to the stairs, realizing that staying there wasn't a good idea!

The three of them didn't doubt Bill because he was as panicked as they were, and he couldn't even believe it. Obviously, he hadn't expected someone to make a sudden move.

While Ash panicked, he also understood what was going on—it was Team Rocket! Now, as Ash was going down the stairs, he felt annoyed because Team Rocket hadn't appeared in front of him for so long that he had forgotten they were following him.

It was unexpected that they would be so bold as to attack this giant Draconite, which seemed very dangerous.

But it was also plausible. In the anime, they were bold, no matter who they faced, what Pokémon they encountered, or even when facing a god, they dared to confront and attack, let alone this huge Draconite that they couldn't handle.

While Ash and the others were running, the huge Draconite's tail had already slammed into the cliff. The violent force instantly disintegrated the cliff wall, causing it to shatter.

Team Rocket was hit hard by the impact and sent flying. "This is such a disgusting feeling!" Jessie let out an unwilling wail in mid-air, but James and Meowth seemed to feel more fortunate.

Fortunately, they weren't hit head-on by the tail of this enormous Pokémon but were only affected by the impact.

They were just sent flying; otherwise, things could have ended badly.

Draconite's attack didn't stop. Although it felt enraged, it still didn't lose its mind. It didn't use any moves to destroy the surroundings but simply used its hands and tail to vent its rage on the cliff wall.

Three punches and two kicks, just an ordinary act of venting, caused the cliff to collapse completely, and the lighthouse on it was also destroyed.

Fortunately, Ash and the others had already escaped from the lighthouse and run down the cliff! "That's too scary..." Seeing the huge Draconite's movements, the four of them felt a lingering fear.

Every move of a Pokémon of this strength could easily cause terrain damage, and this was without even using any moves.

If it were to use its moves... just thinking about the mist hanging over the sea and the beach, they knew how much damage it would cause.

After the cliff collapsed, the giant Draconite seemed to have calmed down a bit, but it still felt that it wasn't enough. It turned its gaze to the four running figures of Ash and his friends.


Adios guys see the auxillary note