Chapter 116: Furious Lt. Surge

"How is it possible, how is it possible, how is it possible!" Lt. Surge expressed his bewilderment and rage with three "how is it possible". He was actually overwhelmed by a Trainer whom he despised!

At this time, Lt. Surge finally figured out how his Electrode fell into a sleep status. Bulbasaur used Vine Whip to jump into the air, in addition to dodging the attack, it also wanted to use the advantage of the high altitude to use Sleep Powder so that Sleep Powder's attack would have a certain delay!

Since Leech Seed, he had fallen into the trap woven by this kid. Leech Seed was just to test his speed. After knowing that Electrode's speed could easily avoid Leech Seed, he resorted to Razor Leaf.

Because he underestimated the opponent, he exposed the move Sonic Boom. After the power of Sonic Boom shook the Razor Leaf away, the opponent formulated the next strategy.

Use Vine Whip to get into the air to dodge attacks, not only to avoid the Sonic Boom's attack but also to use this to hide your true intentions, and then use Sleep Powder to attack.

He used Sonic Boom to deal with it, shake off the Sleep Powder, and made himself think that Sleep Powder had no effect on Electrode, thus ignoring that Sleep Powder's speed was not fast, it scattered from the air, and it was slower than the normal speed of moving forward from the ground.

Then, after flying into the air again to avoid the attack of Sonic Boom, Sleep Powder was used again.

This time the height was higher, and the Sleep Powder that fell down was later.

The Sonic Boom he used at this time shook off only the second Sleep Powder and the rest of the first Sleep Powder!

"Is this really a tactic that a child can come up with?!" Lt. Surge looked at Ash in awe. The tactic was interlocking and took advantage of his own weakness. …

"Cheer up! Electrode!" If it was a normal battle, Lt. Surge would immediately take back his Electrode at this time, but this was a gym challenge, so he had to keep Electrode on the battlefield.

Electrode didn't move, or rather, it was sleeping soundly. Even Leech Seed absorbing energy and the pain of Bulbasaur's Vine Whip attack only made it frown slightly, but after turning over casually, it continued to fall asleep.

Ash kept making Bulbasaur attack, every time without reservation, and with the absorption effect of Leech Seed, Bulbasaur's physical strength was not consumed much!

Until the last blow, Bulbasaur slammed Electrode out of the battlefield. Electrode was still asleep and lost the ability to fight.

"Electrode couldn't continue to fight; Bulbasaur won the victory!" The referee was also amazed by the tactics of Ash and Bulbasaur. It was really amazing. He had seen so many gym challenges, and this was one of the most brilliant battles he had ever seen.

"That's amazing! Ash! Bulbasaur!" In the audience, Misty jumped up and shouted at Ash and Bulbasaur.

Ash didn't reply but just waved to Misty to show that he heard it.

The audience also talked a lot, and some people who didn't understand suddenly realized after listening to the analysis of some trainers next to him and looked at Ash with surprise.

"Come back, Electrode!" Lt. Surge withdrew Electrode fiercely, and his eyes on Ash and Bulbasaur became fiercer and fiercer. He couldn't accept that he was defeated by such a kid and a Bulbasaur that didn't evolve, even if he was amazed by the opponent's tactics!

"Next, I won't be so careless again! Magneton, destroy the other!" Lt. Surge threw another Poké Ball and sent out his second Pokémon, Magneton!

Magneton is the evolution form of Magnemite. Its appearance is like a combination of three Magnemites. Each of them looks similar to Magnemite, but the position of the Magnet has changed. The two Magnets below extend forward as its hands. There are only two screws on the two Magnemites below.


Attribute: electricity, steel

Category: Magnet Pokémon

Ability: Magnetic or Sturdy; Hidden Ability: Analytic

Analytic: If the Pokémon with this Ability acts after the opponent, the power of the move will be increased by 30%

Strength: Elite

"Analytic Ability... Fortunately, it's not the Magnet Ability..." Ash's eyes narrowed slightly. The system's data interface was so easy to use; he could know the opponent's Ability immediately without probing.

If it was a Magnet Ability, then except for Ghost-type Pokémon, it could not be separated from the battle status, and it could not escape or be retracted into the Poké Ball.

"Come back, Bulbasaur, thanks for your hard work!" Ash took Bulbasaur back without hesitation. Bulbasaur was a bit disadvantageous against the Steel-type Magneton, and his prediction yesterday was also correct; as expected, Charmander was needed!

"Charmander, it's up to you!" Ash threw another Poké Ball, sending Charmander to battle.

A small orange lizard appeared on the battlefield, the flames on its tail were soaring, showing that it was very excited now, and sparks spit up from time to time from its slightly opened mouth.

"It's a Pokémon that hasn't evolved yet, and it's such a weak Pokémon again! Damn it! How much do you want to underestimate me!" Lt. Surge was furious when he saw Charmander, and roared at Ash. What he hates the most is seeing these Pokémon that haven't evolved!

"Magneton, use Tri Attack!" Lt. Surge, dominated by rage, seemed to have lost his composure, and immediately issued an order to his Magneton.

"Magneton!" Magneton let out a sound like mechanical synthesis, and white electromagnetics emerged from the upper, left, and right corners, and then golden lightning, light blue ice, and orange-red flames appeared in the three corners respectively!

Tri Attack is a Normal-type move, and the damage it causes is also Normal-type damage, but it has a special additional effect, that is, there is a chance that the target will fall into a burn, freeze, or paralysis status condition.

Tri Attack shot out and directly hit Charmander. The speed was extremely fast, and even the faint air waves appearing around it could be seen with the naked eye. It looked extraordinary!

"Charmander, use Smokescreen, and then dodge the attack!" Ash's face also changed slightly; the power of the opponent's attack, worthy of being an elite-level Pokémon, was beyond comparison.

"Char!" Charmander opened its mouth and spit out a large amount of black smoke. The smoke spread out, covering itself, and at the same time, it moved in the smoke.

Tri Attack passed through the smoke, scattering it slightly, but failed to hit Charmander, and these vacant places that were dispelled were quickly filled by the surrounding smoke.

Suddenly, Magneton and Lt. Surge lost track of Charmander!


Sayo nara