Chapter 113 Vermilion City

Vermilion City, a large city located in the middle of the Kanto Region near the southeast estuary, has a huge harbor, and ships connect it to all parts of the world. It is one of the most important cities in the Kanto Region.

Because Vermilion City is close to the sea, in the evening, the whole city and the sea are dyed orange-yellow, just like a piece of Vermilion Normal, hence the name Vermilion City.

At the same time, one of the eight gyms established by the League is also located here. The specialty of the gym is electricity.

Early in the morning, after their morning exercises, Ash and his group finished their breakfast, packed their luggage, and set off for the harbor in Saffron City, where they bought S.S. Tickets for the Vermilion City ship.

The price of an S.S. Ticket was not expensive, especially for those who had Trainer qualifications; they could reduce certain fees. In the end, the cost of an S.S. Ticket for one person was equivalent to the price of a Poké Ball,

That's two hundred dollars.

Boarding the ship and standing on the deck, the sea breeze blowing in front of them was very cool, which made the group, who had never been on a boat, feel a little excited. Pikachu even jumped off Ash's shoulders and ran around on the deck.

After the ship set off, the group's interest reached the highest level. They sat on the deck and didn't go back to the cabin, enjoying the feeling of the sea breeze.

It wasn't until noon that everyone went back to eat in the cabin. In the afternoon, because of the scorching sun, everyone didn't go out, so they stayed in the cabin and waited quietly.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that the ship finally arrived at the port of Vermilion in Vermilion City, and the brightly lit Vermilion City came into view, the shining neon lights showed that this big city was a city that never sleeps.

"It's so prosperous, it's a big city with harbors connecting all over the world!"

Walking on the road, Ash could see that the pedestrians here were not only people from the Kanto Region, but also people from other regions.

Ash didn't know where they came from, but he could tell by looking at their skin color that they were definitely not from the region near the Kanto Region.

"After all, many people from other regions come here by boat. It's not surprising to see so many people from other regions here." Brock rubbed his chin and looked around, showing a strange smile. He found that there were many good-looking women.

Misty naturally discovered this too. Compared with these fashionable and beautiful women, she felt that she was too immature, so she couldn't help but glance at Ash, but she was relieved when she found that Ash didn't look at these women.

Ash really didn't care about these; what he cared more about was what needed to be prepared when he challenged the Vermilion Gym tomorrow.

The Vermilion Gym was an Electric-type Gym, and the Gym Leader was Lt. Surge, a Trainer who specialized in Electric-types and had extraordinary strength. His performance in the anime was a bit unbearable, but in the special comics, he was one of the three Rocket Executives!

He even caught Zapdos!

The challenge rule of the Vermilion Gym was three-on-three; that is to say, Ash needed to send three Pokémon to fight, so Ash was thinking about which three Pokémon to send to fight.

There was no need to think about Squirtle; it was perfectly restrained, and so was Pidgeotto, so he needed to choose three out of the remaining four Pokémon, and Ash's current choices were Pikachu,

Bulbasaur, and Charmander.

Needless to say, Pikachu was Ash's current Trump Card, and Bulbasaur's Grass-type could also offset half of the Electric-type's damage, and Charmander could restrain the Magnemite family with its Steel-type!

 Although I don't know if Lt. Surge will use Pokémon from the Magnemite family, Magnemite is a relatively common Electric- and Steel-type Pokémon, and because of its typing, it has received a lot of praise from the public and Trainers. It should be somewhat likely, so there should be no problem sending Charmander to battle.

When they arrived at the Pokémon Center, Ash, Misty, and Brock did not register for a dormitory first, but they called their families together to report that they were safe and to find out about the situation at home.

Brock and Ash were okay; their family members were understanding. But Misty seemed a little upset because her three sisters were still teasing her as always, even though the misunderstanding between them had been resolved. It hadn't changed.

But Misty also knew that her three sisters had no ill intentions, and she didn't care after a while.

It was late, and the three of them simply had dinner in the restaurant and then went back to their respective dormitories to rest. Early the next morning, Ash woke up early and went to the battlefield outside the Pokémon Center for his usual morning exercise. Of course, the focus was on the three Pokémon that needed to battle, and he also explained his thoughts to them. Squirtle, Pidgeotto, and Beedrill had no objections.


On the other hand, Bulbasaur and Charmander seemed a little excited. This was Ash's first gym battle after they recovered, so they would inevitably feel a little nervous.

"Relax, you are already very strong. As long as you play steadily, you will never lose... After all, I am behind you!" Ash reassured the two nervous Pokémon.

"Pika, Pika!" Pikachu also comforted his two younger brothers.



After taking turns comforting Bulbasaur and Charmander, their emotions finally gradually calmed down. Although they were still nervous, they also regarded this gym challenge as an ordinary battle.


After breakfast, the group left the Pokémon Center and went to the Vermilion Gym.

The Vermilion Gym was located in the southwest corner of Vermilion City. It wasn't far from the Pokémon Center, and the popularity of this place was far greater than what Ash saw outside the Pewter and Cerulean Gyms.

The Gym had not yet opened, but there were already many people gathered outside. In addition to the Trainers who came to challenge the Gym, there were also students who came here to study, and there were Trainers from other regions who wanted to watch the Gym challenges.

"There are so many people..." Misty looked at these people enviously. It was conservatively estimated that there were at least a hundred people waiting for the doors to open. After the doors opened, even more would come.

"In the future, the Cerulean Gym will definitely surpass the Vermilion Gym!" Ash said affirmatively. He had confidence in Misty, and he also remembered seeing in the anime how luxurious the new Cerulean Gym was. From this, one could see how profitable the Cerulean Gym was at that time.

"Yes! I will!" Misty clenched her fists tightly. The prosperity of the Vermilion Gym let her know that she still had a long way to go in the future. She would definitely make the Cerulean Gym the most popular gym!

After a while, the door of the gym opened, and people divided into two rows and began to enter the gym. Ash stood in the challenger's queue, with thirteen Trainers in front of him.

