"So... we're not allowed to visit the Slowpoke Well?" Misty asked, disappointment evident in her voice. She had been looking forward to exploring the famed site.
"Absolutely not!" the farmer replied firmly, shaking his head. "The well is off-limits to everyone except its administrator, Mr. Kurt, unless it's one of the rare open days."
"Wait a minute," Ash interjected, his tone laced with surprise. "Did you just say Mr. Kurt, the famous Poké Ball craftsman?"
The farmer nodded with a hint of pride. "That's right. Have you heard of him? Kurt's skills are known far and wide."
"Of course, we've heard of him!" Misty said excitedly. "We actually came to Azalea Town hoping to meet him."
"Even if that's the case, it won't grant you access to the Slowpoke Well," the farmer said with a shrug. "But I can give you his address. It's not a secret."
The farmer shared Kurt's location, though he seemed doubtful about their chances of being received. Regardless, the trio thanked him and continued toward Azalea Town.
Azalea Town itself wasn't far, and after about half an hour of walking, Ash, Misty, and Brock finally arrived.
The streets were eerily quiet, with only a handful of people braving the sweltering heat. Most residents seemed to prefer staying indoors.
Their first stop was the Pokémon Center, where they checked in and took a brief rest to recover from their journey. Once refreshed, they headed toward Kurt's home, located on the northern edge of town.
Kurt's residence was impressive. It occupied a large plot at the base of a hill, surrounded by trees bearing Apricorns—a type of fruit essential for crafting custom Poké Balls.
Each color of Apricorn produced a unique type of ball; for instance, Red Apricorns were used to make Level Balls, while Yellow Apricorns could be forged into Moon Balls and other varieties.
"This has to be it," Brock said as they stopped before a large wooden gate. The yard was surrounded by a high wall, obscuring any view of the interior.
"Doesn't look like there's a doorbell," Misty noted, glancing around.
Ash stepped forward. "Excuse me! Is anyone home?" he called out.
After a few moments, the gate creaked open, revealing a young girl, no more than eight or nine years old. She peeked through the gap curiously, her gaze lingering on Pikachu.
"Hello," Ash greeted warmly. "Is this Mr. Kurt's home?"
"Yes," the girl replied, her eyes lighting up at Pikachu's cheerful squeak. "What do you want with my grandpa?"
"We were sent by Professor Oak," Ash explained. "He asked us to deliver something to Mr. Kurt."
The girl's expression turned thoughtful as she considered their words. "Grandpa isn't home right now," she said after a pause.
"He went to the Slowpoke Well to check on something. He should be back by four o'clock."
Ash checked his watch—it was half past two. "Alright, we'll come back later. Thank you!"
As they turned to leave, an elderly man appeared in the distance, walking toward them. His expression softened into a smile as the young girl spotted him.
"Grandpa!" she called, waving enthusiastically.
Ash and his friends paused, exchanging glances. It was easy to guess that this was Kurt himself.
The old man approached, his white hair neatly combed despite the heat. His sharp eyes scanned the group, pausing on Pikachu. A spark of recognition lit up his face.
"Grandpa," the girl said, tugging on his sleeve, "they're here on behalf of Professor Oak!"
Kurt chuckled warmly. "Ah, Professor Oak mentioned you might stop by." Turning to Ash, he smiled knowingly. "And you must be Ash Ketchum. It's an honor to meet the rising star of the Kanto region."
Ash blinked, taken aback. "You've heard of me?"
"Who hasn't?" Kurt replied with a laugh. "The Kanto League supernova? Your name's on everyone's lips these days. Oak spoke highly of you as well."
Ash rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Thank you. But... it seems like you're dealing with something important right now."
Kurt's expression turned serious. "Yes, I am. It's about the Slowpoke Well."
Hearing this, Misty leaned in. "What's wrong with the well? Can we help?"
Kurt hesitated before nodding. "Perhaps. The Slowpokes have been acting strangely. They've grown lethargic, refusing to leave the well to perform their Rain Dance. Without their help, the drought will only worsen."
"Becoming lethargic? That's unusual," Brock mused, crossing his arms. "I've read about Slowpoke from Professor Oak. I might have an idea about what's causing this."
"You do?" Kurt asked, his interest piqued.
Brock nodded. "It could be environmental, dietary, or even something affecting their habitat directly. I'd need to observe them to know for sure."
"Well, as the well's administrator, I can grant you access," Kurt said. "Follow me, and I'll explain the situation along the way."
With that, the group set off toward the Slowpoke Well, ready to uncover the mystery behind the strange behavior of Azalea Town's beloved Pokémon.
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